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Everything posted by PureFan

  1. The best job would be having enough money to not have one, and then being able to do what you loved just for fun!
  2. I rarely agree with Hoot but he is on target about this one!
  3. Then has the coaching decision been made? I thought the one was contingent upon the other...?
  4. Rister allegedly enrolled in Raceland today. Anyone have confirmation?
  5. Whopper! And now after reading this I am starving. Some of my other favorites include: Sonic #2 with cheese, Whitecastle's and the cheeseburger basket you used to be able to get at Lowes in Greenup, before they closed down.
  6. Prayers for these families and this community coming from Greenup County.
  7. I have always liked Jon Gruden. I wonder how soon he will be snapped up?
  8. :idunno: Oops, perhaps in my excitement I was a bit insensitive to Coach Sammons. I am looking forward to the selection of the new Coach and an opportunity to move forward at Greenup County. I don't believe in a magic answer. I realize it will take all of us, every Greenup County Fan, making the committment to support the new coach 100%, working together to support the team, showing up, volunteering, doing what it takes to make Greenup County the best it can be.
  9. PureFan


    Great show! Loved the twist with Chloe and the "underground CTU." The show has also brought up another healthy discussion about the use of torture when dealing with terrorists, I love to see the FBI lady so conflicted!
  10. Great! I am ready for football! The Banquet for last season is Sunday, Jan. 25 at 2pm. This would be a great time to meet the new coach.
  11. You are right on about this! Who doesn't have something in their past that they wouldn't want the world to know? Is cheating on their taxes worse than politicians cheating on their wives?
  12. Christianity is a monotheistic religion also! Wikepedia also goes on to say: "Muslims believe that God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, God's final prophet, through the angel Gabriel, and regard the Qur'an and the Sunnah (words and deeds of Muhammad) as the fundamental sources of Islam.[5] They do not regard Muhammad as the founder of a new religion, but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets." I consider myself a Christian, but also believe that God has made paths for other people.
  13. They might not give the reason to the media in order to protect the children. I don't believe children were removed from a home, just because of their names. There would have to be a abuse/neglect involved.
  14. :thumb: Sometimes parents/fans don't see the bigger picture. Talent isn't everything, attitude is a major part of team sports and one of the biggest areas of opportunity for Greenup County. Sometimes kids with talent start to feel "entitled" (especially their parents) to certain positions or playing time. Now, I am not saying this is the situation with Craft, just that I have seen it happen alot. We don't know the whole picture.
  15. The original timeline was to have someone selected by the Board meeting. (which is a week from Monday) They are getting close.
  16. They are lifting in 7th period also. I know that some of the routines outlined by the strength coach are now being used during the weightlifting class. Besides transportation issues, one of the problems is that weightlifting for football is not really handled as a "team". Some boys stay, some work out during class, some are in other sports, others have jobs after school, and some just don't put in any effort at all. Greenup really needs some leadership and some organization getting the boys working together in the off season. Transportation would be a huge benefit...but having opportuntities to lift after school on other days (besides the M, W, Fri.) would also be a benefit.
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