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Capital Cat Fight


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Perhaps no surprise to some, but I find Sen. Boxer's comments way out of line and grossly disrepectful. To imply that only someone with a son or daughter at war can appreciate the costs of being over there, throws out about every one of us (with a view notable exceptions and God bless you and your children) from having an appreciation of those costs. I guess I can't appreciate it although I have many friends and people that I served with on active duty risking their lives on this mission. I have zero problem with Boxer asking questions about Bush's policy. That is Boxer's obligation as Frances pointed out. But if Rice is unqualified to give policy advice to Bush because she has no skin in the game, Boxer likewise is unqualified to question Bush's policy because she likewise has no skin in the game. Taking Boxer's theory to its logical extension, no elected official or advisor can ever advise, make or question military policy unless they have a child in harm's way. Anyone else think that line of thinking is simply stupid?


And can anyone really argue that Boxer did not impugn Rice's integrity when Boxer accused Rice of lying ( "overwhelmed your respect to the truth" is cutting out the political speak, lying) to the public in her speeches promoting the war? Heck yes she accused Rice of lying. If I called Frances a liar, then I'm impugning his integrity and I either better be able to back it up or I deserve a bloody nose. Boxer should be glad she was not making those accusations against me. Woman or not, she'd be sporting a bloody nose if she said I lied. And yet Boxer wants to tell people that Rice attacked her and was using "good debating technique"? Amazing. Simply amazing. And even more sickening Sen. Boxer. And the left can't understand why the right thinks a lot of the Democrats questioning of Iraq is purely political? I can't stand it when the Republicans try to cast the Democrats concern about Iraq as a lack of patriotism. But I likewise can't stand it when the Democrats accuse Bush and the Republicans for launching the Iraqi invasion to line their pockets with oil money or of intentionally deceiving the American public with false intelligence reports. Both behaviors are in a word disgusting.

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