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Louisville Local Primary Races

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Considering they're anticipating a whopping 12 percent turnout statewide for Tuesday's primaries, you don't have to gather all that many votes in your corner to secure a primary win. That's a big problem right there.


I agree.


Also, I do think I like Cunningham. If she wins, I'll be happy.

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I have always wondered the point of even having elections in his district. The man is so popular there I am not even sure Obama could beat him in a metro council election. :lol:


Took Obama this long to come around on gay marriage, hasn't had sweeping changes in energy and environmental policy, didn't close Guantanamo and hasn't offered full amnesty to illegal immigrants... Obama isn't liberal enough to win in the Highlands. :lol:

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The vast majority of local elections here are predetermined. In most districts the Democrat incumbent would have to rape a minority child on a bed made of dead kittens and puppies just in order to be vulnerable.


Not that I actually have a problem with many of the local Democrats, just the ones who were in lockstep with the Cordish deal and have somehow escaped considerable scrutiny.


Oh how I miss Francene. :cry:


But in elections like the one for the open state senate seat, there are significant differences in the backgrounds and interests of the four candidates and, like you said, once they're in, they're likely there for as long as they want the job. This primary could determine who sits in the Kentucky Senate for the next 8-12 years. It's a big election for this part of town.

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19th State Senate District

Four-way Democratic Primary: an environmental engineer, two lawyers and a golf instructor. I like Sarah Lynn Cunningham personally, but I feel like McGarvey has some serious money and the big guns of the Democratic party behind him and that's tough to overcome. The winner of this primary is going to take it as no Republican is running in November. It's the Highlands... why would they bother? :lol:


Didn't former GOP Senator Bob Heleringer give Shaughnessy a very respectful run six years ago or so? You would think if a GOP'er could give incumbent Shaughnessy decent opposition, a repub could give decent run against newbies. While the 19th district is the Highlands, it also extends down southeast which has traditionally been gone 50/50 between Dem's and Repub's.


This all me be wishful hope on my part because I just love Bob Heleringer. An no, it is not because he is a Trinity grad. He is truly a stateman rather than a politician. So wish he could have won the Lt. Gov nomination and election years ago. He would be so good for our state. I also like Tim Shaughnessy (despite being a St. X grad :) ). He was a great supporter of private school rights and I am pretty sure did quite a bit of behind the scenes leg work to keep the privates from getting booted from the KHSAA tournament several years ago. Of the four contenders of the Dem nomination, I have no idea what their stands on that issue are. I would have to think Gary Demling would also be a supporter as closely tied to Trinity as his family is.


Speaking of Gary Demling, word is he committed the Democrat contender major foul, he gave his campaign printing material business to a non union print shop. I don't know if he simply wasn't thinking, is just trying to send a message that he isn't bound by the unions or simply felt the print shop who won his bid is the best price for the quality he wanted and it was worth going to them even if it ticked of a few union halls???

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Didn't former GOP Senator Bob Heleringer give Shaughnessy a very respectful run six years ago or so? You would think if a GOP'er could give incumbent Shaughnessy decent opposition, a repub could give decent run against newbies. While the 19th district is the Highlands, it also extends down southeast which has traditionally been gone 50/50 between Dem's and Repub's.


I don't remember. I was just finishing up college at this time six years ago and lived at my parents' house in the East End at the time. I've only been in the Highlands for about 5 years now. And you're definitely right about it getting closer to 50/50 the further you get south.

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As a lawyer, there are a couple other races of interest out there.


A primary for the Kentucky Court of Appeals between Irv Maze, who's been around in various offices for a very long time; Jim Shake, who it seems like has been really biding his time and waiting for this moment (and probably could have been a Supreme Court judge if Abramson hadn't decided to run after Judge McAnulty died); and Ruth Ann Cox Pence, who I know absolutely nothing about apart from her being Steve Pence's wife and that she's never been a judge before.


And there's the Commonwealth's Attorney primary between Carol Cobb, Steve Ryan, Tom Van De Rostyne and Tom Wine. I've met the former Judge Wine several times and spoken with him but know very little about the other three.

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I don't remember. I was just finishing up college at this time six years ago and lived at my parents' house in the East End at the time. I've only been in the Highlands for about 5 years now.



I just remember election night being really bummed that Heleringer lost so I have to believe it was close.


And you're definitely right about it getting closer to 50/50 the further you get south.


I live in the Northern Hikes Point area near Hikes Lane and Furman Blvd (Near the Golden Nugget!) and that area still is about 2:1 democrat but as go you go further down towards the southern part of Hikes Lane like Breckenridge Lane and Six Mile Lane and further into Jeffersontown, it starts getting pretty 50:50.

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