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Buffalo Gap

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Everything posted by Buffalo Gap

  1. Terry and Autry are as good as any two talents in the state, and yes I mean the likes of Anderson from St.X and Beaumont from Male..no disrespect WHATSOEVER to them, it's just that Autry and Terry are just as good. All four of those guys are talents! D1 talents easily, Autry already has a couple D-1 offers. North wins by at least 3 touchdowns.
  2. They have a GREAT coach in Mark Peach, and a great staff to go a long with it. Peach is a proven winner. He was at Hancock, Dunbar and at Campbellsville University. The rebuild of Anderson County, to some(s) standards will take a couple more years, but Peach and his staff inherited a team that won 5 games in 5 years, these kids have to know what it's like to win, and they will, then the ball will really be rolling. I look for them to go at least .500 this year, and possibly even run for a low seed playoff spot. That wouldnt shock me a bit, everything considered, that would be a HUGE step for the turnaround of Anderson Co. football. Best of luck!
  3. He won the Ky State power lifting title in his weight class last March for Mercer.
  4. The Walker kid who had 1500 yards and 26 td's for Mercer wasn't even dressed out. I heard he had strained his hamstring earlier that week.:scared:
  5. Danville and Mercer didn't run the wishbone against each other they worked on their other offense which Highlands ran a couple of years ago when they beat Boyle in 2004.Both of Mercer's kickers were at a soccer tournament in Oldham County.They have a SR. and a sophomore soccer style kicker.
  6. The Titans had a TD called back also on a holding penalty or did you just foget about that one and just remember the offensive pass interfrence by the kid that caught the ball.
  7. I agree with you, and this proposition too! Why on earth practice starts so early, I have no idea?! Starting practice July 15 is too early for EVERYBODY involved in KY HS football, especially the players and coaches. Im sure a great deal of coaches out there in the state would agree with this, as well. Practice doesnt need to start until August 1st and the first game doesnt need to be until Labor Day weekend. In order for this to happen, though, school will need to be moved back from this LUDACRIS idea of starting August 1st in MOST places. The state of Kentucky's Education departmented determined a few years ago that the state needs '5 more days of instruction', which is all fine and dandy, but why does that mean schools need to start a whole 3 to 4 weeks earlier than how it used to be?! ( i know about the fall breaks with the current schedule, etc., etc., that would all have to be 'tweeked too'.. athletes, the parents of these athletes and coaches dont get 'breaks' and that is fine and dandy.).I say start school at the end of Aug., beginning of September..have a few 3 or 4 day weekends thrown in the mix until Christmas, and get back to doing it the way it was. That's a whole nother topic, though. The fact is: 1)Football Practice doesnt need to start until Aug. 1(gives the coaches, players and parents of players more of a 'summer' 2)First game doesnt need to be until labor day weekend. 3)School needs to be moved back until the last week of August or after Labor Day. 4)Im mentioning the following, b/c i know it will be brought up, but the question of "what about basketball being moved back?"..I can tell you right now that basketball coaches wouldnt mind moving back practice until November or so. In some schools, with football teams that make it deep into the playoffs, those kids that play basketball too, dont get to start until late November and December, so that means the b-ball coaches have to already practice 2 months without a good number of their key players. Basketball coaches wouldnt mind starting "official" practice until November. 5)The list could go on, but I feel, that if the football coaches across the state are allowed any voice in this topic, then practice will definately be moved back.
  8. It was the best atmosphere for a scrimmage that I have ever seen. I think the players could have played all day, and for that fact, the fans could have watched them play all day. Both teams did mirror each other offesively, but one also has to remember how long Harp and Jaggers coached with one another, and how successful both were and how great of friends they still both remain. Mercer wont see anybody else run that offense the rest of the year, just like Danville wont see it. This scrimmage did exactly what it was meant to do, make both teams BETTER, and boy oh boy did it. Both teams have a lot more offensive power that they didnt show, but why show everything in a scrimmage, especially when a good deal of opposing teams that both will be playing were at the scrimmage?!?! That would make ZERO sense. Congrats to both teams, it was awesome to watch. Best of Luck to the ADS and TITANS this year!!!
  9. If I was danville, I would charge something at the gate. I mean, why not, this wont be your ordinary crowd for a scrimmage. It doesnt have to be much, charge a $1 or be open to donations if some were willing..i dont think it would be out of character at all for Danville, or any other team to charge a small fee at the gate. On the topic at hand, though, YES, the scrimmage has been changed to 1 pm, Saturday afternoon at Danville's practice field..and it will be Danville, Mercer and WEST Jessamine, not East (easy for a mix-up there, I know).
  10. If you honestly cant see the positives that will come from having a 1st class practice facility, especially in the HS ranks, then it's not even worth wasting my time over. You definately dont need to search for high schools in Texas, California, Georgia, Florida..or else, you'll be questioned out. Go tell the people in those states that you question an indoor practice facility for a high school.
  11. Mercer NEVER got in the wishbone, only the double wing/ace backfield look.
  12. It was exactly that, a typical first scrimmage. Both teams showed their capabilities. Personally, I look for Somerset to be in hunt for the east side of the state in 1A, no questions asked. I was very impressed with their defense. When it comes to Mercer, they looked fine. A lot of kids got to play. And, to be honest, I think Mercer only ran about 6 different offensive plays out of only 1 offensive set, they kept it very basic, which is how it should be done in a scrimmage in the first place. There were variations of that one set, but in general, they stuck with one. Their were all sorts of brighspots, for both teams. This thing is going to be a process as it is with any school in a given year, even moreso true when talking about Mercer. I think that Mercer ended up scoring 4 TD's (maybe 3??) to Somersets 0. Mercer had to deal with a couple big plays being called back by "rookie" mistakes when it came to officiating (no disrespect meant..the refs are getting their practice in just like the teams) and Somerset dropped a few very catchable balls, that come the season, will be for sure positive plays. All in all, a good first scrimmage. I couldnt get over the crown that showed up, and just to think, for a scrimmage!!! Best of luck to the BriarJumpers this year, and of course the TITANS!!
  13. I missed the broadcast by WKYT, I heard is was a good news clip as well..The Titans are very fortunate to have a facility of this magnitude, and to let you know, the painting is actually not a painting..it's sewn into the turf...I know, i was and still am shocked at that too. Impressive.
  14. That logo of the fireball and the 'M', not the one you posted exactly, but similar will be used...but, it's not what will be on Mercer's helmets. One will just have to wait and see what it will be. I'll say this, it's something creative, but somewhat simple that has come from the people at Mercer themselves. The new decal will look good though. Mercer will keep their blue helmets and gray facemask look, whatever the extras, their helmets will look somethin similar to the NY Giants/the new Kansas look, etc...You'll just have to wait and see!! :jump:
  15. One correction concerning Mercer Co., Justin Morgan (Mercer's QB last year) did not graduate..him and Freeman Edwards, along with Sophomore Trevor Short (H'burg) are competing for the QB job. Despite whoever gets the starting nod, you can bank on it that the other two will be on the field somewhere, and a used A LOT.
  16. Mercer, under the current alignment will not have 4A #'s this year, will they have 3A #'s?yes. Their actually alignment will only be a little over 900, and it may not be that much, and it could be more. In saying this, they wont be the only 2A school or any school, in any class, for that matter, that will be playing "down" a class. I know that Lone Oak and Western have 3A #'s, right around 900 give or take to be exact, but will be in 2A, there is a couple more, though, that I cant think of right off the top of my head. One thing I do know, is that, Nelson and Meade Co.'s back in the mid 90's had 4A #s there last couple years in 3A, and Boyle Co. and LexCath had 3A #'s their last couple years of 2A until the new alignments came out that moved them up. There has been several others too, Franklin-Simpson, Lawrence Co., John Hardin, the list could go on. None of these are to anyone's fault, it's just the way things happen sometimes.
  17. This was addressed a couple months ago on here, but Mercer, under the current alignment is not going to have 4A#'s this year. Their combined enrollement will actually only be a little over 900, and thats just a guestimation at this point, it could actually be lower than that or higher..this just depends on when classes start. Secondly, they WILL NOT be the only 2A school playing with 3A #'s for the 2006 season..a few others, Lone Oak, Lville Western and a couple more that i cant think of right off the top of my head will have larger #s. Nelson Co. and Meade Co. back in the mid 90's, their last couple years they were in 3A and had 4A #s Boyle Co and LexCath their last couple years in 2A were playing with 3A #'s. Im sure their are others as well that have fallen into this category, and it is to noones fault, those are just ones that stand out.. It's just the way things sometimes happen. One thing, though,(this is not directed towards you Devil58) that I can already tell, from some on this site who are ANTI-MERGER and ANTI-MERCER and Im sure from others across the state is that Mercer, Jaggers and Co. will be in for a lose/lose situation...because if Mercer happens to win it all, then people will say it was unfair and if they dont win it all, Im sure people will be calling for Jaggers' head. Which, those people are ones who have the intelligence of...well, Im just going to keep that thought to myself and end this post here!! :jump: :ylsuper: :banana:
  18. Those backs are talented, that's a fact. I hope the team does jell and from everything I've heard the kids, coaches, etc. are getting along great. Their doesnt seem to be any real egos that could cause conflict. As for the possible move to 5A next year, Im not so sure. The true enrollment will still have to be determined, I wouldnt be shocked if they dont fall to 4A when the FINAL alignment comes out, if not I think they'll be barely over into 5A #'s. Good luck to the TITANS this year and for years to come!!
  19. My Prayers go out to the young mans family and entire Henderson Co. football program and everyone involved. I have a cousin that is currently apart of the Henderson Co. football program and family that has been apart of the Henderson Co. football program for years. Makes us realize that this sport is truly just that, a sport and nothing more.
  20. I didn't say he wasn't a D-1 prospect, I just meant that they don't give full scholarships in baseball.
  21. Russell won't play Mercer or Newport in the regional finals this year because of the draw.District 3 [Mercer and Newports district plays district 5 E-towns] ,for the regional title.They wouldn't meet until later.
  22. Very few baseball players get big time rides as far as scholarship money goes.The SEC and other D-1 schools have only 11.7 scholarships to give and they usually have to split those up.Golf only has 4 scholarships to give.D-1 football has 85 scholarships.
  23. I cant find the 2006 CatsPause magazine anywhere. I've been to Wal-Mart, Kroger, etc..nowhere. Is the actual magazine even out yet, or were those rankings found through the CatsPause webpage?! Thanks for any help!
  24. Hey coach B, Yolanda and Little Joe could help with your passing game.
  25. Not for sure the dates or exact order, but Mercer Co. has Danville and Somerset as their two scrimmages.
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