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Montgomery County 6 Model 4

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I saw that game and Hall pitched a very good game and was hurt. Hall has shown heart and maturity this season which is a plus. Sophomore Blake Thomas was 3-4 and a couple of inches away from hitting his secomd HR of the season and going 4-4. Newkirk has been hitting the ball all season but his fielding is still questionable. Clark County beat Bourbon County at Clark County and their ace Chase Mullins. Mullins struck out 10 batters and gave up one hit. If Mullins can't pitch every game Bourbon will be elimated early from the Tournament. My predictions is Clark County will win the 40th District and go far in the 10th Region. Montgomery County has three studs in Thomas,Newkirk and Sam Lee but Lee has had an off year. I wonder how they will play with a new coach next year?

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