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Everything posted by Boucher

  1. I've got an SG4 and love it (when it's working). I've had to send it back for repair. They say they can't give me an estimted time for return, that it could be a month or more. I've since done some research and found that their customer service and reliability are pretty bad. I don't understand the comments regarding that they shouldn't be used in tournament play.
  2. I went to the game on Saturday night and stayed through halftime. Imo, on offense, the entire first half was staged to find out what Tab Perry can and cannot do for the Bengals. I thought he looked pretty bad. He and Carson weren't on the same page at all. As much as I hate to say it, the Bengals offense will really miss Chris Henry the first 8 games. I also thought the defense looked horrible. I know they were playing a little short handed, but I was still a bit disgusted. I hope its not a long season.
  3. I believe the young kids will be the kid to NL's season. I saw some exciting play out of the freshman that got reps with the NL varsity. That being said, NL should get better and better as the season progresses. Freshman Johnny Fugate, Robert Lewis, and Enoch (?) need to make their way on to the field.
  4. 21-7 Rockcastle. SL's score was a bit of a fluke. I beleive it was around 3rd and 25-30, SL's QB Bowling was about to be sacked, eluded the rush and hit a WR deep down field for the long score. I though SL looked much improved over last season defensively, especially against the run. They were flying to the ball and hitting much better than previous seasons. On offense Bowling looked as good as ever, and they had a RB (#13) that ran hard, and looked pretty quick. I do think their receiving corp looked pretty down in conmparison to past seasons Rock looked a little smaller than past teams, but played hard like a typical well-coached Rockcastle team.
  5. Happy B-Day Jim. Hope all is going well for you.
  6. Dead asleep, never even crossed my mind to stay up and watch.
  7. I agree. Cole is one heck of a player/prospect. With all the hype, I was a little skeptical, but after seeing him, he is one kid who playes up to the hype. I would love it if UK gets him.
  8. When asked by a manager how my meal was, I'm honest. I've never written a corporate offce to complain.
  9. My 19 year old son went there a couple of weeks ago and stayed at the Sandpiper Beacon. He said it was ok for he and his buddies, but not a great family place.
  10. I got a note from the Bengals that my season tickets were mailed a day or two ago, and I should get them in about a week.
  11. Hope he gets well soon. I was pretty lucky, my son's only football injury was a broken leg in the 6th grade. He was injury-free during high school.
  12. I killed a black snake last night at the golf course.
  13. I have an insurance brokerage firm.
  14. IMO UT is not a National Contender. I do believe that Pearl is getting them headed in that direction.
  15. I really like the ProV1's especially for their feel off the club, and how they handle around the greens. I pay $1 each for them from a guy that walks our course and finds them. The ones I get look brand new, with no marks other than an occational logo or sharpie marking. He tells me that he can find a hundred or more in a couple of hours on a Sunday evening. I bought 107 of them a couple of weeks ago. That will last me and my boys a long time.
  16. I play it once a year at a fraternity reunion, the most recent being a couple of weeks ago. It is always in great shape, and is a fun layout to play. The greens are pretty big, so pay close attention to the flag locations. As for the #1 KY ranking of public courses...I can't think of a public course that I like any better in KY, except maybe Old Silo.
  17. 1. Phillips, Craig & Dean 2. Third Day 3. Steven Curtis Chapman
  18. IMO, Seidel from North Laurel has to be one of the best in the region.
  19. Why don't you come by where I live, I'd bet in an hour or less I could find you a copperhead, and I believe they're still poisonous.
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