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Does anyone remember Npt's Donna Murphy??

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I attended the Newport-Lloyd game last night add Donna Murphy was sighted at the gsme she walked around like the Basketball Goddess that she is. Just seeing her brought back some great memories, she was by far the best that ever played around here. No disrespect to Jamie Walz who set next to me at the game also, she wasn't to shabby. Ha Ha

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I spoke to one of her x-players. She said that Coach Murphy is loved by all of her players and it was a crying session when the news came out. Apparently she was let go due to a difference of opinions with the AD. Her record has been great at LCA. Not to mention she started 3 freshmen this year and had a very good record. They played Lex. Cath to a 7pt game this season with this team and that is a huge statement.


If LCA was a public institution I doubt that this would have happened IMO.

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