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Leslie 12 Allen Central 11

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I agree. You can say things to make an umpire mad, but it doesn't take much when an umpire is looking for an excuse anyway. The umpires at this game had a short fuse and were cocky and arrogant. They made the game about them and made it clear to the coaches and players that they would not be questioned about their calls. That's pretty sad when they think they're perfect, and without error. They were all over AC players from the beginning jumping on to one kid for wearing his hat a little to the side. They then proceeded to jump another player for discussing a strike with his teammate. It wasn't even noticeable to others, but just that the umpire overheard it and came in and jumped the player. If I was the coach, that would have upset me enough to think poorly of the umpires.


Umpires should be an example for the kids. They should care about the kids and treat them with respect as young men -- not have an attitude as if they're horrible. There is a right way and a wrong way to deal with situations. These umpires dealt with problems the wrong way, not to mention being completely rude to players and coaches. They just were not a good example of a high school umpire, even jumping an AC fan (who is a preacher) for letting him know the coach was leaving the park if he'd just give him time.

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Nick Music started the game. Tyler Turner came in the 3rd inning and pitched into the 5th. Scott Little came in the 5th inning and pitched into the 6th. Then after the coach was ejected, the AC assistant coach came out onto the mound to calm the AC players down. The umpires then told the AC assistant that they had charged the AC coach with a mound visit when he came to the plate to question the call, and that they had to remove Little from the mound. Josh Prater then came in and got the Rebels out of the 6th inning with a big strikeout. Prater pitched the 7th inning and took the loss.


Also, according the the "magic word". AC's coach is a very respectable man and has never used foul language with his players nor the umpires, and he never on this night either. As a matter of fact, he had spoken with the umpires quite a few times already this night with the utmost respect for them. They even shook hands in a conference after the 2nd inning. These umpires were just cocky and arrogant, and made the game about them instead of about the kids playing. These were two great teams playing great competitive baseball -- the umpires should not be noticed. A sign of a good umpire is when you don't notice him during the game. These two umpires were noticed for questionable calls on both sides at least 4 out of 7 innings.


Are you the coach? Did you here every single word that the coach said to the umpire? Yea, didn't think so. Yeah the coach might not cuss but at a heated moment like it was then anybody can say something they didn't mean to say, in which case the coach might have let a "magic word" slip. I'm not saying the coach absolutey did use foul language. I'm just saying that that's one thing that could have happened.

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I was close enough to the action to know everything that went on, and in the heated moment, this particular coach said nothing out of the way, but only that he didn't appreciate the umpires doing a terrible job. He also said something about some of their calls being pathetic and unfair, and also something about the umpires should not be the ones noticed in a ball game, and he was very heated about that.

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I was close enough to the action to know everything that went on, and in the heated moment, this particular coach said nothing out of the way, but only that he didn't appreciate the umpires doing a terrible job. He also said something about some of their calls being pathetic and unfair, and also something about the umpires should not be the ones noticed in a ball game, and he was very heated about that.


So you are either a coach or a player because I was a fan sitting on the bleachers right behind homeplate & I couldnt even here what the coach was saying. I just saw him getting upset & kicking dirt onto homeplate.

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