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Buffalo Gap

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Everything posted by Buffalo Gap

  1. Mercer won't be 5A long.Their enrollment is around 900 and the only reason they will be 5A next year is because the boy/girl population was not 50-50.I guess they should complain because they will be the smallest school in their new district.They did play one of the teams in their new district last year[south Laurel] who they beat by 50+ points.I guess since Lincoln County has 200 more students than what they have than they should say they have an unfair advantage.
  2. I don't know the guy but I guarantee you he won't be the OC because the head coach will do that.
  3. Harrodsburg Board of education voted to merge.Mercer County went 10-2 last year before the merger and lost to Russell at Russell in the playoffs . So your thinking that the powers in Mercer said let's get Harrodsburg to merge with us so we can beat Russell.Since Harrodsburg won 3 football games a year ago this will give us both a chance to win our !st State Title.Seems like somone would have thought of that along time ago. Give me a Break.
  4. Yeah, they worked the system, that's why the merger didnt happen when Harrodsburg had Jason Dunn, Henry Parks, Gus Parks, Nick Yeast, Venus Meaux, Donald Wayne Smith, Craig Yeast, Julius Yeast, Dennis Johnson, Adrian Patton, Derrick Johnson, Jay Parks, Patrick Bugg, etc. playing. They really had a lot of Division 1 and 1-AA players on this years team, didn't they?! You know how many off this years team are going to be signing Division 1 or 1-AA scholarships next week like the aforementioned?! None. Now, are they going to have a few sign NAIA or Div.II, yes.
  5. You're right, but the "situation" wasn't what was talked about in this thread, it was simply enrollment.
  6. I'm sorry, forget Bardstown's most recent State Title in 2001, they were playing in 2A, witha 2A enrollment at that time, but in 2000 when they got beat by Danville they were then playing in 1A with a 2A enrollment. As for Boyle, stating what I said wasn't a knock on them in anyway, I was just trying to make you and others see that this type of thing isnt exactly unheard of, and other than Mercer, Boyle was the next in line. It happens, Boyle and Mercer werent the first and they sure as heck wont be the last. So, if you feel big by continuing to make smart comments behind a computer screen and name, then by all means continue. It's whatever does it for you. Heres some more education for you, in 1975, Scott County won, I believe the 3A Title (4A hadn't come along yet), that was the year they merged. Was an asterisk put beside their accomplishment?! NO! Should there be?! NO!
  7. Since they were the only team in the state to go 15-0 in 2006,I give them alot of credit.I guess they'll put an asterik next to Mercer's state title when they put one next to all the private schools who have won a State Title or the other public schools who moved up a class within a year or two of winning a Title.An example would be Boyle County and Bardstown.
  8. Heard last week that UK asked one to be a preferred walkon and heard that Troy State was interested in a couple of players.Alot of it depends on your core GPA and your ACT scores.
  9. You heard one side. I heard Mercer was trying to get Apollo week 2 so they could have week 11 as their open date but Apollo decided to play Lex Cath instead.Now Apollo has week 2 open.
  10. Chris would be very deserving of being named the best "MLB", if their was such an award. Kasey is a great, great player and is very deserving of the Class AA P.O.Y award, anytime you can get compliments like that from another big time player, like Kasey, then that speaks volumes. I'll say this, I dont know if Chris was the best MLB in the state this year or not, but I can guarantee there was nobody better!!! P.S Best of luck to you Mr. Clarke!! You're a great player, an awesome talent.:thumb:
  11. His Dad played football at UK. Mike had been a principal at Pulaski until this year.Mike was All-State in both football and basketball.UK offered him a football scholly but didn't offer a b'ball scholly.
  12. I can think of 1 Mr.Basketball that played football[Chris Lofton]but I can think of several Mr.Football's that played basketball. How many head basketball coaches can you name that had son's that played football?I can name a bunch of head football coach's who had son's that also played basketball.
  13. Adair County took major steps this year. The major component that Adair needs is a tremendous amount of support from their administration and they're community. When their administration(s) makes the commitment that they want the Indians to WIN in more than just Basketball and Band, then that is when the rest of they're sports, especially football will start to really take-off in the right direction.(I realize that they got a new stadium this year, but what most dont realize is that this stadium, which could have been finished within a couple months, took 3 years to complete. They have the money, just look at their basketball gym.) Coach Teague got some extra added help this year in a young, but very knowledgable assistant coach, Alan Short (Lawrence Co. QB '98-'99, Campbellsville University QB 2001-2004, All-Conference performer). Teague, Short and the rest of his staff and players have things going in the right direction. This year they opened up with their new stadium, field and finished it off with a 4-6 record, a huge step as far as Adair Co. football is concerned. I had the opportunity to go to a couple Adair Co. practices early in July, and have also walked the halls of their school. They have the boys needed in the school to help develop a very solid football team, it's just a matter of whether or not they (kids) want to play and the administration/community helping in what it takes to have a promising football program. Because I can promise you that they have a coaching staff that has and is willing to go above and beyond the call of duty, they did this year and it showed!:thumb:
  14. Name the schools and the years?I know of 5 coaches that took 2 different schools to the State finals. Joe Jaggers(Trigg County twice and Ft. Knox four times)Tom Duffy( Danville twice and Highlands twice)Dudley Hilton(Bell County once and Bourbon once) Pat Gates(Crittenden county and Caldwell)Marty Jaggers(Lincoln once and Mercer once)I think Coach Haley took Bryan Station once and Thilgman once and Bowling green twice.
  15. From what I saw of BG the last 2 years, Mercer County could give BG all they wanted. Mercer beat Owenboro Catholic 43-0. Owensboro Catholic beat Trigg in overtime.I wouldn't compare Mercer to Trigg. Mercer beat Boyle County.
  16. Mercer set a new State record for rushing with almost 5,800 yards in a season. They set the record for rushing TD's in a season as well.It wasn't that they couldn't throw the ball they just didn't have to alot.If you had seen them play other games, when it wasn't 20 degrees and 30=40 mph winds you would have seen that they could throw the ball if needed.If you can't run the ball and play defense, you won't win no matter what level of football.Mercer had 30 int's for the year which is 4 th best all time in a season.
  17. Well, Coach Jaggers didn't mess up, he just took a chance at something that isn't very often done, but due to how bad the winds were, I think it will help some of you make some sense out of it. Heres the explanation for the decision at the coin toss. From the Danville Paper: For the first time in his coaching career, Marty Jaggers had his team kick off both halves because of the windy conditions at Papa John's Cardinal Stadium. The strategy almost backfired in the third quarter when a 54-yard pass enabled Russell to get a first down at the 20 before Mercer's defense held. "It was a gamble on my part. I just thought having the wind was that big. I've never done that, and probably never will again because it didn't work," Jaggers said. "If that had cost us the game, I would have been second guessing myself." You guys at Russell have a great program. The game was great, two physical teams slugging it out. Now that we will be in different classes next year, you can bet that us Mercer folk will be pulling for you all, at least this one will. Your staff, players, etc. know how to play physical, and that's what football is all about. Yesterday was nothing more than two GREAT teams in a slugfest, knockdown drag-out!! Lastly, if anyone wants to talk about heart, you obviously have to point out all the players on both teams, especially on the defensive side. But, Corey Jackson of Mercer (#2), played the entire game with what Mercer's Ath. Trainer Todd Davis, said is about a "grade 2 seperation" in his right shoulder. Corey didnt say anything about it until after the game, but indicated that he felt it after the 1st play of the game when #56 from Russell just flat out laid the wood to Corey. That being said, Corey eximplifies the heart that all of these kids played with the entire year!! Best of luck to the seniors from both teams in all that they do. Kasey Clarke, you're a stud, young man! To next years teams, I hope to see both of you back playing for you newly respected Class(s) State Championship!!:thumb: Go TITANS!!!!!
  18. I thought you all's defense was very good last year. How many of those guys returned this year?
  19. Did #56 for you all play LB'er last year? I thought both of your LB'ers were very good players last year.
  20. Hey Joe, can we split the money, I dont know, maybe at least 70-30. Afterall, I was thinking of the bet, you just spoke out and stole the idea!! haha:thumb: :dancingpa
  21. If the orignal plans of the fieldhouse knew that the merger was going to happen, I CAN PROMISE you that the fieldhouse would have been a lot bigger than what it is now!! That is a fact!! The fieldhouse original plans were built to house only Mercer Co., but hey, I forgot that you live here, work in the system and know everything, and every thought that has gone into this merger:rolleyes: :jump:
  22. Theres a lot of them out there that like to think they are:jump: , huh, Joe?!
  23. I dont know what that last sentence of my last post was supposed to mean.haha Im sure getting excited about UK almost scoring on that last drive to beat UT got me a little sidetracked!!! Best of luck to the Titans next week!!!!!
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