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Everything posted by PureFan

  1. My goodness! Greenup raises 6 or 7 thousand and spends about all they make. Six figures??? Seriously?
  2. The last update I had was that this issue is on the desks of the middle school principals. They are supposed to be determining the size and makeup of a committee (number of parents, coaches, etc.) to represent each school and work together to come up with a feasibility plan. I thought this was coming back to the BOE at its Feb. meeting.
  3. The boys all love him and he is great to work with...downside would be having a son on the team and the flack he might catch from parents.
  4. Great pictures! Thanks everyone for sharing.
  5. Johnny Cash's 'My mothers' hymn book" is an awesome CD and some of the best christian music around...definately not contemporary!
  6. This was a very touching story. What a great coach!
  7. For the last few years we just hang at the house or a neighbors. Getting to old, I guess!
  8. The idea of combining the middle school football teams was presented to the Board of Ed last night. The idea was well received. A committee will soon be established to do a feasibility study, outlining how this can be accomplished. The committee will then present their findings to the Board. There were alot of supporters at the Board meeting. It was good to see folks from both ends of the county, working together to improve Greenup County Football.
  9. :thumb: Nothing wrong at all with an open and respectful discussion of the issues...Isn't that why we enjoy posting in this forum?
  10. Well said! The focus should be on the team, not on any individual. There are many boys who have/and will play, regardless of who the coach is, just because they love football and want to play! I hope everyone turns out for the Board meeting, to show their support for the Musketeers!
  11. Greenup County selections included Zach Smith (receiver), Joe Bob Greenslate (linebacker) and Eric Craft (punter). Honorable Mentions David Berry, Derick Caudill, Cody Dillow, Mike Grubb, Brian Grayson, Drew Hannah, Corey Lyle, Frank Sanders, Zach Sexton, and Terry Waugh Congratulations to these Musketeers!
  12. Another special season for Johnson Central football is reflected on the 2008 Large School All-Area Team. The Golden Eagles landed 11 players on the squad selected by area Class 4A and 5A coaches. Additionally, Johnson Central had the top vote-getters for Player of the Year (Chase Richardson) and Coach of the Year (Jim Matney). http://www.dailyindependent.com/localsports/local_story_355230907.html Congrats to all the players!
  13. :thumb: I agree, are we talking "getting a college scholarship" to play football? or getting recruited, selected, and signed to a Division 1 school?
  14. The BIG difference is...we are not Jesus. Where does it say Jesus took "whips" to the moneychangers in the temple? In the several different versions I have of the bible...he overturned their tables and said that his house should be a place of prayer not commerce.
  15. oops, you are right on that one...just didn't think about them physically moving. So many just transfer without changing residences. But this would be one way to get him active. Still stinks, IMO.
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