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sports fan

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Everything posted by sports fan

  1. Even more favorite is the homemade cookie assortment that our neighbor brings us every year.:thumb:
  2. Super simple, but we dip the little square waffle-shaped pretzels in the melted white candy bark (dip them in halfway by hand) and then set them to cool on wax paper. You can make hundreds of them in no time and they are so yummy!
  3. T played the second (and even third) team most of the 4th quarter. Defensively they were shuttling 5 or 6 guys in and out every play. I am sure there were a few guys that may not have gotten to play on Friday, but there were a whole lot of guys on a whole lot of other teams that didn't get to play anywhere on Friday. Success breeds contempt. IMO holding others in contempt feels worse than being held in contempt courtesy of the bonds of jealousy. Feeling good about another BG trip! Go Rocks!
  4. 2 close scrimmages... Rocks are going to have a tough season, but I think they will be up to the task
  5. I think the game will clearly prove that H is the #2 team in the state and X is #3
  6. T played second and third string guys from about the 9 minute mark of the 4th qtr on.... Great win. Loved the trip to Brandenburg. Hope we meet again soon.
  7. :deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse:
  8. In John Hardin's defense, they had been preparing for BG for two weeks.
  9. Congrats to Dixie. Now we will see if the 5 or 6 best teams in the state were all on the same side of the bracket or not.
  10. Meade Co. fans stayed til the end and applauded both teams at the final horn. Lots of respect for the Brandenburg folks. After that opening drive by Meade (off the brilliant pooch kickoff recovery) with the missed FG, it was all T after that.
  11. I thought the hospitality of Meade Co fans was great
  12. My wife has one and now I get a great night's sleep!
  13. Lex Cath needs to fire up some prayers to Saint Eustachius (Patron Saint of Difficult Situations).
  14. On the heels of what is going on in our great nation, I will ask the elephant-in-the-room question (and I honestly do not know the answer, and in a perfect world this question should not matter): Was the officer who shot black or white?
  15. Does anyone remember some years back when Jessie Jackson was up in arms about teens who were being expelled from school for a fight at a football game (maybe in Memphis)? He went on national television criticizing the administration, saying it would never happen to white students. He was all set to do his big dog and pony show until (sadly for him) video surfaced showing those boys instigated the fight and were totally responsible for it. When Jesse realized he couldn't further his agenda he quietly moved on. Had that video not existed he would have milked that event regardless of what the truth of the matter was. I can't stand Al or Jesse. They are as racist as any white person I know. I do, however, respect the savvy manner in which they know just how strong they want to trot out the race card. No one can say they are not wise.
  16. I have not (and will not) read the last 20 pages, but I will share my two cents. First, it is a tragedy when ANYONE dies: heart attack, old age, car wreck, and yes, a police shooting. Second, photos of the officer indicate he was struck in the head at least 2 or 3 times, and at least 6 witnesses (all African American) testified that the victim turned back and rushed at the officer. Maybe he was in a panic because of the shoplifting - who knows - but he did what he did. And so did the officer. Third, I am so disappointed in our media I do not know what to say. Where is Walter Cronkite when we need him? Fourth, vandalizing businesses coast to coast, stealing liquor and laughing about it? That is how we "remember" the deceased? Fifth, forget about this case for a moment... clear your mind and consider the following: You hear on the radio, "Bob Jones was acquitted of the rape and murder of Betty Smith, and there is now rioting in the streets as businesses are being looted and a police car is being overturned by a group of teenagers." What color did you assign to Bob, Betty, the looters or the teenagers? Are you guilty of racial profiling? Reminds me of the John Grisham book, A Time to Kill. Bottom line for me is this: It doesn't matter if you are black, white, yellow, purple or green. Stealing and striking a police officer are wrong. Going back after that same officer may very well get you killed. Looting and setting businesses of fire are wrong. Reporting the "facts" in a one-sided manner (for either side) is wrong. Looking for your 15 minutes of fame courtesy of this young man's death is wrong. Gosh, so much "wrong" here...
  17. Voted Dixie as I know they are the higher ranked team, but the more I think about it this may be the year the Bruins get the upset victory and make it to the finals. Good luck Ballard.
  18. That is a "bold swell" of a statement. BG is not going in the wrong direction.
  19. How is no one posting on this thread? Bruins quietly marching to the semi finals for the first time who who knows how long. I think they make it to BG.
  20. I love the finals in BG. Little smaller stadium, and the event folks are very nice. Great campus as well.
  21. The Purples will be back; This will fuel the hunger. Now take the region in basketball!
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