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Everything posted by bjim

  1. Wow! Come on, so your saying the program had nothing to do with it? Its a mix of both. And thats fact...
  2. I never said once Bledsoe is the answer. I said that having Bledsoe for 4 years would soften the blow of not getting Wall. I think Bledsoe will be a great player. I mean he is a 5 star and the 3rd pest pg in the country.
  3. Yes obviously now they come to play for coach Cal. Later down the road I hope it goes back to like it was during the glory days. When players came because it was Kentucky. I think it will soon.
  4. Obviously I meant the elite players. The elite will want to come play at UK because its UK. And this should happen sometime soon hopefully.
  5. Didn't Liggins get in on the last try? I have a feeling he will be eligible next year. That's just my opinion. Ill agree to disagree on that topic. Now to address the Wall delay, Im a UK fan and many of us worry about this stuff all the time. We follow everything that goes on in the program. And in response to your who cares comment, I could name about 10 different coaches and probably close to a million people who follow this and want him to come play at their repective school.
  6. When UK was in their prime back in the late 90's this was how recruiting was and I think they are getting back to that. Yes I know his mother is sick and wouldn't he want to get this done so he wouldnt have to worry about it anymore and could focus on his mom? I am a huge UK fan and follow everything they do, and I dont hold any malice towards Mr. Wall. My reasoning is what else does he have to consider and it seems like no one will answer that question. And that's my job to worry about it, I'm a UK fan come on... And in response to your Patterson comment, he wasn't publicly changing his mind left and right. He had 3 schools in contention the whole time, Kentucky Florida and Duke. Bledsoe is going to be eligible imo. He'll find a way to play next year. Now if that's going to be an ethical way or not idk. But if Liggins became eligible, then Bledsoe will be.
  7. He has changed his position numerous times. From saying Kentucky is a definitely possibility to now everyone is even? And how he would have his list trimmed by last week, then changed it to mon, then to fri, now mon? And he is adding North Carolina Central to his list? Wow....as I said earlier bring me ERIC BLEDSOE! And even Calipari said he wants "givers" not "takers". Wall is definitely a taker. We're begging him to come, not him wanting to come here...
  8. I totally agree:ylsuper:
  9. Its not about the fact of him taking his time as much as the way he is doing it. He said he'd narrow his list down numerous times and has failed to do so. Now he is throwing North Carolina Central into the mix? I mean come on... And it also says everyone is now about even? He is straight playing everyone of us and loving that were all on the edge of our seat. He needs to get over himself...I say go after Bledsoe Kentucky.
  10. Former UK guard Anthony Epps' daughter is on the team and plays point guard just like ole' pops. I heard she is one of the top guards in the state. I'll look around for more information.:thumb:
  11. Oh and the new thread about the New John Wall Twist haha.....this proves my point that this seems like he is craving the attention. Or that maybe he thinks he is the godsend of basketball, the godsend good enough to take North Carolina Central to prominence? Come on, this is rediculous!
  12. This is true. My whole motivation for my initial post was the idea of what was taking him so long, so with that said haha we'll just wait and see!
  13. I never said it'd be best for me knowing soon. I have asked numerous times on here what else he could be contemplating and no one has replied. I have stated many times having Bledsoe for 4 yrs is perfectly fine with me. Can you name a school that he is considering that if he went to would hinder him from being a lottery pick next year? No matter where he goes he'll be a lottery pick.
  14. If Wall comes and Patterson and Meeks come back, then there is no reason this team should not be in the Final Four next year. I would honestly be very disappointed if we weren't. I mean seriously, what other team in America could match the starting lineup of Wall, Meeks, Miller, Patterson, and Cousins? With Orton and Co. off the bench? Are you kidding me? Yeah anything short of a Final Four will be a disapointment in my opinion.
  15. "Where will I go play college ball for a year before I go make millions?" This is what he is probably thinking. It doesnt matter where he goes, he'll be there one year then go make millions in the NBA. Shoot if I was in his shoes, I'd go live it up in South Beach for a year then make the big bucks. I don't care where he goes, I just want to know in the next week. And so far no one has answered my question I have asked about what else he could be contemplating? Is he just now starting to think about where he wants to go? I highly doubt he was going to go to Memphis because he just loves the school. No, its because he loved what Calipari did with Rose. So then Calipari picked up and landed in Lexington. So now he has 2 positives coming from the Calipari corner, what he did with Rose (which is why he almost committed to Memphis), and the little fact that UK is the winningest program in history. I don't care if he wants this (UK) or to go the OJ Mayo route. Just pick one in the next week please....
  16. Wow Calipari keeps them coming in! Keep up the good work!
  17. I highly doubt this is the case. My overall point was if he was not sold on what Kentucky has to offer by now, then I personally dont want him. Im not being bias either...I never stated opinions, all facts. I just want to hear a decision regardless of where he goes. What else could he be contemplating? I say give me Bledsoe for 4 years and I am a happy man. In response to the Patrick Patterson statement I felt the exact same way then. I'll be as excited as I was when Patterson signed on board.
  18. How long does this take? Has he not seen what Derrick Rose has done lately? Has he not seen the dribble drive offense Calipari uses? I mean wherever he goes hes going to start and be a lottery pick next year. So why not find a school that you can win a championship at your first year? I never said he owes UK anything or even the fans of UK anything. And to address your comment about UK not as big as we portray? This is the winningest program in all of NCAA basketball. He is just soaking up the attention. What else does he still have to take into consideration? Pick what school your going to go to for 1 year Mr. Wall. This is getting ridiculous!
  19. With the Celtics experience I can see them knocking off the Cavs in 7. Especially if they can steal one on the road. They have 3 legit scoring threats in Allen, Pierce, and Rondo, while the Cavs has only 1 in Lebron which is a big one no doubt. I know Mo Williams can be a scorer but has not had to be a go to guy in the playoffs yet. I think it'll be Boston vs. LA again. Just my opinion.
  20. The more and more I read all of this and see what Mr. Wall is saying about his college decision I become more and more irritated. I mean seriously, why wouldn't he want to come to UK? Meeks will be back, Cousins and Orton are there and Patterson may be back too. O and its KENTUCKY! Come on John....What school has something better to offer then UK? Lastly, I think Mr. Wall must think he is bigger then college basketball. What would be holding up his decision? Didn't he say he would have his list trimmed by last week? I say if UK hasnt impressed you yet then we dont want you. Bring me Bledsoe for 4 yrs and Im happy. Your not bigger then UK John!
  21. I was thinking the exact same thing. With regards to his Mother's health and staying close to home, he is only going to be college one year and I dont think he would turn down UK just for that reason. IMO it's in his best interest to come to UK for the following reasons: the dribble-drive offense and how it compares to the NBA style of offenses, Derek Rose and Tyreke Evans both being point guards under Calipari and their success under him, and its Kentucky! Hopefully this will be the only recruiting pitch we need in the next coming years. And further explaining the Rose and Evans comment, he will see both of these players were freshman and took over their respective teams. And did an amazing job. Wall will see this and also see how much he could do with Meeks on the Wing and the trio of Cousins, Orton, and Patterson (if he comes back) down low. You'll see him in Blue and White next year!!! (Kentucky Blue and White that is:D)
  22. I was measured last week and I was 6' 3.5"...I met him camping out for Big Blue Madness last year and he is NOT 6'8"! I'd say with shoes hes maybe 6'7". For him to be good at the next level he needs to be able to step out a little farther on his jumpshot. Although he does have about a 7" wingspan which goes into his favor.
  23. This is they year us UK fans finally catch a break...We haven't had much of anything to be excited about and this is the year where it all starts again! so with that said.... here is my roster... Jodie Meeks Starter Patrick Patterson Starter DeMarcus Cousins Starter Darius Miller Daniel Orton Jon Hood DeAndre Liggins Ramon Harris Matt Pilgrim Perry Stevenson Kevin Galloway John Wall Starter Xavier Henry Starter Walk-ons Mark Krebs Dwight Perry CJ Henry Donald Williams IF....this lineup happens then this team WILL win the National Championship next year!
  24. Its pretty funny that the ONLY Division 1 pitcher signee in the 9th region isn't even in a lot of your alls top 5. AJ Smith has to be up there. Id say... Isler, Smith, Roenker (sp?), Nutini, and Etscheid (sp?). Thats just my opinion though.
  25. This would be awesome! He'd be a great player off the bench his first year. And we all know how bad UK needs Shooters!
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