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Everything posted by CincySportsFan

  1. I don't see how it couldn't be. I mean, if she had just called him a liar (or even an expletive liar), and that was the end of the text, it'd be hard to be anticipate what level of lying she was rereferring to in that text. But, to come out and say that his lying is going to have implications on actual cases...that takes it to a whole new level.
  2. Saw her on the Graham Norton show just a week or so ago. Was shocked at how bad she looked/sounded then. Don't know when it was exactly taped, but it makes the learning of her passing less surprising.
  3. Hope Steadman (Mel Harris) from thirtysomething or Kirsten Cohen (Kelly Rowan) from The O.C.
  4. Saw a quote on the ESPN ticker yesterday where Arizona Cardinals coach Bruce Arians said it would "concern" him if a player didn't play in their bowl game. Really, Bruce? How about we hold off on the bowl games until after the NFL draft is done then? Would you be so willing to let your #1 draft pick go play in college game that doesn't benefit your NFL team? Please.
  5. Were your ears burning? :lol2: And FWIW, I completely agree. Will we see Perry singing onstage with them?
  6. When the wife and I were dating and first married, we used to alternate which side we went to for Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's. So, one year we'd spend two holidays at her parents, and one at mine. The next year was the opposite. But, when our little guy was born, I told each set of grandparents that for Christmas, they'd have to come see us from now on, because little CSF was going to sleep in his own bed and have Santa visit him at home. Stick to your guns on it. I thought I'd catch all sorts of holy heck on it from the in-laws, but it hasn't been too bad. Glad I never compromised on it.
  7. I just took it from the original post, which looks like CNN quoted her from the Oprah interview.
  8. Not really an expert by any means on the insurance industry, but isn't there some laws/regulations that prohibit where insurance companies can operate? Would the situation be better/worse if companies were able to compete across state lines?
  9. So, then what is the "Wasn't done when my husband took office but we're going high and this is what's best for the country." referring to? Public opinion? The other side of the aisle? It seemed like it was a comparison of Presidential treatment, to me. Sorry, if I took it the wrong way.
  10. I thought perhaps they were deliberately left out of the original post, just to see if we could get a rise out of a certain BGP member. :lol2:
  11. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that GWB went out of his way to ensure that Obama had a smooth transition into the White House and the Presidency. I thought I even remember something being written about it...how he didn't have it when he (GWB) came in, so he was going to make sure of it when he left. Am I completely mis-remembering this?!? So, for her to say it wasn't done when her husband took office makes me want to disregard anything else she may have to say about this.
  12. I've found that I'm giving passes to a lot more people typing these days, simply because of some of the automated features that our phones seem to have these days with regards to word insertions. However, it's still nails-on-the-chalkboard for me to hear ideal (idea), liebarry (library) and of course, everyone's favorite ax (with or without the "e") instead of ask.
  13. Did Bowie do a version with Sinatra too? I only know the one he did with Bing Crosby.
  14. Was at the Walton Kroger this afternoon before I picked my son up from school. Had already gone in and done my shopping and was back in the car texting my wife when I glanced up and saw this lady (guessing late 30's to mid 40's) carrying about 10-12 bags of groceries. My first thought went to the thread a few weeks or so ago on here about how people refuse to make a second trip and will load up instead. However it's what she did next that really caught my attention. She's standing in between parked cars and does a 360-degree turn, and I can tell...she's got no clue as to where she parked. She then takes the better part of a minute, if not two, doing the following: She goes over an aisle behind me, stops turns around and comes back in the opposite direction for two aisles. After another 360-degree scan she reverses course again, goes back three aisles this time, glances around, and then turns and comes back another aisle. All of this, before I suddenly see her pick up her pace and go another two aisles over in the opposite direction where I assume she found her vehicle. Now look, I know there's a lot of cars in the parking lot, and who you parked next to on the way in may not be who you're parked next to on the way out. But come on, it's not really that hard, is it? It's not like you left your vehicle in long-term parking at the airport and have been on vacation for two weeks. You've been in a store for probably less than an hour, and suddenly you're drawing a blank? I've never had a problem with it, but I'm amazed at the number of people who seem to suffer from short-term memory loss when it comes to where they left their vehicle. Anybody on here experience it?
  15. This is where typing the problem as it is, presents a problem. Because there's a case that it could just as easily be read as 6 / 2 x (1+3). Honestly, I think if a teacher presented a problem on a test like this, they'd almost be obligated to accept both answers.
  16. Saw a game last week where, at the end of the game, the trailing team's coach was jumping up and down on the sideline screaming for his kids to foul (to stop the clock). They were doing a very poor job getting in front of the ball, and finally one kid just pushed the ballhandler from behind. It wasn't excessive, but it was with two hands in the lower back area (no where near the ball). No intentional foul called there. Should there have been?
  17. I didn't get to watch the entire game, but saw a play that went outside to the left where it almost looked like he came to a complete stop and stood up, then turned it up field behind a blocker. It reminded me of some of Walter Payton's runs, where it'd seem like he almost paused in mid-air, saw where his blockers and the defenders were, then came down on his plant foot and changed directions.
  18. Gee, I wonder how the newspaper found out about her situation in the first place. Hmmmm.
  19. Reminds me of one of my favorite movies. [video=youtube;-fPtmRZQVHo]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fPtmRZQVHo
  20. What the heck happened to Kiffin going there? I thought that was pretty much the thought going around.
  21. So is Burl in your four? The way I read it, it seemed like he was on the outside looking in. If so, you've only got 3 listed.
  22. First two are no brainers for me: Bing Crosby Nat King Cole Next two were a little tougher, but I went with: Johnny Mathis Karen Carpenter Also considered Mannheim Steamroller and Amy Grant
  23. We've had these types of scenarios before with other topics. A conversation with a co-worker this morning made me think of this one. Who would be your four? Also, I included "artists" in case someone like @Jim Schue wanted to put somebody like Kenny G on their list.
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