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Everything posted by Geek61

  1. Just one? I say two and the other one is one of that I would like to see stick around long-term.
  2. Nice of you to create an account to say that. Give me a break. One of those is true. I'll let you guess.
  3. Funny how I haven't even chimed in here and I'm getting put as the leader.
  4. I don't see Ground and Pound working this year. No Caple and Better BW D-Line should see to that.
  5. It is "predictable" of you to put things into my posts that just aren't there. Just because I didn't mention Ethan Stringer doesn't mean I don't think he needs to be in there or isn't important. I didn't mention Fieger either. Do you think I don't know he has to be a part of the offense? What is "Old Guard" about Studer and Stokes? Maybe you should stop being so sensitive or stop getting on BGP.
  6. I said in the preseason thread that Brett is the best athlete on the field. If BW staff builds offense around Slusher, Burns, and Studer with a sprinkling of Stokes, they will be unstoppable.
  7. Thanks. My updates dried up after BWs last score.
  8. Just to be clear, I am not at the game. I'm getting updates via text and phone. So my info is a bit behind.
  9. For another thread... Beechwood conditioning along with utilizing Studer is starting to pay off. But is it too late? 34-20 MH. 8 min left.
  10. Glad they finally woke up and started using Studer. Trying to force Stringer into it didn't work last year, so I don't know why they are doing again. Short memory I guess. Disagree about being different at Beechwood. We all know that wasn't true at least a few times that people were caught doing similar. They were punished, but weren't kicked off team.
  11. Doubt it. From last years game, I understand that Gamble charges too much for the broadcast rights.
  12. Not "trashy", but certainly just ignorant reporting.
  13. This is their Noseman and his buddies on both sides of the line are of similar stature. So I guess the answer is both.
  14. Why do you do this to kids? You just cause other people to say negative things about him. Not fair at all.
  15. How? I get that they MAY have won state, but if they couldn't get out of districts, how would they have "easily" won a championship. Wouldn't they have eventually ran into the same team that prevented them from reaching the playoffs?
  16. And it doesn't matter where he lives, so long as you follow the KHSAA transfer rules. Seems pretty simple to me.
  17. While I agree with it, I know for a fact that some parents/families are frustrated with how much the schedule changed. Rash always seemed to do a great job of setting a schedule/calendar early on and sticking to it. So parents could count on it. This year there have been a number of off-the-cuff changes. The changes end up affecting some families negatively because they had previously scheduled around it. You are correct about small school. A coach has to do what is best for the team as a whole. If that means rescheduling to make it doable for more players, then so be it.
  18. Unfortunately, I do not have any additional information. I just knew some of the details from involvement with the school and talking with a couple parents who's kids attended. Was told the same information you posted. Lot's of Bengals, Beechwood Varsity Players and coaches involved. Sounds like a great inaugural year for the camp and a new tradition.
  19. I can't remember a time when Baseball interfered with football as much as it seems to this year. I guess it could just because of the level of baseball talent playing football makes it seem worse. I'm sure they will hit the ground running next week.
  20. Wasn't simply a no-show. Had a contractural obligation that was a conflict. In all fairness, he apparently helped with other arrangements. The kids would rather see the Bengal players they know anyway. Most wouldn't know Kuechly. It is my understanding that Maualuga and Peko were there along with 2 or 3 other pros. Heard from a parent that it was well done and the kids loved it. I saw plenty of great photos on FB that would back that up. Kudos to all involved for the success.
  21. one more time... The KHSAA is not preventing him from going to CCH, simply From playing sports. So all other arguments about allowing him to seek better educational opportunities is just a load of crap. No one is stopping any of that. Remember, they didn't implement a rule for him, it is a rule that he is trying to be exempted from.
  22. I thought most good tournaments required that you be affiliated with a league. It at least seemed that way for many when I looked to put a Tourney Only group together 4 or 5 years ago.
  23. I don't lnow what is absurd or laughable. While I believe what you said about CCH, the KHSAA is not preventing him from going there, just from transferring there and playing athletics without sitting out the required year. They are sanctioning body and they can and should stop it. It's clearly for Sports reasons and they have the rules in place for this specific thing. Did Aaron deserve to go there as a Freshman? If so, then why didn't he transfer then? It would have been within the rules and all would be happy and he would have had 4 years of his what he is "deserved". Rules are Rules and it shouldn't be about one individual. His circumstances have not changed. The only thing that change is his sudden desire to go to CCH.
  24. Agree with all but this (Big shocker I know ) The players definitely have to get it done, but the coaches are responsible for putting them in the BEST position to succeed. Along with many things, the preparation and play calling has to be there. As we have discussed many times, I just don't think that has happened under Rash like it should. In its big Class A losses, I believe that Beechwood has been out-coached more often than out-played.
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