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Everything posted by Geek61

  1. Oops, I guess I should have read all responses berfore hitting Quote and Reply.
  2. I don't think Holmes has more speed than Franklin Co. So I'm not worried about that. Beechwood has to play disciplined football and our Line needs to control things on defense and offense. Again, if coaches mix it up like they did and the boys play like they did at FCHS game, then I predict a great outcome.
  3. I wouldn't go that far. If they play like last week, then this will be true. My concern is that they have been up and down. If they play like they did in the Holy Cross game, then I'm concerned it will be much closer than it should.
  4. It sure looks like he's more than a Sub for Varisty. If not, then I agree that its acceptable for him to play JV. I find it hard to believe that he is not a Key contributor on Varisty. Maybe Ryle should consider making him more of a Primary.
  5. Are you a politician? So, is "NOT Uncommon" or a "Very Rare Practice"? Those two are mutually exclusive. It is clearly uncommon and that's why people are asking about it. I was very shocked to read that England was playing JV. I know I saw his name in the Varsity Game reports. Perhaps this approach to development is why Ryle goes up and down year to year. If you are developing a player that already plays Varsity, then you are not developing some other player that wil be needed in the future. There are other JV Players this year that need that experience so they are ready if and when they get the call. Joe Studer from Beechwood wouild be an excellent example. Without his development during the JV Season last year, he likely would not have been able to step in and do what he has done since Mitch Thomas went down. Same thing with Jeremy Burns.
  6. Oops. My bad. It would seem all the antagonizers have "FAN" in their name. It's easy to get confused. For the record, coach Brossart didn't get beat 3 times.
  7. While it is incorrect here, this isn't a Term created on BGP. I heard the term long before I was registered here. There are in-fact plenty of Freshman Programs playing with Sophomores. I thought I saw another score posted yesterday for "Froshmore" games.
  8. How can you say that they have Talent while posting a score like that? If so, then what the heck happened.
  9. Yeah, ater reading your posts in the other threads, I realize where you stand.
  10. Fair enough. I wasn't at all trying to minimize. You will see from my posts all of BGP CCH threads that I support CCH in a close second to the Tigers. I definitely believe that this is a great team, but I have heard "Greatest" and "Best ever" so many times in reference to many teams. It's an unmeasurable thing and has always bothers me --No matter what team/school it's about. I think you can see that I called it a Great team and I do feel that CCH is the strong favorite to win the Freshman Championship this year. I have believed that from the moment I started seeing how they continue to succeed despite key injuries. So I assure you that there are no "Sour Grapes." In fact, I know many of the names involved and I'm very happy for the kids and and their parents. Believe me, I do hope it translates to success against the Birds at the Varsity level. Parents, Fans and sometimes coaches don't seem to realize that this is not automatic.
  11. Sarcasm? Why do people do this? First, you will likely never know if that's true and it definitely doesnt automatically translate to varsity success. Statements like that only serve to create division among the fans, players and alumni. While this team has some great talent, I would say their success is more a factor of the down state of freshman football than anything else.
  12. So he gets "wore down" and your solution is for him to play more?
  13. I really don't see a whole lot of Beechwood fans making that claim. If they are, they haven't been paying attention. Saying they are good enough to win a State title and declaring they will win a State Title are two totally different things. VOR and Eye of the Tiger are very reasonable in their assessments, so go by them. Though, currently my opinion of the Tigers is a bit lower. I believe they have the talent to win state, unfortunately, I don't believe they are playing anywhere near good enough to win a State Title. Way too sporadic IMO. A great deal depends on what happens this Friday. IMO, the Tigers need to start turning it on very soon. I don't care about the score and you can't focus on Win or Loss against these 5 and 6a schools. I want it to look like they are in control and are not relying on the opponent's mistakes. If they play Franklin close and they are not relying on Franklin mistakes to be "in the game", I will feel very good. I expected the turnaround to happen last week and it didn't. They should have dominated Holy Cross and simply did not. From where I sat, that should have been the biggest beat down Beechwood has ever inflicted on HC and it just wasn't. So in the end, I'm thinking the current poll is correct. Without knowing Russelville, I just don't see where Beechwood is playing strong enough to be considered anywhere near the class of Mayfield. So I accept the 3. Even if you put a big gap between 1 and 2.
  14. I have asked you this before, but is this regardless of how Beechwood Plays against Franklin Co.?
  15. Maybe we are both old bastards, but I agree. I'm OK with charging, but you have to have facilities to accommodate. Also, concessions and bathrooms. I used to get frustrated when I would take my family to watch their cousins play a Non-Varsity sport. Charging $3 for 1st and 2nd grader is a bit beyond IMO. Trust me, let them in for free and they will take more than that to the concession stand. As it stands, I go to a lot of games by myself rather than drop $20 for the family to get in and then another $10 at concessions. I think a good rule (or Conference agreement) would be to allow Students in for Free. I never understood charging students to go see a game. That said, I think each program at NCC does their own gate. I know they recently started charging for non-varsity baseball. I asked a guy and he said they just do it to provide funds for the field maintenance. Don't know if he's right, but that field on Rt. 8 did look much better this year.
  16. I just started watching these threads. I have no Boys playing High School soccer, but am always interested in the Local teams. Since you appear to be in the know, I wanted to ask you... I ran into a CCH kid at Skyline back in early August. I asked him how they were going to be this year. He simply said, "I think we are going to be pretty good" I asked him "State Good?" he just looked at me and smiled. So was he right? Oh yeah, related to this thread... Are the Girls Refs different from the boys? I have seen girls literally tackle another player from behind. Saw it last night. While a penalty was called, I have yet to see a Yellow Card, yet-alone a Red card as I have read about in other BOYS threads. I have also seen a few high-kicks come within inches of player's heads and girls charging up to the Refs to argue a call.
  17. One thing that this thread did for me was give me an education about Trinity. Searching for Trinity on the web revealed a Wiki page about the school. Great information and description of what the school offers. In the big picture, Football is a small (what, did he really say that) that involves a small percentage of the Trinity Students. In reality, it's the other opportunities that make the school exceptional and able to shape the future in the most positive way. While I'm a Catholic, I did not send my kids to Catholic School. So I am not aware of other schools that do this kind of stuff. Locally, I do know that Covington Catholic provides great opportunities for their students in many areas. Is this common in Big Catholic schools? From the Wiki Page... "In 2001, Trinity became the first local school to adopt a system of ten "Houses" named after famous Catholic thinkers or saints. They include: Aquinas, Becket, Dante, Flannan, Gonzaga, Merton, Patrick, Romero, Seton and Toussaint. The Houses organize the student body into ten different groups which compete in numerous extracurricular activities, involve nearly 100 students in leadership opportunities as House captains or representatives and build upon school spirit. The House System is a way for students to make friends, and get connected and involved in the fabric of the school right away. Examples of House activities include: marquee events; basketball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee and softball intramurals; PS2 tournaments; art, essay, speech, trivia and other academically oriented contests. ..." Trinity High School (Louisville) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  18. Sounds about right. While we never had large numbers on the Freshman squad, since the Middle School program, this is about the average for Freshman. Just prior to the middle school program being established, the Freshman Season was almost canceled due to low numbers. Such is life in Class A football. Even a strong one with a lot of tradition.
  19. I have no issue with the logo. I'm am very much a logo guy. Many company logos don't really look like anything. After all, I bet a bunch of people said what the hell is that when they first viewed the Nike Swoosh. I love the story to go with the logo. Little busy for a Helmet logo IMO, but tradition is more important than anything else.
  20. Final from Ft. Thomas. Little Tigers starting to put it together.
  21. Thanks for the detail. Plageman looks good. He and Mchugh hooked up in the SK game too.
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