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Calling All Moderates


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Just out of curiousity, since most of you are a little more politically inclined than me...


When clumping all of the Republican and Democratic presidential hopefuls together (I know that is difficult for some of you lol), who are the candidates who offer the most moderate viewpoints?...


If there is such a thing in this era of partisanship and special interest...


Thanks in advance for the opinions...

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Just out of curiousity, since most of you are a little more politically inclined than me...


When clumping all of the Republican and Democratic presidential hopefuls together (I know that is difficult for some of you lol), who are the candidates who offer the most moderate viewpoints?...


If there is such a thing in this era of partisanship and special interest...


Thanks in advance for the opinions...


I think one thing that you should keep in mind is that in this day and time, the machines that support candidates do an excellent job of "spinning" previous positions in an attempt to make a given candidate appear to be more moderate than they really are.


I think that sooner or later, someone (probably an active politician that is tired of the partisanship games) will establish a third party, that is designed to appeal to moderates from both of the current megaparties.




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I think one thing that you should keep in mind is that in this day and time, the machines that support candidates do an excellent job of "spinning" previous positions in an attempt to make a given candidate appear to be more moderate than they really are.


I think that sooner or later, someone (probably an active politician that is tired of the partisanship games) will establish a third party, that is designed to appeal to moderates from both of the current megaparties.






Very true, St. Frances. I believe that is happening now on the state level in Texas

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I think that sooner or later, someone (probably an active politician that is tired of the partisanship games) will establish a third party, that is designed to appeal to moderates from both of the current megaparties.



Not only do I agree with you, Frances, but I also believe that a true moderate third party candidate would go over really well with constituents. I believe most can see the current system divides the nation too much and that it is not a healthy way of running a country; I feel our system has limited our elected officials ability to think for themselves (and for the people they represent).
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Just out of curiousity, since most of you are a little more politically inclined than me...


When clumping all of the Republican and Democratic presidential hopefuls together (I know that is difficult for some of you lol), who are the candidates who offer the most moderate viewpoints?...


If there is such a thing in this era of partisanship and special interest...


Thanks in advance for the opinions...

As far as answering "which candidates are most moderate", that is a really loaded question and could attack that from different perspectives. Example, Guiliani (assuming he is a candidate) may side with the Democrats in giving a woman the right to choose, but may be a staunch Republican on all other issues.


The best I can explain it is, if you line up 10 issues and candidate X leans far left on half of the items, but far right on the other half, I would not necessarily call them a moderate... would you?


I really do not know how to answer the question.

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You know, I don't really care whether they are labeled moderate, conservative or liberal. Some other person that is worried about labeling can do that.


I just look to see if they represent my views or not. That is my concern, not whether they fit the right label or not.



just curious...what are your views?

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On what issues? I would say it depends on the issue on what I would be labeled.


no. no. no, I was not trying to label you...just wondering on what you are looking for. If you are looking for honesty, well the only time a politician isnt lying is when their lips are shut (just joking). Growing up in church (And I mean this in NO disrespect) I listen to many different preachers, pastors, priests, etc. It was always the "Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda, Bettera, Whata, Oughta" types of messages, in no disrespect, they were men of God, but I always felt we needed to hear more of "How to do this" types of messages. My point is this, most politicians can tell you what should be done, what the last President should have done, could have done...but very few actually states how they are going to get things accomplished. They all sound like Miss America contestants..."World Peace", it kills me to even watch presidential debates because all it has come down to is bashing each other. I personally am tired of hearing that this present occupier of the US has all these problems because of the last President. What makes a good president? If it is being a Christian, thats not enough...1976-1980 proves that. Not to rehash old news but would you rather have a president lie over immorality in his own life or one to lie to you about WMD's and start a war. The bottom line is this, come election time, you might have to comb through all the rubbish and simply vote for the lesser of the two evils.

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no. no. no, I was not trying to label you...just wondering on what you are looking for. If you are looking for honesty, well the only time a politician isnt lying is when their lips are shut (just joking). Growing up in church (And I mean this in NO disrespect) I listen to many different preachers, pastors, priests, etc. It was always the "Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda, Bettera, Whata, Oughta" types of messages, in no disrespect, they were men of God, but I always felt we needed to hear more of "How to do this" types of messages. My point is this, most politicians can tell you what should be done, what the last President should have done, could have done...but very few actually states how they are going to get things accomplished. They all sound like Miss America contestants..."World Peace", it kills me to even watch presidential debates because all it has come down to is bashing each other. I personally am tired of hearing that this present occupier of the US has all these problems because of the last President. What makes a good president? If it is being a Christian, thats not enough...1976-1980 proves that. Not to rehash old news but would you rather have a president lie over immorality in his own life or one to lie to you about WMD's and start a war. The bottom line is this, come election time, you might have to comb through all the rubbish and simply vote for the lesser of the two evils.

I think the American political system has devolved to this level and not sure I see any positive change on the horizon.


A good and decent candidate that would work for the benefit the country would be nuts to put themselves AND THEIR FAMILY through the meat grinder of our political process.


In Kenton County, they are talking about picketing and protesting in front of the Judge Exec's home and business to pressure him to fold and give into their political pressure rather than prove their point is the best.

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Not only do I agree with you, Frances, but I also believe that a true moderate third party candidate would go over really well with constituents. I believe most can see the current system divides the nation too much and that it is not a healthy way of running a country; I feel our system has limited our elected officials ability to think for themselves (and for the people they represent).

I'm telling you - moderation is the key to our future. This age of "win at all costs" and "sell to the highest paying PAC" is out of control, and it is costing us more than we will ever know (or probably want to know).




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I'm telling you - moderation is the key to our future. This age of "win at all costs" and "sell to the highest paying PAC" is out of control, and it is costing us more than we will ever know (or probably want to know).





I believe most of us feel that way, Frances...


But how can it be implemented given the power (and money) that the current two-party structure possesses?...


I would love to see it happen, though...It never ceases to amaze me how the majority of people are so poorly represented in the highest levels of government...

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I'm telling you - moderation is the key to our future. This age of "win at all costs" and "sell to the highest paying PAC" is out of control, and it is costing us more than we will ever know (or probably want to know).




Please define. Is that mean a side is NEVER right and the answer has to be a compromise that meets in the middle EVEN if one side is right on the issue? That is my impression of moderation.


We don't want to offend anyone so let's just find a common ground in which we ask both sides to compromise on their values.

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Please define. Is that mean a side is NEVER right and the answer has to be a compromise that meets in the middle EVEN if one side is right on the issue? That is my impression of moderation.


We don't want to offend anyone so let's just find a common ground in which we ask both sides to compromise on their values.


As Frances said, there's a reason most candidates on both sides try to cast themselves as moderates...


That's because the majority of Americans consider themselves to be that way...


I have little interest in the extreme right or extreme left wings of our political parties...

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... But how can it be implemented given the power (and money) that the current two-party structure possesses?...
I think that such a party would have to come from a small group of people with money, in conjunction with a handful of established Congressmen that truly are moderates. That combination would have the ability to establish such a party, while weathering the initial storm of attacks from the two extreme parties. Just a thought.



Please define. Is that mean a side is NEVER right and the answer has to be a compromise that meets in the middle EVEN if one side is right on the issue? That is my impression of moderation.


We don't want to offend anyone so let's just find a common ground in which we ask both sides to compromise on their values.

If you are intent on never meeting someone halfway on a given issue, then you really aren't interested in compromise. In the case of a "Moderate" party, that might mean that you would be asked to support a candidate that did not exactly represent your point of view (i.e. the war in Iraq, abortion, death penalty, etc.). The truth is, neither of the current two parties exactly represents your views (or anyone else, for that matter). In your case, you have decided to make the issue of abortion a "litmus" test for your support of a candidate. While you certainly have that right, I fear that you are dooming yourself to a string of deep disappointments in terms of your elected representatives.


The truth is, when a single issue is used as a litmus test, there are going to be a great number of warts that one must overlook to see that one particular beauty mark.




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