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President Trump's Agenda

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You've told me what you think is better. You still haven't addressed my point as to why it failed. It was doomed (no pun intended) from the beginning.


I believe AHCA was a mis-direct. The premises were flawed. 1) It was broadly sold that individuals did not have access to healthcare which obtained buy-in from all manner of people. 2) Our real issue was/is cost. AHCA did little or nothing to address that. 3) AHCA provided insurance, not healthcare, that then put private insurers in the middle of the equation to their betterment, and it became another re-distribution plan as those who paid were funding those who did not.

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I hope Trump leaves alone what Obama has set up for the refuge for the environment.


I am with you on this. It would be a nice change if we could be pro-business, pro-environment, pro-conservation and pro-education. In fact, we can be if we set our minds to it.

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I doubt that one happens. But I think you are right that he will put trade agreements high on his list. On this issue, I think the one higher on the agenda is TPP. That is now dead. It will be renegotiated or not approved. NAFTA is very difficult to change but he can fulfill his campaign promise by attacking TPP.


One fact that Hillary missed the boat on big time. The US has lost far more jobs to China than Mexico and there is no trade agreement with China.


His stance on TPP in the main reason he had my support.

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