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Everything posted by Devil4Life33

  1. It seemed like he was going through the motions tonight. Didn't get into his defensive stance unless his man had the ball and that hurt him being able to help from the weekside on a few occasions. There was also a play in the first half when he came down and turned it over, jogged back on defense, and then stood back at least 6 ft from his man who had a clear view of the post to throw a lob pass for 2. There was a time when he was knocked to the ground and 2 of his teammates came over to help him up and he didn't even look at them. His play and court demeanor have been really frustrating to watch lately and I think he needs a heavy dose of the bench.
  2. Great post! Those calls really stuck out to me too, just horrible. I have to give credit to Foster on keeping his composure after being the victim of a couple of those terrible calls.
  3. I'll be there for the first one, but have to get out before the 2nd game starts unfortunately.
  4. I don't see how anyone could dislike this guy. He doesn't get in any kind of trouble off the field and make plays on the field. He has done a great job in marketing himself as to try and continue to keep the money flowing long afer he retires and I can't fault him for that. Not to take anything away from his career thus far, but I would challenge you to find another athlete that has gained so much notority with so little accomplishments while playing in such a small market. As far as the arguement that he is puting himself above the team, it's the off-season!!!!!!!!!!!! I will guarantee that he will come into training camp in better shape than 90% of the players in the whole league. And, in case you haven't noticed, there is an element of "look at me" in almost every great receiver. They may all not be as much a "diva" as Chad, but that is the "look at me" position far and away compared to the others.
  5. I would love to see this starting lineup, even if you have Krebs take a foul immediately to put the real starters in because there is no guarantee Krebs/Stevenson/Harris will get a chance to play later.
  6. Ppat is probably my favorite player since Chuck Hayes because of his work ethic and overall team first attitude. The way he has stepped back from being the go to guy shows the great character that he has. Even the fact that he is basically making his intentions known, IMO (entering the draft) is another example of a high character move. being up-front and honest is something you rarely see from someone of his profile, not saying that other high profile players lie or act deceitfully, but more elusive. He is a special player and will be a great ambassador for University of Kentucky Basketball. I would love to see him get drafted by Memphis to play with Mayo again on an up and coming team. Also, I may be in the minority, but I would like to see Michael Porter get some recognition too. He was put in a role that he wasn't talented enough to have and took a ton of heat for his play, but he always played hard and never complained. I think there were a few people that held this same opinion when we found out he wouldn't be coming back, IMO it would be a great gesture by Coach Cal and the University.
  7. Congrats to PC! Good luck on a good showing in the regions! I guess this means another week of playing without one of their asst. coaches in our men's league :lol::lol: but I'm sure that's a pretty good trade off for him.
  8. I don't know the situation, but I would hope that Coach Menifee is still around next year. I know they had a rough year this year, but those kids played very hard for him in the games I saw. IMO, it would be a big mistake to get rid of a coach with that kind of passion before he really gets a chance.
  9. Picked by whom? Who picks the pre-season favorites?
  10. I know this game is old news, but I just got access again... Cruse wasn't a factor at all in the 2nd game so I really don't think your argument holds any water. The biggest difference from games 1 and 2 was Beechwood's shooting. In the 1st game they couldn't hit an outside shot and in the 2nd game they couldn't miss one.
  11. I was amazed when I saw the A10 RPI's at the end of that Florida/Xavier game the other night. They SHOULD get more teams to the dance than the Pac 10, SEC, and ACC, but we'll see
  12. I strongly disagree with mentioning Nova anywhere in this thread. IMO they are scary good. Their guard play could carry them all the way to the NC. The only thing this team lacks is size and they have done pretty darn good w/o it to this point.
  13. I would say Mich St. could be put into this category. They have been beat by a couple of the teams mentioned as over rated in this thread (UNC and Texas), an underachieving Florida team, and the top 3 teams in their conference (Wisconsin, Illinois, and Purdue(Purdue at home)). They have yet to beat anyone relevant on the road or at a neutral site yet they have been ranked in the top 12 all year. I am a big Tom Izzo fan and usually love his teams, but it seems that they usually succeed when expectations aren't very high (besides the 2000 championship). I don't see them getting out of the first weekend of the tournament.
  14. Eastin got his earlier this year, against Lloyd.
  15. you missed Brandon Knight put on a show, hope the Cats get him. Knight had 48 I think, and Rivers scored 41
  16. Apparently there are a few more people that agree with you guys as it was announced at last night's game that Coach Dilts will be inducted in the No.Ky Sports Hall of Fame in a couple weeks for his 30+ years of coaching at Dayton Congrats to Coach Dilts for receiving such an honor!
  17. I understand that they are very deep, but none of them are the load that Grubbs is. Height is one thing but the sheer girth of Grubbs makes him a nightmare to have to guard or step in front of-one of the guys on the New Cath team found that out the hard way taking a charge and receiving a concussion at the same time. I'm not taking anything away from the other front court players for the Birds, but Grubbs is an absolute beast.
  18. I'm simply saying that w/o Grubbs Dayton would have a better chance. Highlands is not the only senior laden team in the district, in fact Dayton, Highlands, and Newport are all senior laden, so I'm sure they will all leave everything on the floor come tourney time. I understand that Dayton has to play mistake free to beat any of those teams, but the adverse is also true: none of those teams can sleep on the Greendevils, if they overlook them they could be in trouble.
  19. I totally agree on this as of right now, but I can tell you that Dayton will be looking to make some noise in the district no matter the draw. With the loss of Grubbs for Highlands, I think it opens the district up a little more.
  20. The first Newport game was MUCH closer than the final score would suggest, it was a back and forth 2 point game the whole way until late in the 4th and Newport hit all of their free throws. The 2nd game was not such a good game by the Greendevils. As far as the South Oldham game, there's not much I can say about that. That was the absolute worst game I have EVER seen this team play-no energy at all. It could have had something to do with playing a late morning game on Christmas break, but IDK.
  21. I just think that they would make a good game out of it for all but about 3-4 teams. Just my opinion. Did I say they could beat everyone in the region? No. They play to the level of their competition on most nights (be it a good or bad team), and have had their opportunities to win every game except for 2 (2nd Newport game and South Oldham). I understand that they haven't played the toughest of the tough, but I just KNOW that this senior class will not go down without a fight against anyone no matter the caliber of opponent. I have faith in these kids and maybe sometimes that faith is blind, but this is simply my opinion and nothing else.
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