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Everything posted by Jaysie

  1. I think from reading these posts and from past experience that Highlands need to hire from with in. Any coach following a long tenure legend is going to find resistance to change at every turn. The hardest coaching job is one following success. I wish the staff "Good dicision making".
  2. I hope the families file in civil court and win money which seems to be the only thing available. Maybe the parents can get involved with the son then.
  3. Glad you are ok. Make sure whatever you get is safe. You travel too many miles to have a plastic car. I'm on my 5th Impala and love them, but I know it is too big for you.
  4. Hubby left North of Indy at 7:15 am to drive to L'ville. Sat in traffic jam on I-65 for 2 1/2 hrs North of Columbus, IN. Arrived at son's house 1 pm. He is spending the night.Roads up here are covered with new snow coming down. Weather says another 2 inches.
  5. There is nothing I can add except I too will pray for God's comfort for your family. Reach out to those helping you in this time. You are not alone.
  6. I'm glad I have my own copies of Holiday Inn and White Christmas. I watch every year while wrapping gifts. I will watch the live Sound of Music if only to compare and it is "LIVE".
  7. Happy Thanksgiving to all of my unseen friends.
  8. I do all of the above. I have an extensive library, mostly collections and autographed copies. I have Doris Kearns Goodwin's A Team of Rivals and several local authors that I know, all signed. I also have each of my children's Young Authors contributions from grade school, so I am also a hoarder, I guess. I frequently re-read books I love and borrow from the library about every 2 weeks.
  9. I have been thinking about this thread for a while and will share only one memory because it is one of the first in my long life. World War II. 1945 / 46. I was 5. My dad was exempt because he was a rancher and milked cows. We lived in California and had many neighbors and friends of several shades of color and nationality. We traded for wine with the Italians, for bread with the Armenians and Dad worked cattle on open range with Mexicans, Blacks, Portuguese, Russians and who knows else. On our one trip to town each month we ate at a Chinese restaurant. Dad took the owner eggs and milk and one time they invited us to the back room for a family celebration. He never made bad comments about the "Okies" or "Arkies" who he said worked hard. He did say "Stay away from the Gypsies. They like to steal children" I report this because we also occasionally drove by the Japanese internment camp. Dad would swear every time. Later, I had a crush on a Japanese classmate. I never told Dad. Mom had 3 brothers serving in the Navy. She wrote letters to them every week and to their wives waiting at home. I remember Mom using sugar rationing stamps at the store. We cooked and canned our own food, so sugar was important. Listening to the news on the radio every evening after supper was also important.
  10. Congratulations, Male and Alabama Larry's kicker. Finish the season strong. To the Trinity seniors: You are prepared for successful lives, take this season and let it make you stronger. To next year players: Male will still be ready to play. Male has lots of players returning. Prepare yourselves.
  11. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Mom always hosted Aunts , Uncles, Cousins and any strays who had nowhere to go. Sometimes in the 40s in number. My sister and I have kept the tradition alternating hosting every other year. Fewer children and grandchildren and those who can't come home mean smaller crowds, only 17 this year. We have the same traditional menu, play the same card and board games, (adults and kids), tell stories, look at pictures and watch football just like we always have. Tradition dictates that the men in the family do dishes after the women cook. Every family contributes and this year my sister's 42 yo daugther is cooking the turkey for the first time with her mother's supervision. We all take home leftovers.
  12. WOW. What do they do after wrapping this up next week?
  13. I don't care one way or the other, but keeping 30 teams out of the playoffs when some have better records than others that get in just because of their district is the real travesty. Either do something about that or let them all in. I also have trouble with teams in the super district not being allowed in because you have reduced teams to 2 or 3.
  14. Alabama Larry and Bob Beatty are rejoicing. Larry's beloved Male is moving on and Beatty wants another meeting.
  15. I can be very loud when cheering . I never yell at refs, the other team, or my children ( not at games, anyway). I never boo. I am respectful. I never sit with the loud mouths. Saying that, my husband won't sit with me at a Colts game because I am so loud on defense, it hurts his ears. I have played and coached many sports and was pretty good for a "girl". I coached my younger son's in house league Little League baseball team (9 / 10 yr old) one year because they couldn't find a coach (Man). The team was very good and we played a team for the second time that hadn't won a game . I started what normally would be the bench and a pitcher who was working on being a sidewinder the first inning. I thought the fans in the stands were going to lynch me by the third inning when I put the normal starters in. There was never a question that we wouldn't win the game. Some "fans" couldn't see the big picture of starting kids who hadn't.
  16. Indiana, this year, went with a success factor and the team automatically moves up after "too much" success in their class determined by school size.
  17. Indiana is basically a rectangle with Indianapolis sitting in the middle of a more populated state with several really big and several really small schools.. The rest are in the middle in size. Think of spokes radiating from Indy and that makes 4 areas of competition before funneling back to Indy for the finals. The "ping pong balls" is a simplification. Conference championships are a big deal as are the all sports trophies and the boys sports and girls sports trophies within conferences.. There are 9 regular season games and one guaranteed playoff game so everyone plays 10. Travel time is not the problem in Indiana. Kentucky is not like Indiana.
  18. My grandkids live 1000 miles away. I live for pictures of halloween costumes, soccer games, running awards and the new dog on facebook. It helps me feel involved.
  19. I think all you macho men and your workplace violence need to take a step back. Maybe Martin has depression or other mental problems. A guy who worked hard enough to make the NFL is not going to walk away without a reason. Incognito, on the other hand has "roid " rage. Speaking for women, we like the NFL, but this behavior is a black eye.
  20. 12/13. Missed Dow Jones. Meyer CEO stayed home from work about 1 week after giving birth.
  21. Thanks for the info and I had never put it together, but I had met your founder. My husband did lots of business with his companies, including French Lick. A very nice family and well respected man.
  22. Rock Mom, Do you know how much your company pays for your plan, because you certainly have a low out of pocket cost. Do they self insure and how many employees? I know you drive a long way, but better stay there. Good benefits.
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