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Golfer Dad

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I cannot think of one good reason to cut a football player, with the exception of the 6A powerhouse teams mentioned previously. I agree with others who have opined about life lessons learned from coaches and the game itself. I encourage all high school kids to participate in something. All sports teach so many things that make us all better in the long run. Not to mention the reunions when we discuss the "glory days". I wouldn't trade my sports days for anything.

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I also have never heard of cutting anyone (especially a senior) in football. I have seen some instances where a player lack the physical ability (size) to play football & the coach allowed him/her to continue to be part of the program as a manager. Another point, if you have a senior & soph that are

equal than you play the soph & get the senior playing time when you can.

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If a Senior chooses to try-out, conditions and practices to make the team, then do you keep them.


If the young man realizes his playing time is nil or limited and justs wants to be part of the team, I admire that in any student-athlete. I'll assume, he didn't play early or most likely, would have some roll.


You can dress many, who don't play or see much action.


I agree with you Strike. If a kid is willing to put forth the effort everyday in practice and works hard in the classroom I tip my hat to the young man.

Some times playing a high school sport or being in a classroom is the only positive structure some of these young men receive. Not everyone has a family that supports them or has a mentor in their life on a daily basis and IMO there is no better way to learn some of life's lessons than being a part of a high school athletic program. If a head coach has a positive influence in just one young mans life then it is all worth the effort.

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Should you keep a senior who is not going to play just because he is a senior or do you cut him. Most parents with a senior expect them to play and might try and cause problems.


I agree a player should never be cut in football unless its for disciplinary reasons. If you have a problem parent then the administration should cut the parent

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