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Everything posted by FarBeyondDriven

  1. Why no rioting and looting in Tulsa? Or why has it not been covered?
  2. According to the law, if the container is open/seal broken, then yes.
  3. Lawlessness ruling the day in Charlotte right now. Agitators blocking highways, throwing stuff at cars.
  4. Are you a white male? What have you done to rid yourself of your "privilege?
  5. Not to make light of a tragedy, but that is funny. Good sense of humor.
  6. Ah yes...... more peaceful protests. Well, black on black crime is being protested. Very disturbing situation..........glad I don't live near that area.
  7. What is the issue? CK and his ilk are peacefully protesting during the anthem, the anthem is the lightning rod to gain the attention. I get what you are saying, but you under estimate The Offended in this country.
  8. Give it time...........places that we are accustomed to hearing our national anthem, will stop playing the national anthem, little by little, to appease the ever growing "offended" class in this country.
  9. Sharpe mentioned that when he was in high school, that his school had separate Senior Superlatives for white kids and black kids............that is stunning to me. That was in the 80's.
  10. Does anyone really think that complete legalization of Herion, meth, etc, would have a positive effect on our society?
  11. None are currently looking at him that I am aware of, but that will change. My sources tell me that Coach Browning has been contacting schools on his behalf.
  12. I hold the assertion that as a society, we are so far removed from understanding how great of nation we reside in, imperfect as it may be. The apathy that sets in, does nothing but harm this country, very incrementally.
  13. Poor analogy. Chicago public schools aren't Federal schools, they are controlled by the state and locals. Throwing money at problems doesn't cure problems.
  14. We kneel to God as an act of obedience. We stand during the Anthem to honor the flag and what it stands for.
  15. Hard to take CK serious while he sports his Fidel gear. I assume his Che Guevara shirt was dirty that day.
  16. I believe what you are asking for is a "Safe Space". They are readily available on your local college campus, and are pretty cheap.
  17. I believe what you are asking for is a "Safe Space". They are readily available on your local college campus, and are pretty cheap.
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