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Everything posted by Boucher

  1. If you guys think that Commonwealth Stadium is the only place with drunks that heckle the opposing players, you've not been to many stadiums. Every single stadium I've been to has had fans taunting the opposition. Should they do it, no. I don't believe that's the issue at hand, the issue is how the UL player dealt with it.
  2. I did not go to the game to witness any "bad calls', but I was just advised who the official in question was, and could see why there were problems. With some recent goings on with him, he definately has an axe to grind with NL. He also has a definate conflict of interest with NL football, I am suprised he would accept an assignment to officiate an NL football game.
  3. Gotcha. I wasn't addressing the game, I was adressing the statement regarding officiating (in gerneral) in SE KY.
  4. You crack me up. :lol: Changing the date of the game had ZERO impact on recruiting, or the importance of the win. UK defeating their in-state rival, and a Top 10 ranked team is big. It might not be the top story nationally, but it is here, in the Bluegrass State. I read over and over again that we'd wait to see the outcome of the game to see if it was a good move by UK to change the date. Well, we've seen the outcome, I believe its time to put it to bed. Let's move on to the next game
  5. I heard Wardrup went down for a while in this one. Did the QB change help the Jags move the ball as a couple on here suggested? I didn't get to go to the game, please let me know.
  6. I agree with the bolded part, I don't agree with having to accept it. We need more people with "substance" to become officials.
  7. I agree. I didn't call for a suspension, I just said it was classless.
  8. You really got me there. I have no idea what you are going to wear to work tomorrow. :thumb: Back to the issue at hand... Classless move, period. Any defense of it is laughable. I'd say that Coach K will handle it "internally", like he did Spillman.
  9. No, you are wrong, you are welcome for my opinion again.:ylsuper:
  10. You have got to be kidding. Fans are fans, UL's fans were anything but kind last season at Papa Johns after the game. We're talking about a player who should be used to taunting by the opposition. Classless by the player. If the tables were turned, you would be all over the UK player. VERY biased observation, imo.
  11. What a game, congrats to the Cats! Pretty fitting that on the final play, after the last pass was tipped, and a UL player caught it, that Woodyard firmly planted him to the ground. Both teams were hurt by the penalty, but, imo, it hurt UK more. I believe that UK could have put some enornmous pressure on UL when they sacked Brohm, and got called for the "Illegal blow to the head". The motion on UL on the goal line was a killer for them. - Any UL fans think that Kragthorpe should have kicked the FG on 4th and goal from the 5?
  12. Great comeback by SL after being manhandled by the Redhounds in the first half. Penalties really hurt Corbin in the second half, it seemed like any time Corbin would make a big play on offense or defense, a flag was thrown. Good game to watch, I'm glad I didn't leave at halftime (like I almost did).
  13. Isn't that Big Ben's girlfriend? I loved it so much I had to make it my avatar!
  14. I agree, why put the game in Boller's hands there when you spend a fortune on McGahee. Also throw in that Baltimore should have wanted to keep the clock moving to give the Bengals no time to go down and kick a FG.
  15. We were thinking the same thing. Very questionable play calling late in the game by Baltimore. It looked like they were on about the 1 foot line, and they were passing the ball? I bet Baltimore fans are livid about losing this one. As for the offensive PI call, being at the game, I couldn't tell if it was correct or not, but I told my son, in that situation, it had BETTER be clear. Obviously, it wasn't. We noticed the same official having a tough time all night.
  16. Actually in the second half pretty much all UK did was run the ball down Kent State's throat. My bet is at the half Brooks & Company saw the large difference in rushing yards, and decided to pound it.
  17. Raised just outside of Cincinnati, thus an OSU, Bengal, and Reds fan. Growing up was a big UC basketball fan (season tickets), but learned to hate them during the Huggins era. Became a UK fan after moving to Kentucky while attending college back in 1981. I also cheer for the Red Sox as an American League team since the 1975 World Series, My NFC team is the Bucs, but I cannot tell you why.
  18. I was on here, and around the NL program then, and I don't recall Trae, or any other individual taking blame for any loss. Actually, until you started on Wardrup last season, I'd never heard it anywhere. If Wardrup's play bothers you that much, and you care so much for the NL program, please schedule a conference with Coach Abbot and give him some ideas. He's very approachable, and at 0-3, would probably listen to anyone with answers, especially someone with the football smarts that you appear to have. :thumb: Just pm me if you'd like his telephone number.
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