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Everything posted by CincySportsFan

  1. So, what you're really saying is...Cincinnati loses, Pittsburgh and Baltimore win this week, and the Bengals are mathmatically eliminated from the playoffs. Which would make the Bengals-Steelers game anticlimatic.
  2. I'm curious as to how big the logo is going to be on the front of the uniform. Would've much rather had it on one of the shirt sleeves instead.
  3. You mean "Awesome Mix Vol. 1", don't you? Yeah, that was a great selection of songs! It'll be interesting to see what they use for Vol. 2 though.
  4. Can't imagine that Eric Dickerson is too happy right now. :lol2:
  5. Right there with you. I said in another post that I was not looking forward to Fox carrying more of the B1G games next year, as I imagine he'll be one of their lead announcers. May have to watch more games with the sound off.
  6. I think Pitt should get in. I mean how many other teams can say they beat 2 conference champions this year.
  7. I realize I am probably in the minority, but Gus Johnson is wearing me out. Not looking forward to having him call more B1G games starting next year.
  8. Yeah, it seemed like Penn State was getting a lot of love just because they beat Ohio State. But, I agree with you, I think the Badgers are the better team.
  9. Looking at the 4 teams in the Championship Series this past year... Chicago 13-5 Cleveland 12-6 Toronto 13-7 LA Dodgers 10-10
  10. In all honesty... Tie-breaker #1: Team with better inter-league record that year. Tie-breaker #2: League with better inter-league record that year. Just for giggles... Tie-breaker #3: Team that has gone the longest since last World Championship. Tie-breaker #4: Team that has gone the longest since last World Series appearance. Tie-breaker #5: Team that has gone the longest since last playoff appearance.
  11. I have picked up several Harlan Coben books over the past year or two, an read several of the stand-alone novels. However, I've not started on any of the Myron Bolitar series that I had simply because I wanted to start at the beginning. (The earliest one I had was book #3). So, the other night I finally got on Amazon and ordered #1, along with #2. Just got them yesterday. Read #1, "Deal Breaker", in one sitting (although it did take me til 1:30 in the morning), and loved it. I'm looking forward to the rest. However, as I was reading it and becoming introduced to Myron and Win, I was struck by the number of similiarities between Coben's characters and two others from another author who I read a lot...Robert B. Parker's Spenser and Hawk. Don't get me wrong, there are differences too. But the more I read last night, the more times I came across situations/dialogue where I could've switched Spenser with Myron and Hawk with Win, and the scene would've still played the same and stayed true to the characters. Anybody else read both of these authors and notice this as well?
  12. Pretty much could be said for all of Washington, couldn't it? Sad.
  13. Congratulations to Coach Utter! May this be the first of many more.
  14. That's all fine and dandy, but you've completely eliminated the current 32nd district. What are you going to do with them? Walton back to the 9th? Simon Kenton to the 9th or 10th? And where in the heck do you put Williamstown and Grant County?
  15. No. Same way if a black family returned a white one. It's a friggin' doll for Pete's sake. Have got no problem with just trying to match your family. BTW - Kudos to the Elf On A Shelf people for making something other than just a white elf to begin with.
  16. If you want to look at each game on an individual basis, there's plenty of blame to pass around. And often times it changes from game to game. There's no way anyone would say this team should be undefeated at this time. I know what they said at the beginning of the year as far as strength of schedule, but things are a whole lot different now (see Dallas Cowboys). Still there are several games that could've gone the other way, and at least had the Bengals competing for the division title...Pittsburgh, Washington, Giants, Buffalo, and Baltimore. In those games (in no particular order) I think you can look at the following: Special teams Defensive backs (both in coverage and open field tackling) Missing players (due to injury or suspension) Offensive line (can't establish the run or pass protect) So, if they had corrected these, would they have won all five of these games? Maybe, maybe not. But, say you take the win instead of the tie against Washington and just split the other four...that'd put them at 6-5 right now, right in the middle of the hunt for the division.
  17. Plainfield North loses in championship game 26-13. Can't help but think there was a little bit of karma here.
  18. Thought I saw something on the scroll earlier today that said Strong was 5-10 against Top 25 teams while at Texas, while Herman was 6-0 in his two years at Houston.
  19. So, if you're the "winning" coach and one of your players comes up to you and basically asks if you agree with the way the game turned out...what do you say? If you say that you were just following what the officials on the field said...then you've now lost all rights to protest or criticize officials from here on out. Because you've just justified that it's okay for them to miss calls and make mistakes, as long as they benefit you.
  20. He just mentioned Cleveland in the press conference. Is that a given, if he's granted the request, as to where it'd be?
  21. Didn't read the article, so I apologize if this answer is in there...but, do we have any idea how much diplomats used to stay in any of his hotels before?
  22. I'm not ready to give up on JT just yet. There's missing throws, and then there's what I saw today. I think the wind was a huge factor today. I know Blackledge tried to downplay it on one of the plays, but yet when they showed a replay of it, you could see an official's hat getting blown off at the same time.
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