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Everything posted by TRUE REDHOUND

  1. Not bitter at all. Just seemed like he was the 'big show' and thats NOT high school football. He is a good ball player, that made the second time i had seen him play but only the first time i had gotten that impression. Like someone stated earlier it wasnt his ability that unimpressed me it was his attitude. There is alot of ways to portray excitement and aggression, MAYBE that was his way of doing it and there was things being said under that helmet to counter all of the negative actions, if that is so i am sorry for the misconception. Corbin may take him but i can guarantee his attitude would change.
  2. I asked this question earlier in the year and got laughed at. But the way they are beating people it is possible.
  3. I agree with that, like you said though don't know him. This was the second time I have seen him play including last year at louisville. I didn't get that impression of him at all last year. But this year i most definatley did in this game. Maybe you all will get to make to louisville again and i will get to see a different impression of him.
  4. Actually what made the call so bad, one player touched it and stopped movement even, then another player came in allmost at the same time and knocked it back and sent it spinning. So really it was downed twice the side judge was confused because of the speed of the game.
  5. Good ball game. Congrats to Russell on another Region Title. I have heard alot of talk about Kasey Clark and don't get me wrong he is a good ball player. But the real player I thought made the difference tonight for Russell was the QB he does the mis-direction perfect from the wing T. Hate to see it end this year but look out next year, didn't loose much have alot coming up also Corbin will be somthing special next year and years to come. On the punt the ball was downed by hand it just kept rolling afterword. The side judge thought that if the ball was still moving nomatter wether it was downed or not it was still live ball. The White hat over-ruled it which was the right call. Once intentionally touched by the punt team it is then a dead ball. Great ball game tonight aweful long/unhappy drive home.
  6. Sorry took what it was turned in to and ran with it. I hope to see a great game with two very well prepared teams fighting it out and leaving it all on the field with no 'what ifs' after word. Go Hounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dancingpa
  7. Very high honor, somting to be proud of Male fans.
  8. No not yet i guess i will have to get one. You goin tomorrow?
  9. I agree, if there are other options use them.
  10. Its Corbin:D And yes i believe 'Corbin' will bring alot of fans.
  11. :thumb: :laugh: Let me print it off to show the coaches before pregame practice starts and they can change some things up.
  12. Thats the first time i have ever heard of any coaching staff potentially drawing up schemes from blugegrasspreps.com. I mean we are all fans here and most of us support our team through thick and thin, but i don't think we have the insight that the coaching staff does. You all say what you want, i know Coach Jewell won't be puling any strategies off of a russell fans post.:lol:
  13. From Corbin: Cashen QB/FS Madon WR/C Nolan DL/OL Sanders RB/LB
  14. About 1:00 stop and eat that way we'll have plent of time.
  15. He has them about alot of NFL and College teams. Check out the one about the Bengals and the Steelers
  16. Is it half? I thought it was a smaller set percentage like about 20% or 30%
  17. Mayfield will win, too much history played out behind them they won't be denied.
  18. You made no sense to begin with. I hit the wrong button on the poll. I think it will be a close game with rocks power running game prevailing. I honestly believe it could be decided by a PAT probably not a saftey again. P.S. Come on down and get some hot wings
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