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Everything posted by Boucher

  1. Clarksville (OH) Elementary Clinton Massie HS -1981 EKU -1985 - Sigma Chi
  2. You're right, I'm an alum and denying it. They are D1. I-AA in football, which NCAA considers "D1".
  3. You obviously know nothing about the OSU/UM rivalry. Growing up OSU fans had toilet paper with Bo Schembechler's face on it, and UM fans had the same with Woody on it. What's so sad about seeing you're most hated rival get embarrassed in such a fashion? This is an embarrassment like no other to Michigan. My only concern is that now Carr will get the boot.
  4. Sports wise, one of the happiest moments in my life.
  5. I don't know their stats, but I thought both of them had excellent games. Anyone know the status of the Pennington twins? I hope/pray they're gonna be alright.
  6. I wouldn't go there. An easy search on your post history shows that over 50% of them are negative regarding Adrian. Pretty obvious who's not being objective. I have no kid playing, and I've been following NL football since the school's inception, can you say the same?
  7. If he was 6/9 he must not have had too many uncatchable balls. I know for a fact that he had one pass that hit his receiver right on the numbers, and it fell incomplete. That is a 67% completion rate, what % is acceptable? He did not have 3 or 4 costly turnovers tonight. If he did, please remind me of them. Please explain why he should take the blame for this loss. It was a team loss. If one wanted to point out the plays that factored into the loss, I can guarantee you that Adrian was not involved in them. I cannot speak for the discipline of the coach, you'll have to ask the coaches.
  8. I agree. Had at least one pass dropped, the int at the end was off the NL receivers hands, and SL made an excellent play to get the int. This was a good ballgame. NL had a couple of plays go bad for them to start the 4th quarter, and it ended up doing them in. I know this might be stating the obvious, but Ricky Bowling is an excellent high school quarterback.
  9. What's your axe to grind with Adrian? He's a 16 year old kid, please give him a break. How many passes did his receivers drop tonight?
  10. I know that NL's 8th grade won 46-0, starters went a half or so. I thnk that NL also won the 6th grade game, but SL won the 7th grade. NL Cheerleaders won the powderpuff game 14-12 in a very physical battle.
  11. That's the story that SL's coach is telling, but certainly is not true. SL called and cancelled, saying thy "didn't have enough players". NL's coach told them to bring sophomores, juniors, what ever they wanted, his boys just wanted to play. Evidently when SL's coach was pressured by unhappy parents regarding the cancellation, he blamed it on NL. It's stuff like this that continually adds flames to the over burning fire. NL/SL is one messed up rivalry. I heard NL picked up a game against Middlesboro, and won.
  12. I've never seen/heard a NL Coach promote individual players. Parents need to let their kids play and not worry about newpaper clippings and pictures. Any promotion about a player has come from the press, NOT a coach. Kids will get their props and attention when they play and contribute. Good Luck to the Jags Friday night. Everyone come out and watch the powderpuff game NL vs/ SL on Thursday night as well!
  13. Happ Birthday! Here's to many more. :dancingpa
  14. I'm still waiting on your answer to #2: By the way, I also am picking NL in a close one. :thumb:
  15. But you said the reason NL has lost through the years is because they tried to showcase someone, or because they relied on someone with a "name". I just wondered what you meant by that, I've watched NL sports since the schools inception, and have not seen it yet. There's no doubt that when teams work together as a team, they are much more likely to do well, that goes without saying. Let me tell what I've witnessed. Most all coaches think about nothing but winning. They typically try and play the best players no matter who they are. They also typically cut too much slack to kids who are the better athletes.
  16. OK, it looks like we may be more in agreement than I thought. How about clearing this one up for me. What did you mean in this comment: I've been watching NL sports since the inception of the school, and can not recall anything remotely like this EVER. Please be more specific.
  17. You haven't been watching the same North Laurel team that I have this year, or for that matter, every year since its inception. Comparing Setters to Blair is the most unfair comparison I could imagine. Setters is a great kid and good football player, but please... The game that I watched had Wardrup with no time to throw. Look at the tapes, you'll see Holy Cross rush 3 men, and we couldn't stop any of them. Numbers 66 & 44 were on him ALL night. I do think that playing Jones at QB might help, not because Wardup's not done a good job, but to possibly move him to tailback to see if he can help move the offense for NL. Wardrup is hands down the best athlete on this team, ask most any unbiased observer, they'll tell you the same. His athleticism stands out like a sore thumb. It's up to NL's coaching staff to find the right way to utilize that ability. I sure hope that NL's defense can hold back SL's high powered attack, the secondary may be in for a very long night if the boys up front don't put some serious pressure on Bowling, then they better hope that they can contain him as well.
  18. Congrats to him, but wish he was going to be a Wildcat.
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