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Everything posted by Geek61

  1. Good luck to Brett in the Futures Games. Brett is an amazing athlete. As were his older brothers. I think he will end up being the Star of BW Baseball and Football the next two years.
  2. I ran out of likes as I kept coming across posts that I agreed with more than the previous ones. For me, even as a BW fan, I have to go with the Dayton guys and to say the '96 Green Devils.
  3. Yes, but I was trying to make sure it was obvious that it was self-induced through poor choices and behavior.
  4. Well, this took an unnecessary turn. I for one have no issue with calling Zimmerman or the Teacher out, but I hesitated to do so due to the innocent parties involved. Zimmerman's wife and Daughter as well as the Teacher's husband are all great people. I knew the cause, but hadn't heard the lurid details. I do not appreciate BSD putting that image in my head. If these details are true and I don't know that they are, then it was definitely pretty stupid. As I posted originally, it did not involve students and was totally Legal (well, maybe not in public school parking lot) so I don't get that bent out of shape. As BSD stated, Ben was very hard on many kids for committing the most benign offenses. It would have been very hard for him to continue. The 4th grade opening has nothing to do with this, but I would be surprised if she comes back. While it wouldn't affect her Job directly, sharing the halls and cafeteria with High Schoolers who know the story can be very difficult at a school like Beechwood.
  5. 1. I wasn't talking about physical size, duh! 2. Everything that comes out of your keyboard about Beechwood is negative. You even bring BW into discussion threads just to do it. So I wasn't just referencing this one issue. I get it, Beechwood is a Special Place that people like to hate. Athletically, Academically and Community-wide, there is nothing else like it that I am aware of. For some of you, you will never get it or understand it, so you just choose to be a hater. Rather than try defend it, I now choose to accept your hate and use it as a source of GREAT Pride! 3. I answered it above. You can be well-liked and supported by the majority, but fortunately there are still places where if you make mistakes you are still subject to the consequences. I am happy and proud to say that they never overlook inappropriate behavior. No matter who you are or how much you are liked, if you make a bad enough mistake, there will be severe consequences.
  6. What reasons would there be to push Ben out and bring Bob Noll in? The fact is Ben was pretty well-liked by Beechwood Power Brokers. The Super, The Board and many of the teachers and the elete money parents. There would be nothing to be gained from Bob Noll for them. Of course, if you ask my opinion, this was upgrade for the entire Beechwood Family.
  7. I won't go into details, but let's just say that his "retirement" was not entirely voluntary, but as they say... he made is own bed. His leaving was entirely by his on doing and there is NO conspiracy. It was a settlement of sorts to save embarrassment for many people. Let's call it "Conduct unbecoming a high school administrator/teacher. To be clear, it has nothing to do with Students whatsoever. I'm guessing Ben is close enough to retirement officially to make it work. He clearly is still finishing up some requirements and was seen this week at State-Sponsored training at Beechwood. So officially, he is probably still employed by the KDE/Beechwood. Personally, I never liked Ben Z and for me it is good riddance to bad rubbish. He is an arrogant man. I know I'm not alone in that, but I also know that many would disagree. For me, it's about how he treated certain kids/teachers and other administrators. If he liked you, he treated you well. If he didn't, good luck! I Don't know Bob Noll personally, but he seems to be very well-liked and respected by all of the staff and students. I am especially glad that he won't have the negative influence of Ben Zimmerman. I hope he is given the opportunity. He seems to be a good fit for Beechwood. This is the input I provided to the hiring Committee. I was told that Bob left NCC to get to better position for a State Pension. You can't blame a guy for that. I know a few educators that have had to make that tough decision.
  8. I never thought about this, but that would be a great move. They lost some speed at WR and it would be nice to get Stringer there. I think that's a good fit for him. I have always considered Studer the #1. Edited... The rest belonged in BW thread.
  9. So what other players from other schools played. btw... 57-3 is amazing!
  10. I will respond however and wherever I want within the rules.
  11. ahh, the Beechwood PR machine discounting the value of kids again. Keep telling yourself they don't matter because they aren't "starters" I guess that makes the coaching staff feel better.
  12. Due to a certain poster, my opinion of Kuntz was a bit tainted. That got erased last night. While he didn't have any TDs, I think he was clearly the best moving QB on the field. He can scramble great. BTW... are he and Osbourne going to the same school to play football?
  13. Yes! Someone forgot to tell him and Devon Everett from Beechwood that it wasn't a State Championship. Both Defenses hit hard!
  14. Mullens is a master at the college stuff. For both his summer players and the BW kids of course. If there is an opportunity for a kid to get seen by college coaches, you can bet he will do whatever he can.
  15. I am unclear how they divide this up. Holy Cross and Beechwood in the West. Cov Cath and Dixie in the East. Doesn't make much sense to me. Not sure if anyone is still interested...
  16. Got to hand it to the West Coach, he distributed the ball and the plays around equally. Looked like the boys all had a great time. Thanks to Snappy Tomato Pizza for sponsoring the game.
  17. I have to say I am very impressed with Kunz's scrambling.
  18. The kids came home with Rosters sometime over the past couple of weeks. Or at least a list of all the kids that were invited for East and West.
  19. wow. All I have to say is that JC should be proud of their coach. In his interview after the game, he was exactly what you want your Child's coach to be. Professional and respectful. Even if the officials and KHSAA do not deserve it. I noticed the policeman escorting him off the field when he got tossed. I must say, if it were me, the police officer would have needed the cuffs and likely the taser.
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