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Everything posted by Devil4Life33

  1. I understand the fact that St. Henry was without a couple guys, but this game could have easily went the Greendevils' way. They ran into some horrible luck, especially late. 2 deflected passes fell right into the hands of a St. Henry player for the layup down the stretch, the kinds of bounces you just can't explain. St. Henry also got every possible good roll and #13 had several shots that bounced 2 or 3 times on the rim before going in. Both teams played very hard on both ends of the floor and it's a shame someone had to lose. With these teams playing the exact same players I would say if they played 10 times they would split right down the middle. It was a pretty evenly matched game. The best thing about this game for the Greendevils is that they were not satisfied with a close loss and EXPECTED to win this game. There will always be doubters but I don't believe that there are many teams in the region that would blow the Greendevils out. With a lot of people talking about Newport in the top 2-3 in the region and Dayton gave them everything they could handle in the first game they played and I believe they could play with just about anybody.
  2. I think we need to give Coffman a little more time before he is labeled a bust. He was an absolute stud at Missouri and caught everything thrown his way. He had a very bad foot injury in his senior season and never really recovered from it last year. Everyone was thinking that all the extra reps he got in camp after Kelly and Utech went down were going to help him come along faster, but in the end it probably contributed to this wasted season as he never got fully healthy. I woud venture to say that it is awfully hard to block with a hurt foot, or any part of the lower body for that matter, because that is where your strength comes from. I think Coffman will become a solid player and if Kelly comes back fully healthy maybe he can contribute next year on passing downs.
  3. Doesn't he play an awful lot on special teams? I know that he is at least on their hands team. Shoot, if Clark were to go down, Peyton would probably turn Tamme into the next big thing in only one game haha
  4. #22 is Luther, not Slusher-probably the most athletic player I've seen this year
  5. If he continues to shoot the ball like he has been lately, he's almost unstoppable. He was a good choice for MOP of the tournament.
  6. Absolutely amazing shot by Pangallo, I couldn't help but think that he was going to hit a 3 at the end to give New Cath the lead, kid is a big time player
  7. Congratulations to Newport on the big win, it's great to see a public school finally win this thing! Everyone was talking about the big block that Foster had in the 1st half, unfortunately I didn't make it until half time, so thanks for the nice pic panda! If that was the key play in the 1st half, I believe he had the key play in the 2nd half also. When Newport went down 32-35 he hit a big 3 to tie it just when they looked like they were starting to get rattled. But if I had to pick an MVP for this game, I would have to agree with JB and say Cody Collins. He was the calming force for Newport everytime things got a little hectic, hit some big free throws, and above all, kept Geisler from being much of a factor on the offensive end for New Cath. To be such an intense, hard played game it was surprisingly very clean with very few fouls until New Cath needed to extend the game. Any game of this caliber where you don't really notice the officials means they did one hell of a job. New Cath's student section was awesome, especially the teacher that came out and lead a cheer for them-classic. But nothing beats that scene at the end seeing the excitement on all the players, coaches, students, and parents for Newport when the game ended. Good luck to the Wildcats down in Richmond, hopefully they can bring another title back to the 9th Region.
  8. I think you're right but not if they play like they did tonight... The game should have never been as close as it was, and that is no knock on Beechwood. Beechwood played very hard and hit some big shots down the stretch. Nussbaum muscled his way into the paint for buckets quite a few times in the second half, he should have a great career, already a great defender. Newport missed a boat load of bunnies in this game. Their offesnse was very stale, no movement for the most part, poor spacing and even though McDaniel was the best player on the floor there were long stretches where he didn't touch the ball (One of the few touches he got in the post he scored on 3 players). On defense there were a few matchups that IMO should have been switched and there were many times when players lost their man. Maybe the Wildcats were looking ahead to Saturday night, but they had to fight to hang onto this one. In the end, a win is a win and they have a shot at the championship tomorrow night. If they play to their potential they could very conceivably make a deep run in Richmond, we'll see if they'll get their chance tomorrow, should be a good game.
  9. If Newport wins the 9th Region All A will they finally crack the top 20? Highlands is at 17 and Newport beat them by 20 earlier this year. I haven't seen many teams outside on NKY this year, but I can't imagine Newport not deserving to be on this list.
  10. I agree with Vandy. Having to coach a freshman heavy team from the end line is going to be a challenge
  11. Dayton played mostly zone, but when they went man Turner and Simons guarded him a few possessions each and I also believe that Thornton guarded him for a possession or 2. He had all his 3's against the zone and had some more transistion buckets. Against the man to man he got into the paint a few times and set up his teammates.
  12. If you would have been there for the first matchup, this score may have been a slight surprise, but there is no doubt that Newport's athleticism was too much for Dayton last night. Newport has definitely improved since the first meeting between the 2 teams. In the first matchup Newport didn't move the ball as well and they didn't shoot as well resulting in a 2-4 point game for most of the contest. This time they played great team ball and shot the ball very well. Foster did whatever he wanted last night hitting at least 4 3's including a 4 point play. When he wasn't hitting 3's he was penetrating into the lane and creating shots for his teammates. He was the difference in this game, IMO. I also really like the way McDaniel plays the game-he plays hard but always keeps his emotions in check which makes it hard not to root for him. If depth doesn't become an issue, Newport has a great chance of finally breaking the public school drout in the 9th Region All-A, IMO. I have heard that Tucker may be back on the team soon, if that is true, he only makes this team a deeper, scarier team to play.
  13. The small school tournament is at Lloyd on Feb 13th. There are 6 teams participating: Lloyd Villa Madonna Bellevue Newport Dayton Calvary (since they don't have a freshman team this year I'm not sure who will take their place. Maybe Ludlow?)
  14. No one should ever be called a racial slur regardless of any situation, but again you are commenting on something you "heard" but did not witness or actually hear. I do have a question though? Is "white trailor trash" considered a racial slur? Just wondering what the consensis is on that. That is not the statement in question though for those of you wondering.
  15. I guess they learned that lesson the hard way. I'm sure no one on either team or in the stands will ever forget that the game isn't necessarily over when the buzzer sounds.
  16. Both coming off of wins against Boone, but I'll have to take the Wildcats in this one. They seem to be playing very well as a team this year and look to have something to prove. Newport 67 St. Henry 59
  17. I know they are paying him too much to play G, but when he played there this season he was planting D tackles 10 yards downfield.
  18. If no one wants to comment on the actual game this thread should probably be closed. With so many people commenting on a situation that they were, more than likely, not a part of it will just continue to be the he said/she said stuff. Not to mention that the incident being talked about was during a JV game. Whatever did or did not happen will surely be hashed out with the parties involved and the proper school administrators and it should be left at that. It is pretty clear that every athlete from Beechwood is an angel and all of their coaches and administration would and could never hurt a fly All that this chatter on here is doing is taking away from a great win by the Dayton VARSITY basketball team. A win that they have been working extremely hard to get and one that deserves to be celebrated. It doesn't surprise me that the Beechwood faithful wouldn't want to talk about the loss, but there are a handful that are quick to post on the other Greendevil threads downplaying any win they get and saying how the conference title is not a given for the Greendevils. (same people that said Beechwood deserved NKY top 10 consideration after losing to Holmes by 15 :sssh:) The conference is still up for grabs, but the Grendevils just took a huge leap towards being the favorite. ...so how about talking basketball?
  19. I can assure you that there are two sides to this story and the truth is more than likely somewhere in between. I have heard a little different version, of course. Maybe you were one of the parties involved, but if you weren't then you don't know what the truth is I do know that Dayton has that part of the game on tape and the tape never lies. As far as punishment goes, not really sure how the AD recieved a tech but no foul shots were shot :confused: and any punishment other than that would be off of total hearsay (one story against another), with no actual ejections taking place I just don't see anything else coming from this.
  20. I really like Bobby Williams, but I would be pretty happy with a line that looked like this LT Wit LG Mathis C Cook RG A.Smith RT Roland Collins on a rotation and maybe flip flop Mathis and Andre Smith
  21. That's pretty much correct except they didn't get to take it out. They got the rebound off of his missed free throw on the 1 and 1 and couldn't get the shot off will 3 ticks.
  22. Dear Mike Brown, What kind of self respecting man wears a short sleeve button-up shirt with a tie? (Hard Knocks) The only thing I could say not to get me kicked off
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