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Everything posted by CincySportsFan

  1. Which location did you go to? Also, did you go inside, or use the drive-thru?
  2. Anybody know of a reputable tailor/seamstress in NKY that I can take a suit jacket for some quick alterations? I think the only thing that I'll need is the sleeves shortened just a tad, but I could need it as soon as late next week. Didn't know if I'm expecting the impossible or not, or if it was going to cost me an arm and a leg.
  3. Can I pass on all three and get a Kit-Kat instead?
  4. Yes, which means unfortunately you're usually playing for #3. Mt. Union has had a strangle-hold on the conference for the past 20-25 years or so it seems. The other perennial power is John Carroll, who happened to knock off MU this year. Both of them made the playoffs, as they have in the past. But, you got to figure he's going to have to beat one of them to get BW in the playoffs.
  5. I have family members and quite a few friends that were die-hard Browns fans. Not a single one of them rooted for the Ravens. Now, part of that was probably due to the hatred for Art Modell.
  6. You know you're getting old when you see throwback uniforms and say "Hey, those look familiar!"
  7. That sucks. Had been planning on going to Columbus either Saturday or Sunday. Looks like Saturday is completely out now. @nWo do you think temps will warm up enough to make Sunday a possibility?
  8. Preach it. In my opinion she loses all claims to the kid from here on out, and I could even be talked into her having tubes tied so that she can't have any other kids and potentially do the same to them.
  9. So, if LA now has two teams, are the Raiders moving to Las Vegas then?
  10. Agree 100%. For those that favor a blind draw, I've always said the only way that becomes "fair" is to have ONLY the district winner advance to the region. That way it doesn't matter as much if two powerhouses meet in the semi-finals or the finals...one of them is going to have to beat the other one sometime. But there's less than a snowball's chance of that ever happening because it'd eliminate half the teams/games at the region, and there's no way somebody's willing to pass up that money.
  11. I have several, but this would be one of my favorites.
  12. Same here. And oh Lord, do I put a hurtin' on a bag when I get them. My wife's given up being shocked that I can eat them all in one sitting.
  13. Was never a football fan until middle school. When I was on our 7th grade basketball team, we often practiced at the same time as the 8th graders. I remember in the locker room one day after practice some of the other kids (mostly Steelers & Browns fans) giving this 8th grader grief about being a Bengals fan. I remember him saying "You watch, we're going to the Super Bowl next year!" and everybody just laughed. Now, I was a die-hard Reds fan at that time, and figured what-the-heck, why not follow Cincinnati's football team too. Didn't get to watch them much on tv during the regular season, unless they were playing the Browns or maybe the Steelers. But distinctly remember sitting in chair inside a sleeping bag I got for Christmas watching the AFC Championship game against the Chargers. Have been a Bengals fan (and a Collinsworth fan) ever since.
  14. It had better be amazingly epic, because it's going to be a dang long one too. Everything will be in slow motion! :lol2:
  15. Hadn't heard that he retired, just that he wasn't driving in 2017. Either way, surprising news.
  16. You're close, but not quite there. You forgot... So. Miss beat Kentucky Charlotte beat So. Miss FIU beat Charlotte Western Ky beat Charlotte Therefore Western Ky > Clemson
  17. Saw a shot or two of him during yesterday's game and it took me somewhat by surprise because there looked to be no mouthpiece on his headset. I even looked to see if if was just folded up by his head, but still couldn't see anything. I'm guessing the rest of the coaching staff don't want to listen to Joey, which would back up your point.
  18. Also, does anybody else feel that $900 million is a steal in this deal? Seems like they basically gave it away.
  19. Same here. Worked at the Tri-County Mall Sears in the late 80's in their paint and hardware departments. Was offered the opportunity to go through their management training program, and have occasionally wondered what my life would be like now if I would have taken that route.
  20. Had someone on Facebook ask if everyone had their French Toast kits for tomorrow. Took me a moment to figure out what they were referring to. :lol2:
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