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Everything posted by Devil4Life33

  1. Good win by Bellevue. They did pretty much dominate, but Bellvue didn't take all of their starters out until late, whereas all of Dayton's starters were fouled out by the 4 min mark in the 4th so that is a little misleading. They also didn't drop into that zone until very late into the 4th quarter. The game was played even in the 2nd half after Bellevue lead 52-26 at half time. How about talking about the good things that Bellevue did last night? That is the real story, not any of this other nonsense. Good all around team effort by the Tigers, hopefully Dayton will be much improved the next time these teams meet.
  2. 7-Ballard 5-Iroquois 3-Gallatin Co 2-Nelson Co 1-Fort Knox TB Ballard
  3. I can't figure the NCAA out. How in the world is Renardo Sidney eligible? And how did Dee Bost get ruled eligible after they implemented the Randolph Morris rule? It just seems they do whatever they want and no one can stop them. Maybe we need a congressional hearing on the Enes appeal haha
  4. The organization that a coach works for determines a lot. Thats why I would go with Parcells, because he basically built his teams from scratch each time and took players to fit HIS schemes. Tomlin had the great fortune of following a great Coach in a great organization that was already established as an organization with an identity. I could never vote for Belichek because he has not won a Super Bowl since he was caught cheating, nor has he been deep in the playoffs. No one can tell how much of his success was legit. Yes, he's put together GOOD teams since then, but not GREAT.
  5. Did you see him get called for the foul in the first half when he muscled Howard out of the lane? Im almost positive it was him, who got stuck on Howard after a switch and muscled him out entirely with his lower body. The game is definitely not too big for this kid, loved seeing him in there and playing well.
  6. Atlanta Baltimore Houston Detroit Cincy TB Cincy
  7. I hope Coffman makes it to the practice squad.
  8. Especially for David Jones, he's a better tackling corner than Nelson is at safety....
  9. I have rode Gore to the championship a few times in his career and his line is better, also his backup just retired...before he hurt his ankle last year he was on pace to be top 3 so if he stays healthy i think you made a great choice
  10. No one should be discounting Pitt, but the same thing was said last year before the Denver game, which we all know the Bengals lost in brutal fashion, yet they bounced back pretty good. They dealt with the death of Mrs. Zimmer and Chris Henry and were still able to win the division so don't discount this team's resiliency
  11. :thumb: I agree 100%, that is why he is my new favorite player and the Thunder are now my favorite team.
  12. I'm not a fan of the new format. Looks like it is on the verge of being watered down just like college football bowl season. I'm not sure what the problem is with the current format? Seemed to be working great to me, produced some of the most exciting basketball I've ever seen.
  13. Nix can play center in theory, but I would be disappointed if Dusty ever put him out there. He has a hard enough time in left IMO.
  14. If they can put Paul with 2 big time scorers in a D'antoni system it would be scary. Throw the scoring records out the window if this ever comes to fruition.
  15. I was thinking this too. What are the chances he makes the Magic roster?
  16. I feel your pain (literally) I'm at least 300 votes in today, I'll try to muster up a few more, but I've moved on to having my parents vote at their house with both the laptop and pc. I think going against Billy Wagner will be tough even if Braves fans don't really care.
  17. The fact that people with no dog in the fight will go out of there way to tell you that you are not on top must mean that they are close :lol::lol::lol: Haters don't come out to hate on the bottom of the pack.
  18. Maybe that RBI will help Gomes get going again, huge run for the Reds and Wood
  19. I think so too. Going back home with a roster that is already built nicely. Any of these other scenarios involve a whole lot more variables when it comes to 4-12 spots on the roster.
  20. Totally agree with everything you said except calling Bosh CB4, there is only one CB4 and he's my avitar, anything less would be uncivilized
  21. Wouldn't be a bad move IMO, but I wouldn't go anywhere near that if I were Paul Pierce. There would be little chance of winning anything there if 2-3 other Eastern Conference teams load up. If I were the Bulls and struck out, I would do my best to follow the Thunder model and be very frugal with my money.
  22. They really painted themselves into a corner if they can't sign a big time guy. The only saving grace would be the ability to sign 4-5 2nd or 3rd tier guys, if they are left when the dust settles.
  23. You think there is any chance that Orlando swings the sign and trade with Toronto? I think they have the pieces to pull it off and VC could end it where is all started.
  24. There goes the Nets plan B If Johnson and Gay resign is it possible the Nets and Knicks could both strike out? That would be an epic fail. I have more faith in the Nets than Knicks, that's for sure.
  25. No, not really saying that. Is the NBA filling the seats along with having good tv ratings now? I'm pretty sure that is not happening. I'm not sure that you will have both either way in most markets, if it is possible then I would be all for it. But IMO, 2 mediocre teams playing is never going to draw the fans or tv rating of a matchup that includes a powerhouse and a cellar dweller, you will not get the casual fan to care about those sort of matchups no matter what. All I am saying is that in the end it is about the all mighty dollar. A more top heavy league will make more money because it will pull more of the casual fan into the sport to watch these great teams. Revert back to the posts regarding the NBA in the 80's and during the Bulls' run(s) in the 90's when the league was at it's best. It wasn't about competition, it was about putting a good product on the floor, no one cared who the Lakers or Bulls were playing because they weren't watching for the other team. Do the Globetrotters ever lose? Are they still the most popular basketball team in the world? Do you ever remember a team or player that they have played against? The NBA is run off of pure star power and nothing else, put a group of stars in one place and people will watch/go to games/buy merchandise, not just people, but people who otherwise wouldn't do those things. How many casual sports fans do you know or interact with that are "fans" of the Lakers, Cowboys, Steelers, Yankees, or Redsox? Is it because they win competetive games or simply because they win? I don't totally disagree with what you are saying because I would much rather see a competetive league, but the NBA already has me hooked so they need not worry about getting my money. It's the chumps that don't know the elbow from their elbow that this will hook and that is where the money is.
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