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Oil prices squeeze Chevron

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As has been said by many, we need to decrease our dependence on oil. I don't see a time where we aren't somewhat dependent on oil; it goes into too many things, from plastic to medicine to jet,truck train, boat and heating fuel. But we need to find alternatives. Solar and nuclear energy, modes of transportation that don't use or use little oil products, more efficient energy usage in homes, vehicles, transmission lines and business. We also need to learn to become less of a disposable nation. We throw away resources, myself included, like we have an endless supply. We need to prepare ourselves for a little discomfort.


But I like my gas powered car that gets 15mpg. How am I supposed to pull a trailer with a 100hp hybrid that runs off of my poo? :lol:

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As has been said by many, we need to decrease our dependence on oil. I don't see a time where we aren't somewhat dependent on oil; it goes into too many things, from plastic to medicine to jet,truck train, boat and heating fuel. But we need to find alternatives. Solar and nuclear energy, modes of transportation that don't use or use little oil products, more efficient energy usage in homes, vehicles, transmission lines and business. We also need to learn to become less of a disposable nation. We throw away resources, myself included, like we have an endless supply. We need to prepare ourselves for a little discomfort.


I totally agree with you. But what you are asking is almost impossible as im sure you already know. Most Americans are lazy and like luxury. We all take stuff for granted and waste resources. I just don't see us being able to turn the tide of the country anytime soon.... :cry:

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