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Everything posted by Geek61

  1. Little hiccup to start half. Rolling again. 35 6. And tigers on doorstep
  2. That is the best half of football I have seen out of Tigers since 2011 season. Total Domination. Most importantly, the few mistakes made did not cause any real issues. Beechwood did not Punt.
  3. This looks like a playoff team. Good Blocking and solid distribution of the ball.
  4. I proudly put myself in that General group and I was responding to post in general, not specific to me. I don't speak for other people, so I expressed MY position as it pertains to the certain pieces. I really have no problem with you and did kinda laugh when I read it. So I felt no need to send a PM. Especially when responding to a Public Post.
  5. Thanks, I did not know there was still a local NKY game. I'll have to try and make it down.
  6. I think it's better than a corner kick. Which is very scary. At one point I was hoping the BW girls would kick it out the back line when she was there for the throw in.
  7. You are too funny. I love how you seem to think there's some sort of conspiracy and people are getting together to discuss Rash and how to get him out. You have now moved to blindly defending category. Heck, I barely have PM conversations about it here, Yet alone outside of BGP. I'm not out trying to recruit Rash Bashers nor do I know anyone else that is. You certainly are no better than those you criticize. You will always retreat to your "On-Paper, BW should lose" defense. If that is what Rash believes, then I know why it is the way it is. What you fail to consider is that people have their own eyes and after years of the same crap get them opened quickly. Very few adjustments, lack of preparation, crappy play calling, or most importantly, almost ZERO player development make it so that no recruiting is necessary, the "Peanut Gallery" grows organically with fertilizer that Rash and crew produces. I have said publicly on here many times, I do not want Rash gone. I don't think he is the true problem. Well, except for the fact that he is head coach and allows it to continue. I would like him to push the reset button on his staff. The infighting on the sidelines at the Dixie Game and afterwards is a clear indication that things are not good. You seem to imply that this imaginary group somehow wants BW to lose so it bolsters the argument. I can only speak for myself and say that I am puling for the Tigers in every single game. If I reach the point where I find that I don't care whether they win or lose or especially that I want them to lose, you will know. Because you will not hear from me. btw... Do I get to pick the name for this apparently organized group? If so, I would like to go back through the threads here and see which I like best. There are so many good ones to choose from. Maybe I will start a Poll.
  8. I would like to see these games. I am very impressed with the Lady Breds and expect them to make a solid run at the All A title. I'm not sure who she is, but the forward that can launch a throw in to the middle of the field is amazing. That's a huge asset to have.
  9. C'mon over to BW for a Great Game. With only 3 Regular Season Home games this year, we need the GATE!
  10. Like any solid BW team, this changes week to week. McKown is a player and I honestly believe that he causes a lot of plays to be bounced outside where others can and should make the stops. I think Combs is the most consistent and a much smarter player. If we are talking averages and we only got to pick 2 from BW to put on the field. I'll take Combs and Slusher with McKown being a close 2nd. Certain people have a love affair with Stokes. I do not. I think he's a good player that could be as Great as some think he is if he played smarter and tougher. I can't recall seeing him step up against a good strong opponent.
  11. Then maybe SK should start playing a tougher schedule.
  12. I actually like the Tigers' chances in this one. Mostly for the reason the EOT stated. Little Better BW and Not as good FC. Kyle Feiger was struggling until after this game last year. If he maintains composure and takes the yardage the FC defense allows, they will be in good shape. Beechwood needs better line play to get the Run going. We disagree on why BW lost last year.
  13. It hasn't changed. She dropped it and did not TOSS it away from the player. Dropping it doesn't mean that it will stay right where it lands either. The point remains. She doesn't have to hand it to her.
  14. It may be possible, but I doubt it. Got the same story from two different people. In the stands, we assumed it was something she said, but he actually told her and coach it was for "Intentional Delay of Game" I know from my own eyes that the ball did not go more than 5 or 6 feet from the girl.
  15. Was at Beechwood vs Conner game last night. Beechwood received two Yellow cards for what seem to be away from the action calls. I'm not clear on one, but one of the calls was because the BW player did not toss the ball to the Opposing team for a throw-in. She thought it was a BW throw-in and picked it up to take it. When she realized that it wasn't, she dropped the ball. She didn't toss it away from the player. I don't think there's a rule that says you have to hand the ball to the opposing team so they can throw it in while you not in position to help defend. This isn't Rec Soccer. This is competitive H.S. soccer and you don't have to be nice. I'm getting a little tired of Refs interpreting the rules as they see fit. Or in this case, making one up. You ARE NOT THE GAME stop trying to be.
  16. This was my first opportunity to see the JV Tigers play. In other threads, people are saying that Beechwood doesn't draw the Talent they used to. It's just not true. Like the Varsity, they are loaded with talent and speed. Rash should be thanking the good Lord. Everett is very solid (I think 1st year as QB) and Sowards and Justice are an excellent 1-2 punch with Benson being a very versatile player
  17. Especially given the fact that it led to a season ending injury of a good player and an emotional leader of the team. I know more than us "old school guys" were baffled by that.
  18. If you think that game was any sort of yardstick you don't know anything. That was one ugly football game.
  19. If this happens, I predict that Rash will either jump or be thrown into the Licking River.
  20. It would be consistent with here. Some of my best arguments about BW football have been at the Saddle. The Saddle club is just like BGP. Only live, in-person and with Alcohol.
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