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Everything posted by FarBeyondDriven

  1. Who knows. To assume that there would be no bidders would be shortsighted in my opinion.
  2. Agreed, but it depends on how thin the profit margin is.
  3. Many leftists despise religion.....but they tend to worship the EPA with a religious fervor.
  4. I agree. But on girls side, size is much harder to overcome in my opinion.
  5. Lipton Bash is evidently a bus driver, taking people to school on this subject. Clyde mentioned his own lack of knowledge on the subject, he should climb aboard the bus.
  6. If you respected his position, you would not be debating with inaccuracies.
  7. Just stop. You will need to see a chiropractor if you keep contorting yourself to justify your leftist talking points.
  8. It sounds the same because it is the same. The bass line from Under Pressure was sampled.
  9. Nothing but vague racial propaganda. Lunacy still rules supreme on a college campus I guess.
  10. Of course you don't, since you usually sit by quietly, as your lodge buddies express their ignorance about other races. Equal opportunity enabler?
  11. Wow is all I can say. Debate Rages As University Stands By ‘Problem Of Whiteness’ Course
  12. Cousins is a Hall of Fame talent, but will never reach that unless he decides to get control of his emotions.
  13. Venezuela..........a cesspool of failed Marxist policies.........yeah, I would let them vote on anything.:poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:
  14. Not directed at you, but it does apply. Folks, we are the United STATES of America with a Constitution that protects the individual. There is a reason that a simple majority does not always rule. The EC is just another example of the brilliance of check and balance of our self governance.
  15. The great songwriter/bassist Bob Dailey played on a Mungo Jerry record or two.
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