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Just got done speaking with Austin Flannery. He informed me that he has committed to Asbury College to play basketball next year.


Austin was part of the Shining Star Sports-McFarland 2009 AAU State Championship team.


Congrats to Austin and his family!!


Congrats to Austin! Looks like the move to Scott County paid off!

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A BIG congratulations to Austin!!! :thumb:


I've been privileged to watch a fine young man work his tail off for years to get bigger, stronger, quicker, more versatile. Coach Shouse landed a terrific ballplayer for his program, and Austin has earned an education at an awesome school. A real win-win all the way around.


This is proof that good guys don't always finish last... hard work and dedication do still have rewards... and every other good old school lesson we were taught about fighting the good fight are still true.


I couldn't be happier for Austin and his family. He will excel at Asbury... and they will get to see him play more often.


:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

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He inaccurately depicted Flannery IMO. Hes probably 6-3 and a very good shooter. I thought he depicted him inaccurately. I'd much rather talk positively about high school kids rather than call a kid a dime a dozen who is very talented.


If he is so unaccurately described, how can one put Ausbury in the same sentence with James Madison and NKU? Exactly...however, Ausbury is a good fit for him. It is refreshing to see a kid pick a school that fits his talent level and will get playing time.

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If he is so unaccurately described, how can one put Ausbury in the same sentence with James Madison and NKU? Exactly...however, Ausbury is a good fit for him. It is refreshing to see a kid pick a school that fits his talent level and will get playing time.


Because, uncommon to what you post (statements without knowing the facts) these were actual facts about Flannery's recruitment.


A few weeks ago, Coach Corey Stitzel of James Madison contacted Flannery's parents and offered a "recruited walk-on" positon with the opportunity to receive a scholarship the following year. The statement made was that JMU had a bunch of athletes but no pure shooters. Coach Stitzel said that he had watched Flannery play about 40 games since last spring and that he had a set of skills they needed, as seen in this years NCAA tournament.


And as far as NKU, Coach Bezold has been involved with Flannery since his sophomore year when he was in NKY. Flannery was offered a preferred walk-on position with NKU last fall, but after the spring of 2010 when all the transfers make their move, and depending on available scholarships at the end of the spring transfer period (what we are currently in), a scholarship may be available.


So, maybe you should not make comments questioning an 18 year old high school kids recruitment unless you know the FACTS. Flannery is a young 18 at that, according to his father, he turned 18 this year during the state tournament.


These are coaches that have watched Flannery for several seasons and has seen his development over the years, I have no idea how many games you have seen him play, but their professional opinion means a lot more than yours.


I just hate to see an adult try to belittle a kids effort and accomplishments, especially when they have no idea what they are talking about.:madman:

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