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UK Spent Almost As Much ON BBM LIGHTING As They Do FB Recruiting


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As someone mentioned earlier this article is ridiculous. The football recruiting budget and the money spent in BBM comes from two completely different funds. Seems to me like some people are just trying to start some sort of fire. There is absolutely no story here of any significance.

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Why? No one gives a rats behind about the football program.


Completely disagree. Heck, even when they stink they still get a very loyal 40k. If they're just decent they'll get 55k+.


Get some excitement going? 65K easily.

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As someone mentioned earlier this article is ridiculous. The football recruiting budget and the money spent in BBM comes from two completely different funds. Seems to me like some people are just trying to start some sort of fire. There is absolutely no story here of any significance.


I don't think where the money came from is an issue. I think it is more of a question of why 300K on lights for BBM and 300K on recruiting for football. At least it is for me. Makes me sad to think the same amount of money spent on winning SEC games in football is close to the amount of money spent on lights needed for Matthew Mitchell's MC Hammer routine. Priorities.

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Are you saying football brings in more money, or their profits are higher because they don't spend as much on football?


However you want to look at it. UK football makes and keeps a LOT more money than basketball.



UK football - $31,890,572 revenue - $13,905,724 expenses - $17,984,848 profit

UK basketball - $16,781,239 revenue - $11,573,283 expenses - $5,207,956 profit


» Which Football and Basketball Programs Produce the Largest Profits?

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