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Everything posted by jpa2825

  1. Come on @nWo. Give us some Cincy / NKy insight beyond the formalities. Whatcha really think? Is there a negative NAO? Will la nina be a factor? Do I need to hire the Sheehan boys to shovel my drive (inside joke)?
  2. Reds reunited. Lots of swings & misses in that lineup.
  3. Putrid. Padgett is only the HC next year if none of the top candidates is willing to come in with the NCAA cloud from the adidas debacle (as opposed to the stripper debacle or the spaghetti debacle -- remember, I am a UofL fan, just tired of having to specify which debacle we are talking about) still looming. I'd rather they extend him for a year with an explanation ("It wasn't fair to judge David on the 2017-18 season given where he came on in relation to the season so we thought it was only fair to extend the interim position for the 2018-19 season to give him a full and fair evaluation. We expect David to be given full consideration for the head coaching vacancy at the end of this season.") than make a bad hire just to have someone in place.
  4. Dr. Bai Lee Court was not intimidating to the Catamounts!
  5. If you score >60 against UVa, shoot 50%, 100% from the FT line (granted only 6 attempts) and outrebound them, you figure to have a good chance to win. On another night, that might have been good enough. If they can consistently make the shots they made last night (54% overall and 58% in the 2d half including 56% overall from 3 and 67% in the 2d half), they are impossible to beat. Cards played hard but not perfect. A few bad possessions on the rare occasions that UVa missed prevented them from narrowing the gap a few times. I thought a key part of the game was right before half. UofL down 3 with about 45 seconds and UVa ball. Cards had only 4 fouls, so 2 to give. I would have liked to see very aggressive defense and if you foul them and give them last shot, so be it. Instead, UVa ran 25 seconds of clock and Guy hit a 3 to put them up 6. UofL got off a terrible shot (as usual in last second situations) and the go in down 6 instead of 3 or less. UVa started 2d half on fire and Cards were chasing the whole 2nd half. They chased valiantly, but couldn't climb the hill. As to Snyder, I suspect Padgett is tired of his SR PG driving too deep in the lane and getting tied up or turning the ball over. Snyder has disappeared too many times this year for a SR PG. He has had flashes of the old Q, but it has not been consistent. Padgett has such a huge rotation (9-10 - see below) that he is going to spend the next month deciding who he can count on and who loses time. 4-5 - Anas & Ray play as much together as fouls / conditioning will allow. Malik starts and plays enough to keep the other 2 out of trouble. Sprinkle in a little Sutton and Nwora (DNP last night) at the 4 if needed. 3 - Deng gets most of the minutes here (although he likely spends some time at 2 depending on lineup and whether you consider VJ a 2 or a 3). Deng needs to be more dominant than he is. Sprinkle some Sutton and VJ at the 3 if you need it. 1-2 - Snyder, VJ and McMahon eat most of these minutes. In past games, VJ was the odd man out toward the end. Last night, Snyder was (possibly due to size differential with VJ). Sprinkle in some Perry for defensive lockdown (although as Getslow mentioned, he was awful last night chasing Guy and others around the court).
  6. Why is that in Post #9 when all 14 words in your Post #4 are directed at the victim's need to change her conduct? Emphasis and priority are important. Wagging a finger at the victim should be about #14 on the priority list in this situation.
  7. That's your takeaway from this article? "Women" have to adjust their conduct to presume that every male they encounter is likely to rape them and never allow themselves to be in a position where they are alone and a door can be closed? Yikes.
  8. Good win, but should've been handled in regulation. ND without Colson, with Fluger fouling out early and Farrell just coming back from injury just aren't very good. They did have a dude from Lithuania play out of his mind - but that was only because the Cards were unwilling to battle for rebounds. Early turnovers (8 through the 1st 13 minutes) killed UofL. Perry locked down Farrell for the last 6:00 of the 1st half and Cards finished strong. Padgett mentioned coming out of halftime that ND had missed 19 shots and gotten their own rebound on 10 of those!!! Unfortunately, realizing a problem does not cure it. Cards were handily out-rebounded in the 2nd half. Snider played well. Spalding was strong on the offensive side - canning 2 jumpers in a row from the FT line and beyond. Adel played good defense on Farrell when Perry couldn't be used late (don't trust him on the offensive end yet) and made some solid buckets. Mahmoud was a non-factor until the last 5 minutes of regulation and both OTs when his help defense on Farrell and others was spectacular. King was largely absent for the game and McMahon has gotten all his minutes late in close games recently. McMahon was solid. I honestly wish Padgett would try more matchup 2-3 zone like these players have played in the past. Maybe it's too complicated and he doesn't feel comfortable teaching it. Even with the personnel Cards have, switching every screen and playing man-to-man is hard work. ND couldn't exploit it like some other teams, but it certainly doesn't help the rebounding problems we've already shown to exist. Big picks for a G and out big switches. G floats out to 3 pt. line with Big on him and when shot goes up, what rebounding size we have is out of position far from the basket. Padgett continues to limit minutes for Spalding and Mahmoud in the 1st half to avoid foul trouble. Williams (and Nwora and Sutton - who didn't play much last night) are able to learn on the job while eating minutes to make sure 13 and 14 are available for crunch time. Padgett saw what can happen when neither are available at the end of the 1st half against UK and NOBODY wants a repeat of that. Fun and frustrating to watch. Team seems like they trust Padgett (and Trent Johnson and Paulus) and want to work for him / them. Just gotta get better with each game and see what happens.
  9. No need to delete. They were bad for long stretches of the 1st half (early and late). They deserved to get "roasted" in the same way they deserved to be praised for their 2nd half performance. Really nice win. Much needed. FSU played above its very high ceiling in the 1st half (21 especially) and came back down to earth in the 2nd half. UofL played well and the refs (including UK's favorite boy) let them play the full 40 minutes. This allowed Spalding and particularly Mahmoud to stay out of foul trouble and aggressively swat balls in the lane. McMahon has clearly been given the green light by Padgett to shoot any time he is marginally open. Finally got a couple of big ones to fall (and the 2 FTs to ice it). For some reason, Williams must've overheard the conversation with McMahon because he also wants to shoot every time he touches it. That needs to be corrected. He did hit 1 big 3 pointer, but he took many ill-advised shots as well. Needs to improve to spell Spalding and Mahmoud to avoid or when in foul trouble. Padgett seems to like bringing Mahmoud off the bench and starting Williams. Certainly keeps Anas from getting fouls when he is not in the game. Finally, the foul on Sutton when the FSU guy grabbed him and pulled him on top of him for a 4 point play was brutal. Check out @MarkEnnis on Twitter for the video. Shame the refs fell for it.
  10. I'd instantly switch allegiances to the Viqueens if LJ went up there and Teddy BridgeH2OI was there as well.
  11. Caught about the last 7:00. NKU didn't score a FG for most of the time I watched and McDonald picked up 4 fouls. They played good defense, rebounded and hit clutch FTs. Other than 5 (whose FT shot is brutal to watch), they were rock solid and were able to keep Oakland at bay. Good strategy to foul up 3 with 7 seconds left to play.
  12. Does anyone agree with Dino Gaudio's take that Anas will play in the NBA? Seems like crazy talk to me. I'm predicting @TheDeuce will have a "hot take" on this. :0
  13. Except when he lost - all those times.
  14. As usual, football and basketball are split. But, at least for 2017, we'll always have Omaha.
  15. Suspect that FG they had to forego because of the bench unsportsmanlike conduct penalty would've been handy. Allowing 34 to continue to be on your team suggests a lack of control and shows all of your players that there are no consequences for stupidity and repeatedly failing to listen / learn. Call against Snell was silly. Call against 42 for NW was ridiculous. Coaching by Fitzgerald was reckless.
  16. 0 passing yards for Navy. As it should be. Wonder if the Showtime program will cover this. Suspect they stopped at Army v. Navy game.
  17. I'm gonna beat Plantman to the punch: "Is it 'clutch' to get a walk in the 7th inning down 3 runs when the Reds need a 3R HR?"
  18. I listened to the podcast ("The Pope's Long Con" if you are searching for it), but did not read the articles. The last podcast released so far (they indicate they may do a final one wrapping up any loose ends / providing any updates) does a nice job of summarizing all the institutions that let people down during the story of Danny Ray Johnson - LMPD: closing a file early and probably investigating it as a misdemeanor when it should have been looked at as a felony - GOP: not forcing the issue to insure he wasn't their candidate OR removing him once he was their candidate based on what they knew / should have known - Democrats: not informing voters about the GOP candidate in efforts to get their candidate elected - ABC: not continuing to investigate what was apparently well known to be illegal alcohol sales and sales to minors at the "church hall" - Justice System: (they didn't mention this, but when he was basically caught red-handed for insurance fraud for torching his car and reporting it stolen only to get diversion and the conviction expunged AND probably torched his church for the insurance proceeds AND got a wrist-slap for violating ABC rules on alcohol sales (tried to call it communion) - Free Press: good on them for calling out their own by pointing out that this story was "served up" to several news outlets that could have done what they did to expose this guy but nobody wanted to pursue
  19. Hearns apparently out as well. Didn't look closely enough to tell whether it was his decision or injury (or if he got shot again).
  20. Good win at MSG for Cards. Team shot the lights out from 3 (14-26), had 14 blocks & 8 steals. They get so many blocked shots because their defense and rebounding are so poor. At times it seemed like players were confused by the NBA 3 point line. Several shots taken from out beyond there. Snider and King started well. Deng played well with 5-8 from 3. Mahmoud and Spalding were serviceable with glimpses of greatness (as usual) mixed in with ridiculousness (as usual). 11-12 from the FT line. Unusually good from there this year. Kelly Dickey on Twitter (a good follow for stats-hungry Cards fans) says they have been >70% in all but 1 game from FT. Albany at Yum! on WED could be a test. Grand Canyon on SAT will be an all-out war! I am sure the atmosphere 2 days before Xmas at the Yum! will rival that of the Havocs!!!
  21. To be fair, he had 1 1/2 good seasons and the other 1/2 he was hurt. Your point, however, is well made. Unless you can get all of the tumblers to line up in a 2-3 yr. window when you A - have control over young talent that is actually performing rather than "showing potential"; B - have a couple of stars you agreed to pay and haven't gone bust (unlike Homer & Meso); C - pick some "projects" off the trash heap who actually work out; and D - rent a couple of players at the All-Star break to help get you over the top, the Reds and other non-large markets will have trouble competing. This is the recipe the Marlins in the past and the Astros last year used. The question for 2018 and beyond is whether the Astros are a non-large market. If yes, expect them to have to blow it up soon like the Marlins did. Not good for the long term health of the game.
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