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Jim Schue

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Everything posted by Jim Schue

  1. Some versions of 1792 will be scarce after this.
  2. I leave town and a tragedy happens to my neighbors. Anybody know what the rickhouse number was?
  3. I have not had a chance to post in this thread or read it, as I've done a poop-ton of stressful driving the past two days. St. Louis traffic is horrid! Anyway, my dad was a recon medic (LRRP) in Vietnam. Grandpa (Dad's dad) was a combat engineer with Patton in Africa, Italy and Belgium. Uncle John was Navy in Tonkin during Vietnam. His son is a career MP, posting in Germany and Korea, among others. My brother was in Afghanistan and Iraq with the 101st. And in the interest of full disclosure, sadly, and apparently, one of my maternal grandfather's brothers was a card-carrying Nazi officer. Fortunately Grandpa Pete didn't buy it and got out of Germany in 1933 just before it got weird, and became a successful grocer then pig farmer. Mom's first-cousin Hans was sponsored by Grandpa Pete and got out just in time as well a few years later — to end up drafted as a US Army engineer in WWII and serve his new country proudly. Possibly the smartest man I ever met.
  4. Windy out here. Kinda disappointed I haven't seen much cotton, and most of the oil wells we saw were in Illinois. Lots of cattle though. Somehow or another the hotel we're staying at for Dad's group's gathering is also hosting at least 5 HS boys' hoops teams at the Oral Roberts U. camp across the street. Couldn't get a swim in tonight. Mom said there was a choir group of 100+ but she wasn't sure where from. Did I mention we're across the street from ORU? And next door to a megachurch? There's a Walmart behind us. I've been told this is Christian Central, and I'm inclined to believe it. We had dinner at casino I think is tied to the Osage, but I'm not sure. I won about $10 on video poker. Yet, after coming back from dinner and having a couple drinks in the conference room with my parents and Dad's buddies, I went outside for a smoke and a walk to stretch the legs. I come into the hotel bar and it's full of a gathering — someone's going-away party — of what appears to be significant cohort of Tulsa's gay male population of about 35 or so. I couldn't help but laugh at the irony, given the location. Something tells me it wasn't on accident, either. :lol2:
  5. A good friend, an Englishman, said to me today something to the effect of "England are sloppy." Yeesh.
  6. Over time, I've become more drawn-in to the World Cup and all the hoopla. I find it much more interesting than I used to. But please, somebody help me with some grammarical stuff that's just flat-out bugging the pants off me: Why do they refer to their teams in such a god-awful way? In my mind, "England are a good squad" is like fingernails to the blackboard. Why do they do this? Who says "Kentucky are a good basketball team?" Or "Scott County are a good bet for a run at the Sweet 16 this year?" And I thought those darned English folks — who all the world's soccer writers have cribbed from — knew proper grammar. They sound more like The Hulk when doing this.
  7. Decent-to-good chance your Uncle Johnny and my grandpa crossed paths.
  8. Vietnam reunion? That's a long time to have to simmer on that stuff those guys had to endure. My dad first started getting up with his group in '88, and it was far too long coming. My dad was in 11th Armored Cav, but more specifically he was Air Rifle Patrol (ARP) and even more specifically he was Long-Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP). He was in country in '68 and '69 and came back home with an unbelievably cool handlebar mustache, from the pics I've seen. Wild trivia — My grandpa was a combat engineer under Patton in WWII in Africa, Italy and the Low Countries. His son served under Gen. Patton (his son) in Vietnam. Dad used to joke that he never understood why folks would jump out of a perfectly good helicopter. I didn't understand what that meant as a kid, but have grown to these days. He's still got a bum ankle that gouts up on him that he got from A School in San Antonio, delaying his shipping-out date by a few months.
  9. Hate that I missed this thread from its genesis. It's been a fun read. I agree, but it's a good look in general to have a few in football, and 1-2 in hoops, as long as they're capable of contributing somehow. Weigh that against the horrible risk of second-guessing backlash if you miss, especially if it comes back to bite directly. I would love to hear more of the kid's words. He wouldn't have gone out of state. He was always said to be a big UofL fan. Probably an easier trip from Hoptown to L'ville than Lex. Just sayin'. :sssh: Lofton's snub was seen as a big personal affront to one of the strongest hotbeds of loyal UK fandom there is, and he was a known big-game player who thrived at Rupp. It was pretty hard for those folks to have to trade royal blue for that sickly bright orange for a few years. Classic names. Recruiting was far less exact then. Because you and I both know that we pull a little harder for the Kentucky kid who we've already invested several years in. Don't be obstinate. Same darned reason why Cawood had a half-dozen calls on each show asking when Richie would move into the starting lineup. Less competition down south, so there's few people to challenge crazy views. In NoKy, you run into hoops fans from XU, UC, Ohio St., IU, UK, NDU, and to a lesser degree Miami, Dayton, UofL, NKU, etc. You have to be on your game with that kind of competition. Yep. Great thread. :thumb:
  10. I rented it a while back so I could be up-to-date before the latest Avengers came out and I loved it. Very funny and I'm glad they explored that angle of Thor, and went along with it in Avengers. It's on Netflix now if anybody hasn't seen it.
  11. My brother got one for my dad about 5-6 years ago, and he's used it maybe a dozen times. Brother is mad, but he won't totally admit it, that he has had to retrieve it and take it home with him. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I knew it would eventually be back with him. Nor did I have the heart to repeat the "I told you so" from back when he initially bought the darned thing. Dad likes his Weber kettle grill and doesn't want to change.
  12. Headed there later this week to take Dad and Mom out for his Vietnam reunion. There will be some down time for me. What is there to do/see/take pictures of while there?
  13. In Pike Co. when I lived there 15+ years ago, anywhere two creeks met there would be a pharmacy, always with bars on the windows. Where creeks meet in the mountains, roads meet, and pharmacies, convenience stores, banks, churches and fast-food joints always congregated there. The bigger the road intersection, the more stuff is packed in there. Where in NoKy is it like that? Bad comparison. Unless Florence is full of disabled coal miners.
  14. I need to start working the teacher angle more. I'd have to shave the greybeard though. Big ups to Clyde and Keith.
  15. So I'm there now, and it's also become obvious that I also appreciate their ability to sift through the melange of Twitter weirdness and find gold nuggets like this, and subsequently comment on them. :lol2: Barstool Sports
  16. Wasn't there one from Oldham Co., Ky., just the other day?
  17. Places in Bardstown have slid down to $2.63 most everywhere.
  18. Nice add that should help build up even more excitement around the program.
  19. The white parts of it contrasted with the red brick at night makes it look like two beers with big heads on them. I hope it was intentional, but if not it's the best happy accident ever.
  20. I've grown to enjoy the site in the last several months. Another one I hate myself for loving is whenever a new "Grading The Latest SST" comes up.
  21. I remember watching Jon Hood's Madisonville team play in the LIT one year — I think he was a junior then. It was hard to watch because he had no supporting cast whatsoever and DeSales dragged them all over the court. They won 20+ games and took their district that year, but I remember being surprised at the time that they actually did that and won a game in the region. They were sub-.500 his senior year, and I may have seen them then as well, so my memories may be mixing. They were in the LexCath tourney and the KOB his senior year, and I saw his team then as well.
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