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James Cameron found the remains of THE Jesus Christ and his family??

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Great line Swamp Critter... :thumb:


I've stayed out of this one until now, and for the most part you folks have covered the bases admirably. I just have a couple of observations...


As much as we have venerated His name since, the name “Jesus” was actually quite common back in the day. For Cameron to claim to have unearthed the bones of someone named Jesus is akin to digging around on the outskirts of Mexico City and getting excited about finding the grave of someone named Pedro, or researching a U.S. Motel registry from the 1940’s and finding that “John Smith” stayed there. (Yes, the name “Mary” was quite common back when as well.)


I do find it to be terribly careless for what must have been otherwise “crafty” apostles to be so sloppy as to leave a box full of pseudo-Savior bones laying around… much less with His name in big bold print on the side. I mean, you go to all the trouble of leaving your home and families to hit the road to spread a lie disguised as good news… even playing to role to the extent of healing the sick and giving sight to the blind, it seems to me you could find a permanent way of covering your tracks.


You cannot go around spouting the beatitudes and claiming that Jesus was a great teacher, but He was just another man who is buried somewhere without divine attributes while claiming to be a Christian. In this regard, I agree with C.S. Lewis:


A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg - or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity


We live in a culture of mix-and-match religions. Take a little of this and a little of that, toss in some "feel good" and you have yourself a cozy belief system. That's fine if that's what you truly want for yourself, but if you don't believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, was eventually crucified, died physically on the cross, was buried in a tomb as dead, and arose from the dead on the third day... I'm sorry, call me fussy, but you're not truly a Christian.


The fact is that 12 men were so convinced that Jesus Christ is exactly who He said He was and is, 11 were willing to suffer horrible deaths as martyrs for the faith. The 12th spent his final years in a cave writing of things to come, so that none would be lost willing to be found. It seems to me that at least one of these would have cracked if they knew it to be a great lie.


I doubt seriously that James Cameron is as confident of his claims as the Apostles were of theirs. It would make for some interesting television if he were however… :D


I love the C.S. Lewis quote...it's always been one of my favorites. Also, just to add a little to your bolded, I have read that John also faced martyrdom when he was boiled in a huge basin of boiling oil during a wave of persecution in Rome, but was miraculously delivered from death. He was then sentenced to exile on Patmos...perhaps because the powers that be realized they couldn't kill him at that time. Anyway, there's no way for me to validate that story, but I've read and heard it a few different times.

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Well maybe since Cameron found Jesus's DNA he could use it to clone Jesus, and bring about the much awaited second comming. :rolleyes:



BTW, doesn't Cameron have anything more important to do, such as film the sequel to Aquaman?

He could make a movie about an island where they take Jesus' DNA and clone him. They then charge admission to the island for tourists to come see Jesus. He could call it:


Jesus Park

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