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What is NKY/Cincinnati Cuisine


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The Rat Clan is invading NKY/Cincinnati here in a few weeks and I thought Mrs. S and I could eat are way around the area as a form of recreation. :D


Philly has its Cheese Steak, Pittsburgh has that beef sandwich that has frenchfries and gravy on it. Chicago has their pizza and Vienna hot dogs. What constitutes Northern Kentucky or Cincinnati cuisine. I know Cincinnati is famous for it's chili and spaghetti, but what else is there?

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Stay away from that god awful poor excuse they call chilli!:flame:


It grows on you. Now I actually think it is quite good. You just have to think of it as being something different than chili, and not try to compare it to the type of chili that you would get anywhere else.


To me it will never beat a big ole pot of slow cooked chili, but it is a nice change of pace the about once a quarter when I visit the Queen City.

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Son, you have no taste. An appreciation for our chili would lead to fewer rants. :cool:

This is so true! But just like in Philly, the arguments for trying our chili always lead naturally to arguments about which chili place to visit specifically! ;)


Also, you have two options for both baked goods and ice cream -- "every day", and "special occasion." For baked goods, Busken is a good choice for most occasions. But if you want to splurge for the very best, go for Servatti's. In ice cream, I would normally say UDF is the way to go. But if you want to go "high-end" you want to go with Graeter's for sure.


And of course, no trip to NKY would be complete without one trip to the Rio Grande! ;)


Man, I better start seeing some freebies down there for all this! :irked: :cool:

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This is so true! But just like in Philly, the arguments for trying our chili always lead naturally to arguments about which chili place to visit specifically! ;)


Also, you have two options for both baked goods and ice cream -- "every day", and "special occasion." For baked goods, Busken is a good choice for most occasions. But if you want to splurge for the very best, go for Servatti's. In ice cream, I would normally say UDF is the way to go. But if you want to go "high-end" you want to go with Graeter's for sure.


And of course, no trip to NKY would be complete without one trip to the Rio Grande! ;)


Man, I better start seeing some freebies down there for all this! :irked: :cool:

I'll even be interpreter. :cool: :banana:
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It grows on you. Now I actually think it is quite good. You just have to think of it as being something different than chili, and not try to compare it to the type of chili that you would get anywhere else.
It's really used more like a condiment. When you eat our chili, it's not so much about any one element; as it is the combination of chili, spaghetti, and cheese; or chili, coney dogs, mustard and cheese. Truly, more than the sum of its parts.
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