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Is being homophobic a disease?


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I will admit that I have Fred Phelps phobia. An intense fear and dread of anything coming out of his mouth or any of his actions. I would counter that it is NOT irrational but logical and rational.


I'm with you.

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The term was coined (apparently) by a clinical psychologist. It is a descriptive term, and the fact that he may be (probably is) on the liberal side of the aisle on political issues is immaterial. He did not coin the term because he is (probably) a liberal - he coined it because, as a clinical psychologist, he needed a phrase to describe the condition.





I'm sure when he coined the phrase he drew exclusively upon his knowledge as a clinical psychologist and did not allow his work as a gay activist influence the definition; not even on a subconscious level.

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First off, a phobia (any phobia) is defined as an irrational fear of an object or class of objects.


The statement that it is a term coined by liberals is so far wrong it isn't even funny.


Homophobia, by definition is an irrational fear of homosexuals. In my opinion, it is not a disease, but a condition that reveals a persons frame of mind.


In the case of many people that are homophobic, their irrrational fear manifests itself by an extreme need to persecute people that are homosexuals (usually in an attempt to prove to themselves that they are "better" than the homosexuals). The best example of this would be Fred Phelps and his followers.


To your questions, iPapi -

Neither not accepting the homosexual lifestyle, or speaking out about your unacceptance of homosexuality would, in itself, make you homophobic.

On the other hand, if you feel the need to shout it from the rooftops, or have a yearning desire to hate people simply because they are homosexuals without first knowing them personally, then those are pretty good signs that you may well be homophobic. If you feel that the only way to deal with a homosexual is to beat the tar out of him/her, then you are definitely a homophobe.


There is no reason to feel guilty simply because you disagree with that lifestyle (whether you base those feelings on your belief system or something else). Of course, if you participate in the persecution of people, then your conscience would probably tell you that what you are doing is not the correct thing to do.


The use of the term "disease" in this instance stems from the psychologists that classify all phobias and manias as a disease of the mind. A mania is the opposite of a phobia (it is the irrational excitement caused by an object or class of objects).


If you dissaprove of (or reject) the homosexual lifestyle, I wouldn't worry about it. On the other hand, if you smile inside when you read the stories of people being dragged to death behind a truck because they were homosexuals, or people that pick homosexuals out of a crowd just to beat them, then you might consider yourself to be a candidate for some type of counseling.







I was gonna post a response to the homophobes but I couldn't say it any better than Frances did. Ditto.

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