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Bellevue 47 Walton-Verona 0

Eagle 4 Life

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People (anonymously I must point out) casting aspersions on a coach and a team without any knowledge whatsoever as to the circumstances of an event. For whatever reason Coach Eckstein had for keeping Ricky in the game I GUARANTEE you that it was honorable and thought through. Coach is one of the good guys and has taken more than his share or beat downs, enough to know what it's like to be on the receiving end and I assure you that it was not his intention to administer one to the Wildcats team. I'll take Coach Eckstein and his program and ethics on the field any day. There is a definite difference be yween being a wanna be coach and a real one.


You may be right. There might be a good reason for leaving Buckler in that late in a blowout. But we haven't heard a good explanation yet. Conditioning is not a good reason, especially when others have mentioned that some second team players were in the game in the first half. If it were conditioning, why are some first teamer's already sitting out in the first half? We are not slamming anyone's character. Coaching decisions get questioned after every game and it isn't questioning their character to do so. We are looking for a good reason to have Buckler in the game up 40-0 in the fourth quarter and have yet to hear it.

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