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Everything posted by bjim

  1. If we UK fans are to worry about recruiting violations it'd be this year or the next...After they become successfull this year and the following, Calipari is not going to have to do much recruiting at all. Players will flock to the Bluegrass state. No need to bribe any of them.
  2. Numbers are very deceiving. Do you ever go to the track and see where a horse has won 10 races in a row, but then look down and see the class of horses he’s been winning against. I’m sure if Bardo’s regular season schedule consists of teams with a combined total season record 46-72 as Mr. Andrew’s did last year he will put up some unfathomable numbers.
  3. Has she even been approved to play at Boone? Some may be putting the cart before the horse.
  4. So far I have been correct with the players leaving ... I think one more is going to join them. Just my opinion.
  5. Yes it will but this is the least of UK's worries...It will take care of itself...
  6. He may have had a sudden health problem and they could just be informing the public about it and not about him steeping down... We'll just have to wait and see...
  7. Please tell me this isn't another Hal Mumme incident. Where we had a few good years only to be shot down because we cheated... The steroid issue imo seems a little off as well as Coach Brooks steeping down. This has happened way too quick imo for it to be about Brooks retiring.
  8. Kentucky has 2 top 25 teams on one team...Not one team has had as much potential as this UK team does this year. I cant ever remember a time when a team went from losing in the 3rd round of the NIT to preseason #1 in a span of a little less then 2 months. I want to see these guys mesh first and play a few before I throw my neck out there on the line. But I think we have every right to be preseason #1 next year! GO CATS!
  9. These kids aren't good enough to play at the University of Kentucky. Thats all it is about, its about "cleaning house" so to speak. I bet the NCAA lets these kids play somewhere next year without having to sit out imo. They will transfer somewhere where they will be able to play more and get better as a basketball player. And to respond to your statement about how they picked the school not the coach, these kids didn't have the luxury the other playes had about having many great schools to choose from. UK is done getting these type of players and I wish them the best but its in their best interest as a basketball player to move on to some other school.
  10. The Pistons are my favorite team and if I had to pick a team for Jodie to go to it'd be Detroit...just not this year though
  11. UK will be great without John Wall, but to be a national championship caliber team we need John Wall. Our patience is being tested to the max with this guy but the ramifications of him coming here are out of this world! This would be huge for Bledsoe as well and not having the whole offense thrown on him next year. He'll be able to sit back and soak up the knowledge and experience of seeing Wall play. John Wall coming to Kentucky will make UK better this year and for a few years after that as well. So even though I am about worn out with all this, the thought of championship number 8 in the rafters keeps me going.
  12. I feel bad for the pitcher. I know what it is like issuing an intentional walk. You always end up trying to aim the ball and get stuck on how hard to throw it too. But I have never done that before :ohbrother: ...
  13. This is why he wont challenge Bunning.
  14. This is a pretty harsh statement to be making with no viable evidence to fortify your claims.
  15. John Wall will be a Kentucky Wildcat next year. Many people on here say recruits want to get to the NBA and win championships. If its down to UK and Miami (FL), then the championship aspect will lead him to the Bluegrass state. You can mark this down.....Wall to Kentucky!!!
  16. The only guys imo who could leave are Liggins, Harrellson, Stewart, and after hearing from Pilgrim himself, the thought of him leaving hasn't even crossed his mind once.
  17. I may have to get there a little earlier this year to get my tickets.....I don't mind the wait though :thumb:
  18. So you think if Kentucky's starting lineup next year is.... Wall Meeks Miller (or Dodson) Patterson Cousins ...they shouldn't be a legit vote for preseason #1 next year? Name a starting 5 better than that......
  19. Ok...well if for some reason this isn't the lineup next year my prediction will have to change. I said number 8 is soon to come, I didnt say next year. And in response to your comment about the fab 5 they relied on all freshman. If you look at the starting 5 Meeks and Patterson are in there. And they about did win it with all freshman if it wouldnt have been for Webber's freshman mistake by calling a timeout.
  20. I never discounted his ability. I said I dont think should be a front runner for POY. I'd choose between Maile, Darner, or Isler. Maile and Darner have put up even if not better stats against better competition. Thats just how it goes...
  21. This is only the case when playing the Villas and Calvarys. CovCath won't throw their ace at Bellevue, and neither will Beechwood or Ryle. Hunter Jones is a good player dont get me wrong, but he hasnt faced the top level of competition to be considered for POY. I think the most valuable player is Maile because by not throwing to him sets up his teammates for success. But the POY (best stats imo) should go to Darner or Isler.
  22. No player from the 9th region has gone on to play at any level of collegiate baseball in the past few years that didn't play SWOL.
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