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Franklin Co./South Oldham Scrimmage

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Early format was 3 series of 10 & 10. South Oldham scored on a screen pass from Drew Simpson to Brandon Kollenberg. South moved the ball through a short passing game and got to the 5 again and ran out of downs. Franklin Co. did not score on the 10 & 10 format. Franklin Co. Defensive lineman were very solid and aggressive and stopped most of South Oldham's run plays all night. On the 2 series of goalline with 4 downs from the 10, South scored 4 times of 8 downs and Franklin Co. scored once. After this, they played two 12 minute quarters (continuous running clock) with down and distance. South did not move the ball much during the 2 quarters. Franklin Co. scored twice on two long screen plays and had two other big plays during the quarters. South Oldham's Nate McDevitt intercepted Franklin Co.'s quarterback and returned it for a touchdown. In the end, the score in the two quarters period ended up Franklin Co. 14, South Oldham 7.

The J.V. and Freshmen also scrimmaged and South seemed to have much success at these two levels over Franklin Co.


....Franklin Co.'s Defensive linemen are for real.

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The scores given up by the FC defense were a combination of Busts and Bad D- calls defensively the Flyers need alot of work on peremiter defense and tackling. Offensively the flyers played two quarterbacks and dropped alot of passes. A clear snap taker for the flyers has not emerged yet. Yes the d-line is for real, Oldham County did not get out of the backfield more than once or twice on run plays.

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