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Everything posted by Geek61

  1. This thread.... Started by a Mayfield fan, resurrected by a Mayfield fan 4 years later, responded to by MF fans trying to get a rise out of the BW folks. ... Not a single BW fan is biting. VORs response sums up my feelings, but I am enjoying the obvious restlessness in the West.
  2. Jeff Wera played baseball at William and Mary. He went on to Med School and is now in his residency.
  3. My point was that it was determined that the field is sufficient for District and Regional play. So your half-court comparison is overstated and completely wrong. It simply has to be good-enough for now as that is all they have. The Beechwood Campus is landlocked and they don't have any parents paying to renovate a public/city facility into a nice complex. Hopefully, with the new turf and the some very talented field scheduling, the Soccer program will be playing in the main stadium. While I'm not sure I agree with your statements about Regional and State finals needing to be the same size and surface, I don't think I have a strong opinion to the contrary either.
  4. Bob knows how to Coach all types of lineman. He will get the most out of every kid that is willing to put forth the effort. Sorry for the Off-topic post.
  5. Trust me, it was long before Beechwood had the game in-hand that they left. At Half-time I saw some Kilts heading into Skyline. Hats off to the 5 or 6 Crazies who stayed in the stands until the final whistle. For the rest of you, shame, shame, shame on you. Regroup and get it back together. To the BW Student Section... YOU ROCK!
  6. Half-Court? you are funny. You might want to get your yard stick out. The field may not be "regulation", but it's the close enough that they were able to host District playoff games.
  7. Got there at halftime and could pick from a number of parking spots in front of school.
  8. Definitely do t want to Take anything awAy from Studer.
  9. I guess but at that point it was a 2 score game.
  10. Crazies and other Colonel Fans started leaving at halftime.
  11. There was no soccer program when the turf was laid. When the new turf comes, it will be multi-purpose. The program is young and its a small school. Give it a break. Can't believe the bunch of spoiled bluebird fans. I bet all you complainers (here and at the game) have put zero effort into your program. It was built by people that are doing the same thing others are at BW now. Also, why do you about admission and fields to the poor parent volunteers working the gate. I never had an issue with Highlands, but I'm starting to see how the hatred forms.
  12. They have no choice but to go "Beast Mode." The coaches couldn't get the kids to play differently if they wanted to. So its a matter of controlling that emotion as much as possible, but make sure its part of the game. IMO, Beechwood has never beaten Cov Cath purely with talent. Win or Lose, the emotion of the Rivalry has always been a big part of it for the Tigers. Take that away and the Tigers have no chance. I believe every game on this year's schedule was/is winnable. Even after they were over, I thought they were winnable. IMO, this is the Tigers best chance of winning this game since they last did.
  13. I read the entire thread and see no one saying anything against "young boys" or even a player in particular. In case you are not aware, the entire site is about high school sports, if you don't think it should be discussed, then why are you here? I don't recall you speaking up when the SK super fan was bashing other teams and even specific kids.
  14. WRONG! - Just like everyone in this thread, you are making broad statements that are not true. ] Beechwood's field was paid for with some significant donations from a couple famies and a lot of "fund raising". Not a single penny of Tax Payer dollars or money from the State. Same thing with the Turf Replacement that should take place in the next few years. In the case of the Athletic Building, I am not certain about it all, but a significant portion came from Private Donations. As for the new Cafeteria that completed the amazing look of the complex... That WAS a combination of capital improvement money, grants and other state money, but its part of the needed school infrastructure. Just worked out that we had an amazing architect to design that to pull it all together. For the record, I have no issue with CCH getting the money. Sounds like there weren't a whole lot of projects that could meet the criteria. The NFL establishes the program and sets up the system for Schools and organizations to apply. If you don't apply or don't meet the criteria, then you can't complain. One thing that the haters fail to realize is that every kid going to a Private school is thousands of Tax Dollars saved to be used for the public schools. I'm glad they are here to ease the burden on Public school finances. Since a number of people mentioned Mills Rd facility. Please look at where the real problem is. Its the Kenton Co Commissioners and Scott Gunning (Parks Director). If you have a problem with the conditions at Mills Rd, I would suggest you attend a Commissioners meeting and ask some questions.
  15. Yes, unfortunately I am all too aware of that. It's stupid to have some pre-conceived idea of when the First Teams should come out. You know when the game is in-hand and there's no need for the First Team Offense or Defensive to be out there with a 40+ point lead.
  16. Running Clock and let's hope they remove the First Teamers well before 44 points.
  17. I didn't see this game, but I saw her against the Tigers. She is excellent.
  18. Having seen both of them (NCC twice and Brossart once) I really thought this would be NCCs game. Congrats to the the Lady Stangs and Good Luck in the next rounds.
  19. I do not think that even a negative guy like me can find anything wrong in that performance. All-around awesome effort by the Tigers. The numbers of players that contributed on both offense and defense was amazing. That was the kind of team I expected to see all year. Not a few stars, but a ton of very good athletes all doing their part. As I said in the update thread, the first half was certainly the best I have seen in many years. Definitely going back to 2011, but possible even before. Clearly Prepared, Good Play Calling and excellent execution by the boys. After seeing that, I have put in for my Vacation in early December and made Hotel reservations in Bowling Green. I also want to give some kudos to that BW Student Section. You guys will be a huge part of the Tigers success this season. Even with the tough Dixie loss, the Student section stayed until the end supporting their team. The team clearly feels the support and responds. More importantly, they appreciate it. I have heard many comments from the players about it. It may not be the Colonel Crazies level yet, but it is the most unified, loud, supportive student section I can remember. KEEP IT UP!
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