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Corbin 85 Williamsburg 36

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It was actually 86-36 but Corbin just got one point on the score board for a jump shot late in the game. Crawford had 16, Barley had 15, and Johnson had 12 to lead the Hounds. Rob Madon, Josh Crawford, and Aaron Manns all probably had 10-12 rebounds. Coach Pietrowski got everyone playing time tonight and subbed a lot all throughout the game. Corbin could have won by 90 if they had chosen to. Hats off to the Williamsburg kids though. Even though they were severely outmatched and having trouble getting the ball up court, they not once gave up or hung their heads. They have some nice little players as well.

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It was actually 86-36 but Corbin just got one point on the score board for a jump shot late in the game. Crawford had 16, Barley had 15, and Johnson had 12 to lead the Hounds. Rob Madon, Josh Crawford, and Aaron Manns all probably had 10-12 rebounds. Coach Pietrowski got everyone playing time tonight and subbed a lot all throughout the game. Corbin could have won by 90 if they had chosen to. Hats off to the Williamsburg kids though. Even though they were severely outmatched and having trouble getting the ball up court, they not once gave up or hung their heads. They have some nice little players as well.


Coach P. had subbed all the starters after about 5:00 into the 1st quarter as Corbin jumped on them early. The scoring at the end of each quarter:


Corbin 29 - Williamsburg 9

Corbin 41 - Williamsburg 18

Corbin 70 - Williamsburg 33

Corbin 85 - Williamsburg 36

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I do not think anyone would complain about the score on this one. At least the Williamsburg fans can take it when they are on the short end of the stick. Brighter days are ahead for the Jackets. Corbin played the starters for about 12 minutes tonight and played 2-3 for most of the second half. Now on to Whitley for the Redhounds.

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I do not think anyone would complain about the score on this one. At least the Williamsburg fans can take it when they are on the short end of the stick. Brighter days are ahead for the Jackets. Corbin played the starters for about 12 minutes tonight and played 2-3 for most of the second half. Now on to Whitley for the Redhounds.


I agree that the Jackets are on the right path, but there will be games such as last night that show they still have a lot of work to do. Their kids played hard the entire game and never resulted to playing dirty, which can easily occur in a game of this nature.

Williamsburg has some talent, they just have not played nearly as much competitive basketball as most of the Corbin players have.

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From what I saw, Corbin played a good game and should be proud of the way they handled themselves. Williamsburg has potential and they will continue to improve as the team gets older and they get more experience under their belts. Coach Robinson seems to be heading his players in the right direction. Unlike last year, I can see improvements in their playing ability with each game. They are faster, stronger, and their basic understanding of the game seems to be growing. Their passing skills could use a little more "team" effort. They need to learn that a basket is points for Williamsburg regardless of who makes that basket. All in all, I think that Coach Robinson is doing a fine job and should be congratulated on his teams improvement. I say "Hats Off" to both teams and look forward to meetings in the future.

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