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Nick Saban shuts out scouts


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If he leaves he'll only go for the Pros I think. Maybe he might be interested in Ohio State but really there isn't much of an improvement going from Bama to anywhere else in College Football I don't think.


Saban is a great coach, but the Buckeyes are happy with who they have. :cool:

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I'm happy with my job and for the most part my company, but if another company offered me a better position with higher pay I might take it. Although I have a certain amount of loyalty to the company I work for, I don't really owe them anything. They pay me to do my job and I do it to the best of my ability. On the other hand they could be belly up tomorrow or lay me off next week. How is coaching any different? It's a job and I think as lifelong fans of a particular school we sometimes think they owe the school more than doing their job.


I get the point about telling recruits they will be there until they graduate and everything else, but recruiting for college is probably like recruiting for the Army. They promise you the world, show you a great video and once you sign the papers it's off to boot camp and then Iraq. Recruiting is what it is. Cast the bait and then reel them in.


I don't think Saban is wrong for his career moves anymore than I fault Rich Rod, Kelly, Kiffen, or any other coach for leaving. If Tressel left Ohio State next year to coach in the NFL I wouldn't be happy about it, but in the end it is his life and he has to do what is best for him just like I would have to do what is best for me and my family.

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They should be. But I don't think Tress will be there a whole lot longer. I say 5 years, maybe 7 more years max.


I believe he just signed a contract through 2014. Of course we all know that doesn't really mean anything. I haven't see any indications he wants to coach in the NFL, but he does hold things close to the vest, not pun intended.

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I believe he just signed a contract through 2014. Of course we all know that doesn't really mean anything. I haven't see any indications he wants to coach in the NFL, but he does hold things close to the vest, not pun intended.


Doesn't Tress have some AD aspirations? I don't see him as an NFL kind of guy.

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