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Everything posted by greendevil

  1. I don't like to get too controversial, but I have to take great exception to this. If you want to discount Dayton, do it for their lacking numbers, do it for them falling apart in big games, do it for lacking depth, but do not question that teams pride. Maybe they should have put up a better fight in a couple games last year, and maybe they should have won a few games that they didn't, but don't question those guys heart. Anyone that knows anything about football in Dayton knows how prideful about football not only the players are, but the entire city. Yeah I know all about the big followings the big football powers have, but its different in small cities and small schools. They know that when they strap up those chin straps and fly that green and white there is a lot riding on it. They do try. They may get down too easily and be "beaten by a name" at some points in the past but they know pride. There are some things that still need to be worked on at Dayton to achieve great success. There are some things that have been greatly improved in the past few years. One thing that they haven't lacked is pride.... They have a good QB, they need to develop some weapons for him to throw the ball to so he can use that arm. Also, they need to make sure he is adequately protected by developing some of those younger linemen. Their backfield should be set with the Richardson kid who excelled in short yardage last year and a few smaller quick guys providing a lot of speed out of the backfield.
  2. From what I've heard recently, in order to "build" around the QB, Coach D is going to have to get a few of the young guys (including that QB) to step up academically or they may not be eligible enough to make a difference. To build a team means building character and making the commitment on and off the field. Come on devils......the numbers aren't high enough to lose bodies needlessly. Stay commited!:thumb:
  3. Like many have said, if gas reaches ten dollars a gallon we will fully be in depression, the unemployment rate would be astronomical, the value of all assets would be down, businesses would close, we would have to grow our own food, crime would be up, etc. etc. etc. If anything like this got close to happening and the government didn't step in simply it would be conceding our country....
  4. I agree with most of the above... I absolutely can't stand it when people say "You know what they should do?..." and then give some insanely stupid impossible idea that would have no chance of every happening and/or working...
  5. I'd keep Weathers Lincoln and Affeldt at this point... Maybe Hairston and one of the catchers...
  6. Comparing GM's for the Yanks and Sox with one for the Cardinals is rediculous... Its a different ballgame when the cash doesn't matter...
  7. I wouldn't say that Stephen Love was an inside scorer... And I wouldn't say you can necessarily replace a player like that...
  8. If Jason isn't voted off the show will again lose some credibility. Not only were his songs terrible, they just aren't "singer's" songs, does anyone know what I mean?
  9. I think he is the best player playing at this point.... People like to say that because the Lakers won the west that Kobe should win by default, well David West, while good, isn't Pau Gasol. Tyson Chandler isn't Lamar Odom.
  10. The problem is is that some situations PETA is really needed... This isn't one of them. By doing this like this they lose all credibility...
  11. E5 can pick over there at third base he just has an erratic arm... He usually makes the tough plays but the easy ones he thinks too much... I still think he can be a really good 3B, but its all mental...
  12. That means another move would have to be made... If Weathers were to come off the DL and Arroyo go on it then a move would have to be made to bring Homer up... I'm not disagreeing, but who to send down or DFA...
  13. :thumb:I was getting ready to say that... Hilarious...:lol:
  14. You won't hear any argument out of me on that one...
  15. I'm not talking about his talent or ability to play football. I'm talking about his durability. Exhibit A, the one game he started...
  16. While I love what Dorsey bring to the table, he has done absolutely nothing to show that he can handle anywhere near 20 touches a game...
  17. Yeah I don't understand why she did that... Seemed pretty rude actually... A lot of people have been eliminated from the contest in all its seasons and I dont' remember too many doing that....
  18. Yeah Dirk has been a great team leader... He has taken them places... They went to the finals a few years back right around the time the emergence of a second big time scorer... Who was that again?
  19. I don't mean what they do with the songs, I mean the way their voice sounds. I just think it could all sound really alike without Syesha... For the record, I don't think Carly should have went last week either...
  20. No way... If I was going to get rid of one of the two I would keep Howard.
  21. I think Syesha really needs to stay because she is a different type of singer than everyone left. She is the only real "powerful" voice left in the competition.
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