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Everything posted by Geek61

  1. I have this argument at least once per month outside of BGP. People have no clue. Congrats to X on the Championship and to SK on a great season.
  2. Another great defensive inning for Conner. 3 0. Conner after 3 Bullitt left fielder attempted to make a diving catch on a blooper with bases loaded. Let the ball get past him. Big mistake. What should have been 1 run became easy 3.
  3. I waited for you. You are more accurate and did such an awesome job last game.
  4. Conner is visitor. No score end of 1 Blaise threw 3 pitches in the 1st.
  5. Don't think it could have gone any better for Conner. I believe they have ALL Pitchers available for the next game on Thursday.
  6. Don't know about father/son, but Ryan Ward (1b) is the nephew of 1979 standout and Conner Hall of Famer Tim Byrns.
  7. Suchanek, Combs, Stringer, Slusher, Booth, Rundle and Allen for sure and when all done, Schmidt, Feiger will have the opportunity (choice) as well.
  8. According to a friend with a kid on the team, that's the first time this year that Arlo didn't coach 3rd.
  9. In the other thread you called BW overated and you were not surprised by the result. Here you have them ranked second and Highland 6th. Are you using a Twister Spinner for your predictions/rankings?
  10. Wow. Pretty surprising. I knew the Birds could win, but didn't think they would do that to Suchanek.
  11. Agreed, but do any of the teams in the 9th have deep pitching ?
  12. We have the same opinion on this. I do not think CCH won because of the noise. Both teams are loaded with talent. The Regional tourney is going to be great. My biggest worry is Beechwood drawing Conner. They seem to have what it takes to shutdown The Tiger Offense.
  13. By banging crap on fences and concrete block, yes!
  14. Let's stop splitting hairs. We all know where verbal lines are crossed and there is no defending that behavior. Even if you don't find the verbal wrong, banging bats and other items on fence is bush league crap.
  15. That is frustrating I'm sure. I would have expected it though. Lots of school stuff going on this week on top of a long weekend of games. It's a shame the Jags seem to be getting an unfair share of the normal mid and end of season schedule shuffling. I think if they had any pitching left at all, they would have played.
  16. I have gotten different responses on this question, so I will ask here. Where and When is this game?
  17. Hey, thanks for the history lesson on what Eye Black is. Good Lord, do you think I'm talking about standard eye black? I certainly know many players (probably most) wear eye black. I'm talking about War Paint style. Bryce Harper style! It's just my opinion. Clearly some disagree with me and that's fine too. I never criticized his abilities or his play in general. He is a stud for sure and while he didn't "bring it" that night, I know what he's capable of. And as someone else said, he is fun to watch and can explode at any time. As he did Thursday night.
  18. I'm thinking that it's not an easy Home Run at Scott, correct?
  19. You just threw your whole position in the trash with this post. The same complaint you were making about others with Stringer you just did to Schriever. Can you say hypocrite.
  20. Don't be so sensitive. I see nobody "knocking them down". Wrong or right, discussing things and posting opinions is what we do here. I assume its what you do because you are here. You just may be a little too close to these guys. If you come here to read the praise about them, then you better be able to handle reading the criticism as well. It's just how it is in any public forum. Not sure you can call it right, but it's not going to change. I have watched a couple hundred Beechwood games the past 15 or so years. We have certainly had some great players and great teams, but this one is definitely the most talented team I have seen. I am sensitive to the non-baseball bullcrap. Perhaps overly sensitive, but I can't stand any individual showboating, war paint, etc.. That is just me and my opinion. I can however appreciate the level of talent in these kids. Suchanek, Stringer, Slusher and Combs for sure, but even the supporting cast impresses me. Look at what Rundle and Nussbaum did last night in the All A. The kids are just fun to watch. It's going to be a fun second half of the season and I'm looking forward to it.
  21. While we agree on some points, I think you are dead wrong about the Coach. He knows the players and what they are capable of. Ethan draws a lot of attention and always will, he is going to have to learn to handle it. You can't put that on the Coach. It is the problem you have with having such a Talent, you want him on the field at ALL times. That's high school Ball.
  22. Here's the problem... It makes it about him and not the team. More importantly, he hasn't been able to live up to the image he is clearly trying to project. He makes an easy target for the opposing team and he definitely hasn't been able to take the heat it brings to him. There is no one here arguing about his abilities. He is definitely one of the most talented players I have ever seen. IMO, this other crap takes away from that.
  23. As I stated in the Cov Cath thread, the supporting cast is going to be the edge for Beechwood. Solid Players. Great Job Tigers.
  24. Left his feet attempting to leap over the tag coming into home. On a related note... Does anyone know if this was his decision or Coach sent him? I do love watching Studer play anything. He goes all out and is just fun to watch.
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