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Buffalo Gap

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Everything posted by Buffalo Gap

  1. Coaches not being happy with 12 penalities or even 6?!? No, say it aint so!! Thanks for pointing out the obvious, there:rolleyes: . Nobody here is touchy, I can promise you that, especially if it has anything to do with somebody making remarks that they have no idea about, when sitting behind a computer and a screen name. All I'm saying is, people, and you this would include you, who DIDN'T see the game, don't need to question a teams discipline due to officiating, that was very, very sketchy, especially if you weren't there to see it. Secondly, you're right, I guess you will comment on whatever you want to comment on,
  2. Exactly!!! No just that, but other 4A public schools like Henderson Co. (2,200), Dunbar (2,200), Henry Clay, etc. all have over 2,000 enrolled, with several other schools like Ballard, Lafayett, etc. with 1,800 or so, that has been playing in the same class for years with the likes of schools that have 1,200 or so. Some of you out there need to do the math on that one, then come talk to me. Since some of you out there are all about facing the truth and facts!! Good post titletownclown!! Thanks for the support! It's great that Mercer and the Ads are playing in back to back games, perfect for the fans!!!!
  3. You werent there, you dont need to comment. That's the bottom line. You dont know what they need to work on. Did Mercer commit some of those penalities, I guarantee it, probably half. Did O'Cath committ some that werent called, you BETTER believe it. All I know is this, O'Cath threw the ball all over the place, I dont know the exact # of attempts, but it seemed like 40 or so, and at that, they had NO HOLDING PENALITIES called, if they are that good at pass blocking to not commit any holding penalties, then they need to start giving clinics on pass blocking schemes, techniques..instead of Florida State, USC, etc. At any case, it was a great game played by the Titans. O'Cath, you all should be very proud, over the past 9-10 years, you all have put together runs towards a state title, that 90% of the teams across the state could only imagine. It should be a barn burner next week. Im looking forward to it!!
  4. I think the whole 'bye week' needs to be tweaked somewhat, somehow, I dont have the answer, but maybe have a universal 'bye week' for the state.?!!? Say, right before the playoffs, or in the middle of district play ( i realize this would never happen, but just a thought) The only reason i say this is because of some teams who have their by weeks the first, second, third weeks of the season. What's the point?! I agree that it might help some kids who might get injured in that first week or so of play, but unless they have a district game comming up, then that kid doesnt need to be rushing back to play in the first place, if in fact the injury is that serious. Im loving the new schedule/dates. The one thing that I think will also change is the ridiculous school schedules nowadays. Kids/teachers starting school in late July/1st of August!! What a bunch of crap, what was ever wrong with the 'not so long ago' way of starting school in late August, early September, I have no idea!!?? So, if none other than HS football actually starting in the fall, going all the way up closer to Christmas, which will be great, it might get school schedules back to the way it used to be, and actually let these kids be kids, have a summer for two months, while opening up the weight room a few days a week for a couple hours (voluntarily) and then still have the whole month of August for practice. That is all you really need, anyway. One week of non-contact, the 2nd week have camp and a scrimmage that friday, 3rd week practice and scrimmage, the 4th week start school and practice for 1st game. As far as what SOME of the basketball coaches across the state think, who cares?!!! Can someone explain this to me..why is it that most of your football coaches encourage kids to play basketball, baseball, etc., but most basketball coaches don't openly encourage their players to play other sports, specifically football?!?! I know, it's the 8th wonder of the world!! I know the reason that these coaches who feel this way, give,and it's the whole 'injury' thing, blah, blah. Fact is, there is just as many ankle, foot and knee injuries in basketball as there is in football, or at least that is how it's always seemed to me, but I just want to hear the REAL reason!
  5. I dont know the exact #'s for next years realignment, but things that I do know is that, a good number of this years AA schools are playing up in 3A next year, with LaRue Co., Lou. Western and LaRue all playing 4A and Mercer being the only one moving to 5A (note: if Mercer's Co-ed enrollment was 50/50, then Mercer would be 4A, but because it's about 60/40, is the reason for Mercer in 5A). Coach Jaggers comment about "having 100 more kids than the biggest AA school" is probably even stretching it. The second biggest school in this years Class AA is WESTERN, w/ an enrollment (last years #'s) of 904, Lone Oak is around 840. This years Mercer enrollment, at MOST would be 950 or so, if even that..
  6. I don't think the offense was held in check. The offense only had the ball 4 times in the 1st half.They should of been up 3 TD's at the half but one was called back. They only punted the ball one time. The drive to start the 2nd half consumed over 7 minutes to take a 3 TD lead.
  7. :thumb: First of all, I want to congratulate the kids at Newport on a fine season. #20 and Hesch, you all have your best football ahead of you!! Secondly, I believe the game completely swung into Mercer's hands when they stopped Newport, not once, but twice within the same drive from inside the 5 yd. line. Mercer's defense could have gave in and folded on that drive after the questionable interference call, but what do they do?! Hold Newport again on four straight plays from the 3 yd line....Mercer then got the ball and drove all the way down for the first score to go up 8-0. The next kick-off was huge, too. Some fumbles are mistakes on the offensive kid, others are caused, the one on the kick-off was caused. There was some MAJOR hitting going on from the Titan defense!! Mercer then put together another clock eating drive to go up 15-0, only to have a chance to go up another TD or Field goal before the have, kudos to Newport's 'D' on that stand. After the half, Mercer got the ball and put together 9 minute drive to score with about 3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter to go up 21-0. Then, the Daryl Smith show started, intercepting not one, but two passes, returning the first for the TD, and also making an unbelievable grab on a TD reception. WOW!! To top it all off, was the return by Freeman Edwards off of an attempted Onside Kick by Newport, after they scored their lone TD. Edwards return was one that you just had to be their to see just how great of a play it was! I believed he showed that he is another one for the Titans who has SPEED to burn!! The kid was on skates!! He took the ball, reversed the field and went the distance. Mercer didnt rip off 50 yd run after 50 yd run tonite like in previous games, and that had to do with a GREAT Newport defense. In saying that, one has to give several 'pat on the backs' to Mercer's offensive linemen and backs for absolutely just getting physical with Newport's 'D'. Mercers young O-line (4 sophomores and 1 Jr.) played a great game. Some have questioned how Mercer would do in a physical ballgame. Well, this is the third time this year that they have had to grind it out and put drives together to win a ballgame, the 1st time with Boyle, the 2nd time with Newport and then again tonite with Newport. Great game, Great job on both sides of the ball for Mercer, Great atmosphere for a HS ball game!! Good job Titans on your win, enjoy it and get ready for the Hawks of LaRue Co!!! Again, congrats to Newport, their coaches and their kids on a fine year!!! Go Titans!!
  8. Sorry to hear about this.I hope it doesn't effect any players.
  9. Whatever the down, whatever the distance, that's a big play and whatever the sequence in which it happened.
  10. The U.S.S Admiral is about to drop Anchor come friday nite!!!!
  11. You're right, they did, but they had the pass to go along with with it. Now that you mention it, I cant honestly remember the exact sequance, but they did have two big plays..run/pass, pass/run..one of the two.
  12. Have you ever played Boyle?! If not, then you dont understand how much Boyle can "just run it right down your throat". They arent a wing-t team or a wishbone, but they can run it and they can throw it, and if you dont think they arent as physical as physical gets, then you are badly mistaken. But, I completely agree with you that stats dont always tell the story. If they did and meant everything, then Hal Mumme never should have lost a game when he was at UK, just going from offensive stats.
  13. If I remember correctly, the first play of that opening drive was about a 30 yd pass for Newport. As far as Newport having a few more chances to score, you could say that, but I also feel, and I mean this whether Im talking about Mercer or Newport, but just by having the ball inside your opponents 50-30yd line isnt the samething as losing the ball from the 10 yd. line, in... 30+ yards in my opinion isnt a given TD, even if you do hold onto the ball. One of Mercer's fumbles was inside their own 30 that Newport recoverd, the other was on the opening kick-off. I dont know if Mercer fumbled it inside the, the 30, but it was on their side of the field when Newport took over. At any case, that was then, friday nite will be the "now". Best of luck to you and your Widcats NHS Big Daddy, y'all make sure and have a safe trip down!!:thumb:
  14. Newport has a great defense and their offense has improved thru the season.Newport is alot better team than most people think.
  15. I say North Hardin won't turn the ball over 4 times like they did against Meade in the 1st go 'round (which North still won). North plays better, beats Meade to set up a re-match with 'Dawgs' 2 miles down the road.:thumb:
  16. I believe your thinking about Male not Danville.
  17. Just a question here, but have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe your Newport team just has a very, very good defense??? A defense that was equal too, if not better than the defense of Boyle Co. That might explain why Mercer didnt "explode" for more points??!! Personally, I thought Mercer played one of it's best games of the year against Newport, b/c they did something that they hadnt really done all year, which was SUSTAIN drives, and drives that resulted in TD's, at that. Truthfully speaking, I dont know which determines a more productive offensive nite, scoring 60+ points on big play after big play, or puting together 10-15+ play drives that result in a TD's, and a 27 point total. I guess that is a "to each, their own" sort of opinion. When two very good, very well coached teams play, like Newport and Mercer are, the ballgame shouldn't be blowout. You say that Newport's offense is struggling this year, which compared to last years team, they probably are, but when you return 9 of 11 starters on defense, then there is a chance your defense is going to be very strong, especially when all of those guys returning on defense are a very good mixture of size, strength and speed(which Newports defense is made up of). Maybe your Newport team, especially on the defensive side of the ball is a little bit better than you are giving them credit for??!! Best of luck to you and your Wildcats at Spencer Co. this week!:thumb:
  18. Just win LC, take care of business!! Best of luck to the Patriots!
  19. I can see where you and others who arent around here to see first hand would see that, but to be honest, it's quite the contrary. It's going as smooth as you at it can, probably better than most expected. The schools arent but 1 1/2 miles apart, right across the RR tracks from the other, literally.:thumb:
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