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Everything posted by CincySportsFan

  1. Please consider what I'm about to say comes with a ton of respect for you as a BGP member...but, if that's your view on college football, then I could really care less about what you think as far as the college football playoff system. You're really no different than my wife, who could really care less about who wins, who loses, who's in or who's out. So, whether it's two teams, four teams, eight teams, twelve teams or even sixteen teams...your point is the same...it doesn't matter. There are many others, however, that don't share that opinion. Many, who hated that some poll used to determine who the best two teams were in the country and they were the only ones allowed to compete for a national championship. The comment about how things always work themselves out is fine, until it doesn't. Same way the gorilla exhibit precautions at the Cincinnati Zoo were fine, until they weren't. The people advocating changes are simply trying to get ahead of the game for when the situation arises...and it will arise...that someone will have a legitimate claim to playing for a national championship, and be left out. Again, no disrespect dude...just the way I see it.
  2. With all of the football I've seen in my entire life, I've never seen a formation where the center was an eligible receiver. From a creativity standpoint...brilliant!
  3. Maybe so, but do you come out and tell the prosecutor that?
  4. All kidding aside, Verlander likely lost out due to two guys who didn't even have him in their top 5. The one guy turned his ballot in a week before the season ended.
  5. The juries I've been on, we were told not to discuss guilty or not until trial had actually ended.
  6. If the Bengals are basically eliminated over the next three weeks, it could be Cincinnati that gives the Browns a "W". Cleveland will be coming off their bye week heading into that game as well.
  7. This is what's weird to me...Mt. Union, even with the loss, is ranked #8...Hobart is #18. How did they decide who gets to host?
  8. TMC will face a tough opponent even before they'd get to either John Carroll (potentially in quarterfinals) or Mt. Union (possibly in semi-finals). They've got the #1 seed Wisconsin-Whitewater most likely waiting them in the second round.
  9. Channel 5 probably wishing they could put The Voice back on right now.
  10. Meant to post this on Saturday when I heard about it. The 112 regular season winning streak is insane. But few people realize that before that, they had one that was 110 games. So, for the last 224 regular season games...they are 222-2. Unreal for any level.
  11. Oh for the love of Mike, it's not that hard to understand... If Michigan had gone to the Big 10 championship game undefeated, and as the #2 team in the country...it would've been a HUGE win for Wisconsin in the committee's eyes. It's not that hard to see where some would feel Wisconsin would be considered the "better" team at that time. As it stands now, Wisconsin won't be able to "avenge" one of their losses by playing Penn State (instead of OSU), so it'll be hard for them to leapfrog the Buckeyes.
  12. What are the requirements of voluntary manslaughter? I've seen a definition and some examples, but nothing that specifically says you have to have x, y and z.
  13. If true, wouldn't the (to borrow a math term) least common denominator be the manslaughter? I can see where it might be hard for the 8 to go up...but, for the other 4 to not be willing to come down?
  14. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. star died from acute leukemia. He was 83. Growing up, I always thought the name Napoleon Solo was the coolest name on tv.
  15. Are jurors' identities protected after the trial, if it ends in a hung jury?
  16. I've sat on a jury that ended up being hung (at least on one charge). It was very frustrating, as it was 11-1. But, we could've been there for a year, and she wouldn't have changed her mind. Going to be interesting in seeing if this one changes, or remains hung.
  17. Curious, if they come back again saying they're hung...will the judge poll each individual juror on their specific stance? Just wondering how the breakdown will be, based upon who's sitting on this jury.
  18. So, the judge basically told them that's unacceptable and to get back in there and deliberate some more, correct?
  19. Pretty much what I have thought from the beginning of the trial.
  20. Unfortunately, I think there are some who will probably do it, regardless of the verdict.
  21. What are the requirements for manslaughter? From what I found on one website, it had this... In Ohio, the difference between murder and voluntary manslaughter is simple. Both involve purposefully killing someone. However, it is voluntary manslaughter when the killer's thinking was disturbed by emotional excitement to the point that a reasonable person might have acted on impulse without thinking twice. The killing itself must be the result of the emotional excitement. This typically happens when a person is acting in self-defense, but overreacts and kills another person. The person technically acted with the intent to kill, but the self defense was "in the heat of passion" so the court will likely find the person guilty of voluntary manslaughter. The reaction to kill has to happen instantaneously. If the person has had any time to "cool off" before they go perform the killing, it becomes a murder.
  22. If he does, is it basically the same as admitting that she did something illegal? And if you make that argument, would there be those that say he, as President knew about it? And from there, it's just a quick step to not only did he know about it, but was perhaps complicit in covering it up? Not a way to end a legacy that you want to be remembered.
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