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Everything posted by Geek61

  1. 5 scores in 1st New cath scored on a nice drive then blocked beechwood punt for td
  2. Three turnovers for Breds and tigers capitalize.21 0. Tigers
  3. hmm, UK#1fan must have turned in early. This statement has been out there for almost 10 minutes.
  4. I certainly don't see Conner putting 40 pts on CCH with that Defensive Backfield. I don't know what the Cougar defense looks like so I'm going to say that Cov Cath wins by a couple. CCH 28 Conner 14.
  5. I was the one who brought it up originally because I wanted to know. It is annoying and I guarantee you that it WILL affect attendance. Cov Cath and Conner play that afternoon and of course you have to also contend with soccer and other things going on on a Saturday afternoon. It is what it is and that's not going to change, so play on. Tigers by 7.
  6. Pretty certain it's two varsity games and not calendar weeks. If they dont have two games left, he will sit out the 1st game in next sport or season.
  7. Not even close to the same thing. While I don't support canceling the JV games, deciding not to play a Championship simply because you already beat the team in regular season is a joke. The logic is ridiculous. So anytime a two teams face eachother in the playoffs, they should not play the game and just use the regular season game to decide it? :no: I do like the shot at the end and that may be true
  8. Not even the other players? I would call them innocent. Even if their parents knew. Kids dont' have the luxury of speaking out. That's why we protect them. I will guarantee you that there are many innocent people involved in this
  9. I love this too. This is one of those same guys sporting that sweater at a reunion. This is Nelson Auge. One of Beechwood's All Time Athletes and a member of the Beechwood Hall of Fame. I think I remember them saying he was actually a 4 sport athlete all 4 years. And was also all conference in most. Is there any way to fix the sizing. Why doesn't it resize Guru instead of cropping?
  10. Some teachers may have called it that. I believe that is the front of the school. The rest of the fence was taken down not too long ago, but I am told it used to have a gate.
  11. Beechwood had a number of reunions at the homecoming this past Friday. This picture showed up on Facebook along with a few others with these same guys wearing theirs at the reunions. I love these days.
  12. Haven't been on in a few days. Just caught this thread. Tim Burns has his own Photo Site. timburns' Photos If you don't know you will not only find pictures of Beechwood kids, but also of their opponents. He doesn't discriminate. If you or your kids' team played Beechwood this year or in the past, you will find pictures that include great shots of opponents. Here's the Everett Pictures
  13. If some of the other talent at Beechwood worked this hard, there would be Scholarships coming all over the place.
  14. One of the Burns' posted this on Facebook last week...
  15. Good Write-Up EOT. Feiger definitely showed what he is capable of. Some great runs in addition to passing. Beechwood receivers minimized the drops this week. While not as good as the Franklin Co. Game, I think he connected with 6 different receivers in the Bellevue game.
  16. With the behavior I have seen from officials over the past few years, I'm going to lean towards the police on this one. Officials have become overly sensitive and all too often they are over-reacting in a big way. Too often they want to be a big part of the action and when there is what they see as a legitimate opportunity to put the attention on them, they do it. Not sure why an official is talking to the police. To me, that shows me that they think they are above the police during the game. I would think the protocol would be to work with the Home Coach and/or AD. If the fans don't leave, then they can work with the police. If they don't get the fans off the field, then the game doesn't continue. Pretty soon officials will be trying to mandate everything inside the stadium gate. I'm waiting for the Delay of Game pentalties because of lines at the concession stand being too long.
  17. Am I missing something? What is the Tie-Breaker? I thought Non-conference doesn't mean anything.
  18. Seriously, that's your response? They lost by 42 points. I would say the question is legtimate.
  19. In soccer, both teams shake hands with the refs and thank them. Tonight at Beechwood they left the field immediately as Directed.
  20. This reads like a story from The Onion. I can't believe what the hell is happening to this world. Forbidden sportsmanship because very few adults can't show respect for eachother or the players they are coaching.
  21. It wasn't quite like the CCH one, but a nice run off some great blocks and burst of speed to endzone. I'll see what I can do for video. Perhaps Quickslick can get it. He's a JB fan and seems to have access to HUDL films.
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